Happy Monday! Do the following: Take out your homework Tonight’s HW: 0 p 786 #2-10 even, 11 0 Practice Quiz on the back of your notes Update: 0 Unit 5 Test on Thursday/Friday ( ) ( Before Spring Break. If you are going to be gone, please make arrangements with me )
Agenda Review HW 11.5: Angle Relationships in Circles Brainstorm/ Exit Boards
Review HW
Warm-Up! Do the following on your whiteboard: Find the diameter and area of the following:
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the period you will be able to: ① Find the measure of angles formed by lines that intersect circles.
11.5 Angle Relationships in Circles Lets’ visualize the different ways the vertex of an angle can intersect a circle… On a Circle – we did this last week! Inside a Circle Outside a Circle
11.5 Angle Relationships in Circles On your whiteboards draw what you picture an angle on the circle to look like… We have already discussed inscribed angles last week! o What is the relationship for an inscribed angle and its arc?
11.5 Angle Relationships in Circles On your whiteboards draw what you picture an angle inside the circle to look like… We have already discussed central angles! These angles MUST always have their vertex at the center. But, what if an angle does not have its vertex at the center? What do we do? Sorry we are not investigating this formula; I could not figure out a way we could find it using the information we currently know…
11.5 Angle Relationships in Circles Take the next 8 minutes to complete (a) – (d).
11.5 Angle Relationships in Circles On your whiteboards draw what you picture an angle outside the circle to look like… When the vertex is inside the circle, we add the arc lengths. Talk with your table: What do you think we do when the vertex is outside the circle?
Example 2
Math Joke of the Day! Q: Why was the chord upset with the tangent after their race? A: They came in secant!
Whiteboards! Two of the six muscles that control eye movement are attached to the eyeball and intersect behind the eye. If mAEB = 225, what is mACB?
Whiteboards! An observer watches people riding a Ferris wheel that has 12 equally spaced cars. Find the value of x.
Whiteboards! In the company logo shown, = 108°, and = 12°. What is mFKH? After your test, you will be making your own logo so keep that in mind
Practice Quiz Take 8 minutes to complete the practice quiz independently. Let’s se what you know!
Practice Quiz
Brainstorm On a piece of binder paper take 4 minutes to write down all that you know about circles. After the 4 minutes we will come together as a class and list all that we know!
Exit Boards! Write one thing you learned. AND Write one thing you are still confused on.