Community work Community work Community work
Why do you think it is a requirement from the school for you to put in a few hours of volunteer work?
To please Allah SWT To show our gratefulness by sharing with those who are not as privileged as us!
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to change lives – including yours;
YOU can help
A spindly little sparrow is lying on his back in the middle of the road.
A horseman comes by, dismounts and asks the sparrow what he's doing lying upside down like that.
"I heard the heavens are going to fall today," said the sparrow.
"Oh," said the horseman, "and I suppose your spindly little legs can hold up the heavens"
"One does what one can," said the sparrow. "One does what one can!."
Benefits of Volunteering
Finding A Purpose
Creating an Identity
Building A Social Network: For Real
Improving Communication
Reducing Stress
Building Self Esteem
I can help change the World!
Instilling Selflessness
Benefits of giving
Someone asked the anthropologist Margaret Mead ( ), "What is the first sign you look for, to tell you of an ancient civilization?" The interviewer had in mind a tool or article of clothing. Ms. Mead surprised him by answering, a "healed femur". When someone breaks a femur, they can't survive to hunt, fish or escape enemies unless they have help from someone else. Thus, a healed femur indicates that someone else helped that person, rather than abandoning them and saving themselves. Isn't that what we in philanthropy are all about? Healing femurs of one sort or another?
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth." --Muhammad Ali
Where to Volunteer?
What can you offer? TIME Effort Special skill Ideas Love Care Expertise Kindness
Volunteer Work Can be a Gift to Yourself
GO AHEAD – Make YOUR day