Welcome to Land Information Software Architecture By Md. Abdul Jalil Director General Department of Land Records and Survey
A Land Information System (LIS) is a "tool for legal, administrative and economic decision making, and an aid for planning and development which consists of a database containing spatially referenced land related data for a defined area and of procedures and techniques for the systematic collection, updating, processing and distribution of that data".
LIS necessitates Settlement Management and Registration Deptt. Linkage establishment through electronically Digital Map database with spatial Data Khatian (ROR) Database Hardware Software Web Platform Data Center Commitment Govt. Order and enactment of LAW and Regulation Internet Cost, Manpower, etc.
Why LIS? From a land governance perspective; – Physical infrastructure for inclusive land administration – Legal framework that assures security of tenure for all legal land holders – Processes that facilitate efficient land transactions (titling, transfers, etc.) – Difficult to maintain info – Lack of Adequate Personnel – Lack of Adequate Financial Resources – Limited storage space and mutilation of records. – Time consuming – Corruption From a land market and/or private sector perspective; – Availability of suitable land and land use information – Security of ownership and/or property rights – Time saving land use and/or development procedures – Consistent treatment of all competitors (level playing field) – Secure expectation of benefits from investment – Harassment – Fraud
Unusable Khatian (ROR)Unusable CS/RS map Why LIS (Cont..) Huge File un maintainable with time
Overview of the Software for effective Management Based on GIS (Geographical Information System and ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) technology, Land Information System can be developed for management of Land, its settlement operation, mutation and registration process. With a powerful set of tools of Geographical Information System (GIS & Management Information System (MIS), the system enables the user to store data, edit data as well as metadata, analyse and print any desired information easily.
The Software will stores all Land and Land-related data, including Maps, LD Tax, Title documents and subsequent transactions (Deeds of transfer, Deeds of other Assignment, etc.). The system will handles all financial aspects such as demand notice, receipt, valuation module etc. The GIS engine of the software system will stores all Cadastral layers of parcel (plots, blocks, layouts), their Geo- spatial information with the linkage to all title documents' information. Overview of the Software for effective Management
Land Information System (LIS) Architecture & DLRS Office
Automation Process DLRS Mapping with GIS Khatian Preparation and database maintaining Information Publication Office AutomationMutation with map updating ROR & MapTransfer to DC, ACL, ULAO Information Publication for Various User Transfer of Land by Sub-Registrar through registered Deeds
Software Platform and Architecture DC DLRS Sub-Registrar Service Receiver Web-Based Software Platform AC (Land) Developers Client ULAO
Map Database Khatian database Division District Upazila / Thana Union/ Mouza Sheet No Plot No Division District Upazila / Thana Union/ Mouza Khatian No Plot No Ownership Software Platform and Architecture
Linkage between Map and Khatian ৩৬৫২ ২
Process of creation of Map Database for LIS and its integration
Process of creation of Map Database for LIS and its integration (Cont..) Parcel Map
Software Platform and Architecture MOL
Other resources management Monitoring sub system UNO/ ACL sub system Revenue management system Registration sub system Mutation sub system Monitoring sub system ULAO sub system Deputy Commissioner sub system DLRS sub system
DLRS Map DB ROR DB ZSO ASO D’man Map Surveyor ROR DC Settlement and Management Linkage SR
ULAO Office Mutation Module Khas Land Maintenance and settlement Module Abandoned property management Module Hat-Bazar- Perifery, settlement Module Jalmohal, Chingrimohal, Ferighat Module LD Tax Fixation and collection, Certificate Case Module Inspection Module All register linkage, All return Linkage Module Audit Module Guard File Module Dakhila Module
Mutati on Khas Land Aband oned Prop. Hat- Bazar. Jalmah al, Ferigha t LD Tax Certific ate Case Inspect ion All Registe r All Return AuditGuard File Dakhila Reg-II Reg-III Reg-IV Reg-II AC Land UNO ULAO Office
Hardware Profile (Sample) for 1 Upazila or District Switch Center Switch
Who will use the software The software might be used by the Survey & Settlement Department for Preparation of Maps and ROR, Deputy Commissioners Office including AC (Land), ULAO for management and updating (Mutation, taxation, Govt. and Khas land mgt. etc.) Sub-Registrar for Transfer information (registration of land properties, Deed, Will etc.).
DLRS Office Manual Maps will be scanned, vectorized, geo- referenced and stored in the software platform. Digital Maps will be stored in the software platform. Khatian Database will be linked with Maps (Plot). Options of availability of transferred khatian and maps to DC and AC (Land) for Mutation/ continuous update. Options of availability of transferred khatian and maps to Sub-Registrar for confirming the ownerships of deeds debtor. Separate storing facilities of data.
ULAO, AC(Land) UNO, DC Office Solution All register of the Office will be under Database form and will be maintained automatically and electronically with link among the register All type of file work will be maintained automatically and electronically with linkage among DC, AC (Land) UNO office. Automated Land tax collection system will be maintained. Mutation, Khas land mgt., Jalmahal mgt. and everything will be processed automatically with maintaining log info.
AC (Land) Office Receiving of Application from client for mutation is scanned, stored and send that to ULAO for report. LT Deeds from Sub-registrar received automatically Notice given for interested parties. Hearing Made Mutation made and correction in Khatian and devidation of plots in Maps using the User friendly software platform.
Sub-Registrar Office Peoples submit deeds for registration is scanned and Stored in the User friendly software platform. After verification of ownerships of deeds debtor, Deeds will be registered and stored in database. Automatic Linkage between Sub-registrar and AC (Land) for viewing ROR and Deeds for Mutation and registration. Separate Storing platform of Data for all office.
Reducing disputes over land and property ownership. Stimulation of land and property markets. Security for credit and loan approval. Improving management of state lands and properties. Standardization in the collection and processing of land information; Speed up first registration of customary land holdings; Decrease the cost and space required for storing land records; Prevent unnecessary duplication; enhance security of records; Simplify the preparation of "disaster" copies of registers; Facilitate accesses to land-related data and improve their distribution; Benefits of the Software (Cont..)
Benefits of the Software Everything will be based on using advanced and sophisticated software tools, computer technology and networking. Ability will be enhanced to plan in advance of land and property tax revenue. For the first time, the government will be able to plan the cash flow related to land properties in advance. The system will covers the whole land area of the country, allowing the government to efficiently plan, maintain and collect Taxes and Revenues from all land and property owners. This System will increase efficiency invariably leads to increased tax revenues as a result of more efficient tax collection.
Important Question Who will be owner of the LISMOL/? Who will be Supplier of the primary source of info ACL?/DC?/DLRS? Who will be Security Maintainer of Primary Data Center MOL?/DLRS?/DC/? Who will Develop the LIS (capability of MIS/GIS/ERP with financial capabilities)A2i/ BCC/ others? What type of Services will be provided by which organization?DLRS?/DC?/ACL?/
Thank You