August 18 th, 2014 Bell Ringer: “The most beautiful word in the English language is cellar door.” Joseph Conrad, author What do YOU think is/are the most beautiful word(s) in the English language? Why is it/ are they beautiful? How do these words affect you or others? By the end of the class you will be able to: Identify the root origin of a word in the dictionary. Explain the difference between a root word, a prefix, and a suffix. Explain the role of root words in the English Language.
August 18 th, 2014 Writer’s Notebook: Friday we talked about how we each react to new learning challenges in different ways. Describe the habits of a person who is a successful learner. Which of these habits do you practice regularly?
Where did they come from? Directions: Using the list of English words provided, identify what language they originated from. Write the correct words in each column of the table.
Routes of English
The Formation of English Latin was spoken by Romans Romans conquered most of Europe Latin spoken in different areas of Europe developed into Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese. These languages are called “Sister Languages” because they all developed from the same language, Latin.
Word Invasion In 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England, and he spoke French, a language derived from Latin. Now approximately 60% of English words are borrowed from French Monks from Rome also brought Latin terms. During the 17th & 18 th centuries, English was seen as imperfect and Latin was seen as perfect so to use Latin words in place of English was seen as a good practice
Professional Vocabulary Latin is used by doctors, attorneys, religious leaders, and other professions. The Catholic church conducted all masses entirely in latin until Many latin drama/comedy authors adopted plots, characters, and other ideas from the greeks. University classes are often taught entirely in latin at many european universities. Latin was used frequently to write scientific and philosophical texts until the late 1800's because of its grammatical flexability.
Examples “scapul stat”=immediately” “Et cetera” or etc.=and otherwise “&”=and “pro bono”=for the good “Canus” (Canine)=dog
Parts of a Word Root- contains the core meaning of the word. Prefix- placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Suffix- placed at the end of a word to change its meaning.
Diagram Practice Biology Preview Archetype
Dictionary Practice!
Greek and Latin Roots
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 1.arch ancient archetype
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 2.aster/ astra star astronomy
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample hear audible
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample life biology
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 5.chloro green chlorophyll
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 6.chrono time chronology
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 7.geo earth geography
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 8.hydro water hydrate
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 9.jur/ just law jury/ justice
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 10.olig few oligarchy
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 11.osteo bone osteoporosis
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 12.ped child pediatrics
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 13.pod foot podiatrist
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 14.tele far off telephone
Segment #1 RootMeaningExample 15.vac empty vacant
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 1.anti1.against1.antiwar
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 2.auto2.self 2.autobiography
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 3.carn3.meat3.carnivore
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 4.dent/ dont / orthodontist
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 5.dyn5.power5.dynamite
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 6.gig6.giant6.gigabyte
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 7.hex7.six7.hexagon
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 8.inter8.between8.inter- national
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 9.kil9.thousand9.kilowatt
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 10.mal10.bad10.malpractice
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 11.mega11.great, large 11.megabyte
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 12.micro12.very small 12.micro- scopic
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 13.mort13.death13.immortal
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 14.multi14.many14.multitude
Segment #2 RootMeaningExample 15.oct15.eight15.octopus
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 1.brev1.short1.abbreviation
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 2.dermatologist
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 3.manu3.hand3.manual
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 4.proto4.first 4.prototype
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 5.struct5.build5.construct
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 6.ter / terr 6.earth6.territory
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 7.luc / lum 7.light7.illuminate /
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 8.path8.feeling8.sympathy
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 9.uni9.one9.unicycle
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 10.quad10.four10.quadruple
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 11.clud / clos 11.closed11.exclude / closed
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 12.pent / penta 12.five12.pentagon
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 13.sub13.under13.submarine
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 14.theo14.god14.theology
Segment #3 RootMeaningExample 15.tox15.poison15.toxic
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 1.graph1.write1.graphic
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 2.hemo2.blood2.hemoglobin
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 3.log / logue 3.word / thought 3.dialogue
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 4.meter / metr 4.measure4.thermometer
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 5.op / oper 5.work5.operation
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 6.vid / vis / vision
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 7.flect / flex 7.bend7.reflect / flexible
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 8.frag / fract 8.break8.fragment / fracture
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 9.mis / mit 9.send9.transmission / transmit
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 10.pul / pel 10.force10.compel
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 11.tri11.three 11.triangle
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 12.soph12.wisdom 12.philosophy
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 13.metro13.city13.metropolis
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample 14.cap14.head14.decapitate
Segment #4 RootMeaningExample
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 1.-al1.relating to 1.maternal
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 2.ambi - 2.both2.ambiguous
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 3.ante-3.before3.antebellum
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample of 4.aquarium
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 5.centi-5.hundred5.centimeter
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample / down 6.depart
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 7.di-7.two7.dissect
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 8.dis-8.opposite8.disable
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 9.ex-9.out9.exit
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 10.hypo-10.too little 10.hypo- thermia
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 11.invalid
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 12.inter-12.between 12.interstate
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 13.intra-13.within13.intra- murals
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample who practices 14.biologist
Segment #5 RootMeaningExample 15.nano-15.billion15.nanosecond
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 1.macro-1.large1.macrocosm
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 2.micro-2.small2.microscope
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 3.mis-3.bad3.mistake
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 4.neo-4.new4.neonatal
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 5.omni-5.all5.omniscient
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 6.per-6.throughout6.pervade
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 7.peri-7.all around 7.periscope
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 8.poly-8.many8.polygon
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 10.pre-10.before10.prepare
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 11.progress
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 12.reappear
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 13.retro-13.back13.retrospect
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 14.super-14.more than 14.super- power
Segment #6 RootMeaningExample 15.sym-15.together15.sym- metry