Retail Vendor Training 2015 Vermont WIC Program Retail Vendor Training 2015
What is WIC? WIC is: a public health nutrition program for Women, Infants and Children. A program of the US Department of Agriculture Operated by the Vermont Department of Health through the 12 District Health Offices.
Who Can Be A WIC Participant? Must belong to a specific category: Pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women Infants Children up to the age of 5 Vermont resident Meet income guidelines Have a nutritional risk determined by a qualified WIC nutritionist and/or nurse
What Does WIC Provide? Nutrition & health counseling and education Breastfeeding support Referrals to health care and other programs Nutritious foods
How Does WIC Provide Food to Participants? WIC staff prescribe specific foods to meet each participants’ needs. WIC currently delivers most foods to participant homes. Starting in 2015 will provide a WIC card for use in authorized retail grocery stores !
Authorized Retail Vendors WIC participants can shop at ANY authorized WIC retail vendor (VT and certain stores in NH, MA & NY border towns) WIC distributes store list; also posted in VDH website Authorized stores must post the official WIC decals and posters at entrance. hhh
VT eWIC : Big Changes Starting June 2015 ! A new eWIC Card, using a separate system from other EBT transactions (e.g. SNAP) Grocer eWIC system will automatically identify WIC- approved foods – no cashier involvement Entire WIC food package will be purchased at authorized WIC retailer Rutland pilot will start in June 2015 Statewide rollout – October 2015 through March 2016
What is the role of the WIC Vendor? Stock approved WIC foods Properly conduct transactions Provide good customer service
1. Stock Approved Foods Vermont WIC retail vendors must stock the VT WIC “Minimum Inventory” year-around Minimum Inventory defines the types and quantities of items that must be stocked Food categories that must be stocked include: Juice Peanut Butter Legumes (beans, peas, lentils) Cereal Tuna/Salmon Fresh, Frozen, Canned Fruits Milk Bread Fresh, Frozen, Canned Vegetables Cheese Brown Rice Infant Vegetables, Meats, and Cereals Eggs Infant Formula
1. Stock Approved Foods - 2 For each food type, VT WIC has approved specific brands This list is the Approved Products List (“APL”) The eWIC system will accept only foods on the Approved Products List The Minimum Inventory must be met with Approved Products only
1. Stock Approved Foods - 3 Example: Whole Wheat Bread Minimum Inventory = six 16-oz loaves APL = Stock any of the following: Arnold Bread Stone Ground Wheat 16 oz Best Yet Bread 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz Pepperidge Farm Bread Swirled 100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon With Raisins 16 oz Pepperidge Farm Bread 100% Whole Wheat Stone Ground 16 oz Pepperidge Farm Bread 100% Whole Wheat Very Thin 16oz Sara Lee Bread Classic 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz Pepperidge Farm Bread Light Style Soft Wheat 16 oz Wonder Bread 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz Pepperidge Farm Bread Sliced Rye 16 oz Sunbeam Bread 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz Country Kitchen Bread 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz Hannaford Bread 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz Central Market Classics Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz Tops Bread Whole Wheat 100% 16 oz La Panciata Bread Whole Wheat Honey/Oats 16 oz My Essentials Bread 100% Whole Wheat 16 oz La Panciata Bread Whole Wheat Multi-Grain 16 oz
1. Stock Approved Foods - 4 Download the Minimum Inventory and Approved Products List here: Need a copy? Email us:
1. Stock Approved Foods - 5 VT WIC will provide Shopping Guide listing WIC approved foods Will contain photos of approved brands Each store will be given enough guides for customer service and each store lane
2. Properly Conduct eWIC Transactions VT eWIC cards use a separate electronic system than SNAP or EBT. Authorized retailers must work with Xerox and their TPP to be connected to the VT eWIC system to accept eWIC cards. To conduct eWIC transaction, store will need either: eWIC compatible Electronic Cash Register, scanner, and card reading system (known as “eWIC Integrated system”) OR eWIC “stand beside” card reader terminal and scanner (provided by Vermont WIC). This will be separate from a SNAP card device the retailer may also use. Transactions have different requirements depending on whether Integrated or Stand-beside WIC fruits and vegetables MUST be separated from other purchases and run as a separate transaction. WIC uses a separate card, but same EBT system as SNAP/food stamps VT WIC EBT card + valid PIN = fruit and veggie eligibility. No other ID required. No REFUNDS are ever involved in a WIC transaction No refunds for returned food – either in cash, credit or applied back to the WIC EBT card WIC allows and encourages Split Tender (paying with more than one type of funds) to max out” the benefits on the WIC card
The eWIC Transaction – Important Change VT WIC will no longer use the SNAP system Store system must either be Integrated to eWIC (via Xerox), or store must have a WIC Stand-Beside terminal in the lane If Integrated, no need to separate WIC foods. WIC products will be recognized by the system and charged when the eWIC card is swiped. If not integrated, WIC purchases must be conducted separately using the eWIC Stand-Beside equipment.
The WIC EBT Transaction - Integrated No need to separate WIC foods from other purchases. (“Mixed basket”) Cashier scans/rings up all foods Participant swipes eWIC card and enters PIN Participant approves total; WIC foods charged to eWIC, other foods to other tender Cashier gives receipt to participant
The WIC EBT Transaction – Stand-Beside WIC foods are put first on the counter and must be scanned separately using the eWIC Stand-Beside device WIC foods scanned with eWIC Stand-Beside (and again with regular store scanner for inventory management) Participant swipes card in Stand-Beside and enters PIN Participant approves total; approved foods charged to eWIC Cashier completes transaction and gives receipt to participant Non-WIC purchases done with usual store system.
The WIC EBT Transaction – Both Systems The system will identify if food is WIC-approved. No need for cashiers to decide. If purchase amount is greater than benefits on card, participant may use another payment source (“split tender”) or not purchase the food. If participant forgets PIN, she can call Customer Service number on back of card (toll-free, 24/7)
How eWIC differs from SNAP EBT eWIC card is good ONLY for WIC-approved foods. NO refunds for returned WIC foods. Only exchanges for exact same item are allowed. NO rain checks. People must leave store with exact food charged to WIC. NO manual voucher if eWIC system is down. WIC benefits expire after one month.
3. Good Customer Service Offer WIC participants the same courtesies offered other customers, including store bonus or savings cards, manufacturer and store savings coupons, and “buy 1, get one free” promotions Respect WIC Program participation confidentiality No PA announcements such as “Need help for WIC on lane #4!!” No discrimination against program participants, parents or caretakers of infant or child participants, and proxies, based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, or handicap
“What if ... ?? Participant forgets PIN number? Participant can call Customer Service 24/7 for PIN problems: 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX After three wrong PIN attempts, participant will be “locked out” until end of day or until she can call Customer Service for “reset.”
“What if ... ?? System won’t read eWIC card Cashier may manually enter card # Participant should call Customer Service 24/7 for any card problems: 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX Encourage participant to call for a new card.
“What if ... ?? Participant included non-approved food item in purchase Explain the item is not an approved WIC item. Show Shopping Guide to participant if necessary. Participant has choice: Include item(s) in non-WIC purchase – SNAP or cash. Not purchase item(s) If there are problems, manager is encouraged to call VT WIC State Office: 1-800-649-4357
“What if ... ?? Purchase price for fruits and veggies exceeds available WIC benefits System will return “rejected” message and available balance for fruits and veggies Participant has choice: Use other method of payment Not purchase items WIC encourages “split tender” to max out the monthly benefit.
“What if ... ?? eWIC or cash register system is “down” WIC participant will have to come back another time or use another source of funds for purchase Do NOT use SNAP manual vouchers for WIC benefits. Only use SNAP manual vouchers if participant has SNAP card. Call your POS processor or the eWIC Help Line (Xerox): 1- 800-XXX-XXXX
Monitoring and Compliance WIC Central Office periodically monitors authorized retailers to ensure compliance with federal laws and state agreement Unannounced store visits and “compliance buys” Investigating complaints Closer monitoring of High Risk stores Secret shoppers Training and/or follow-up contacts Educational buys
Sanctions Violations of the WIC agreement are assigned points by degree of severity Stores can be suspended or disqualified Penalties affect both WIC and SNAP participation Store has appeal rights if state applies sanctions. (See Vendor Handbook)
You Must Notify VT WIC when . . . Ownership changes or store closes (at least 30 days in advance) Name or address changes (at least 30 days in advance) Store Manager or WIC contact changes Call us: 1-800-649-4357 or email
Resources for Grocers During the site visit you will receive: Vendor Handbook – binder of resources VT Authorized WIC Vendor decals and posters eWIC Shopper Video/DVD Shopping Guides for customer service and checkout lanes
Vendor Website You will find: Vendor Handbook chapter updates Shopper Video/DVD to watch online Cashier/Manager Training PowerPoint to watch online Frequently Asked Questions Site Visit Checklist
Stay in touch with WIC EBT Minutes of quarterly Grocer Advisory Council meetings Notices about changes to policies and eWIC system Updates on eWIC Planning, Pilot and Rollout
Major Points to Remember . . . WIC is moving the entire food package into retailer stores for purchase Rutland pilot will start in June 2015 Statewide rollout – October 2015 through March 2016 WIC is a health and nutrition program No refunds or manual vouchers Benefits expire at the end of the month
Major Points to Remember . . . Civil Rights and Confidentiality requirements Monitoring and sanctions policies
If you need assistance . . . Vermont WIC 800-649-4357 or Participant Xerox Customer Service 855-769-8890 Retailer Xerox Customer Service 855-769-8857
Notice In accordance with Federal Law and Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individual who are hearing impaired or have speech disability may contact USDAS thought eh Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800)845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.