Agenda Unit OrganizationUnit Organization Common Hand & Arm SignalsCommon Hand & Arm Signals MovementMovement Actions at Danger AreasActions at Danger Areas React to ContactReact to Contact Break ContactBreak Contact
Light Infantry Squad Squad Leader A Team Leader B Team Leader RiflemanGrenadier AutomaticRifleman RiflemanGrenadier AutomaticRifleman
Squad Weapons M16A2: 30 rds, Point – 580 m, Area – 800 m M203: 1 rd, Point – 160 m, Area – 350 m M249: 200 rds, Point – 600 m, Area – 800 m M60: 200 rds, Point – 600 m, Area – 1100 m Basic Load: 210 rds Basic Load: 12 rds Basic Load: 600 rds Basic Load: 1000 rds (divided between gunner & AG) or
Special Teams / Duties Aid & Litter Team: - Responsible for treating & evacuating casualties - Responsible for treating & evacuating casualties EPW Team: - Responsible for controlling EPWs IAW the Five S’s - Search, Segregate, Silence, Speed, Safeguard Compass Man: - Maintains correct course; designate primary & alternate Pace Man: - Maintains accurate pace; designate primary & alternate - SL/PL designates how often pace man reports Demo Team: - Performs breaching operations
Common Hand & Arm Signals Map Check Pace Count Head Count
Common Hand & Arm Signals Follow Me / Come Forward Disperse
Common Hand & Arm Signals Rally / AssembleFreeze Take Cover
Common Hand & Arm Signals Danger Area Fire Cease Fire
Common Hand & Arm Signals WedgeStaggeredColumn
Traveling Traveling Overwatch Bounding Overwatch / Cover My Move
Squad Column Most common squad formation. Good control. All around security. Good control. Easy to maneuver.
Squad Line Provides max firepower to front. Limited control. Limited maneuver. Security good to front but little to rear and flanks.
Other Formations Wedge: Allows fires in all directions. Easy to control. Good security. Good speed. Vee: Allows fires in all directions. Very difficult to control. Good security. Slow speed. Echelon Left / Right: Allows fires focused front & echeloned flank. Difficult to control. Security good to front & echeloned flank, poor to other flank & rear. Slow speed.
Traveling Used when contact with enemy not likely and speed is required.
Traveling Overwatch Used when contact with enemy is possible. More dispersion and security than traveling. Slower than traveling.
Bounding Overwatch Used when contact is expected, feel that enemy is near, or need to cross large open danger area.
Bounding Overwatch
- Direction or location of enemy if known - Use of successive or alternating bounds - Position of overwatching team/squad - Next overwatch position - Route of the bounding team / squad - What to do when bounding team / squad reaches next position - What signal bounding team / squad will use to announce it is ready to overwatch
Actions at Danger Area 3 Types Examples - Open Areas- Roads / Trails - Villages- Enemy Positions - Streams- Minefields / Wire Obstacles - Linear - Small - Large
Actions at Danger Area (Linear) Scroll to the Road Clear & Secure by Team
Actions at Danger Area (Small) Box Method Estimated Range X Small Field X
Actions at Danger Area (Large) B Traveling Overwatch (extended) A Bounding Overwatch B B A A 75 – 100 m
React to Contact (Meeting or Ambush) 1)Soldiers immediately assume nearest covered position. 2)Soldiers return fire immediately upon reaching covered position. 3)Team leader locates and engages known / suspected enemy, determines if he can fight through, and passes info to squad leader. 4)Soldiers maintain contact (visual / oral) with soldiers on left & right 5)Squad leader makes assessment of situation (size / capability of enemy, vulnerable flanks, covered & concealed flanking routes)
6) Squad leader deploys trail team to add to suppressive fires. 7) Squad leader makes decision to attack or break contact. If team in contact can maintain suppressive fires, enemy element is manageable, & team can maneuver, squad can conduct attack. React to Contact (Meeting or Ambush)
React to Contact Sniper Indirect Fire
React to Contact What Not to Do!!
Break Contact 1)Squad Leader orders team in contact to support disengagement of other team. 2)Squad Leader orders a distance and direction or a terrain feature or last ORP for movement of the first team. 3)Base of fire Team continues to suppress enemy. 4)Moving Team moves to assume overwatch position. Should use M203, throw frag or concussion grenades, or smoke to mask movement.
Break Contact 6)Moving Team take up designated position and engages enemy position 7)Squad Leader directs Base of Fire Team to move to next location. 7)Squad continues to bound away from enemy until contact is broken. 8)Squad Leader should consider changing units direction of movement once contact is broken. 9)Report (ACE)
Conclusion Unit OrganizationUnit Organization Common Hand & Arm SignalsCommon Hand & Arm Signals MovementMovement Actions at Danger AreasActions at Danger Areas React to ContactReact to Contact Break ContactBreak Contact