Objective Identify military, political, and diplomatic turning points of the war and determine their significance to the outcome and aftermath of the conflict.
Major Concepts The U.S. at War The Influence of Propaganda at Home and Abroad Designs for Peace
Terms Atomic Bomb: gets force from nuclear reactions of fusion or fission. U.S. only country to use when bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Battle of Britain: 1 st major battle fought entirely by air forces. Largest and most sustained (almost 4 months) bombing campaign yet attempted. Considered 3 rd Reich's 1 st major defeat. Battle of the Bulge: Germany's goal was to split the British and American Allied line in half, capturing Antwerp, Belgium. Then to encircle/destroy 4 Allied armies, forcing Western Allies to negotiate a peace treaty in the Axis Powers’ favor. Failed, but did put a “bulge” in the Allied line.
Battle of the Bulge
Destruction of the Atomic Bomb
Terms Blitzkrieg: “Lightning War” Offensive military doctrine involving initial bombardment followed by mobile forces attacking w/ speed and surprise to prevent an enemy from forming a defense. Chester Nimitz: Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for U.S. and Allied forces during WWII. D-Day (Operation Overlord): (June 6, 1944) Day the Battle of Normandy began, which started the Western Allied effort to free mainland Europe from the Nazis during WWII.
Terms Douglas MacArthur: Allied Commander in Philippines during WWII. Commanded invasion of Japan in Nov and officially accepted their surrender on Sept. 2, George Patton: a leading U.S. Army general in WWII in campaigns in North Africa, Sicily, France, and Germany. Holocaust: term used to describe killing of approx. 6 million Euro. Jews during WWII as part of a program of deliberate extermination planned and executed by the Nazi Party in Germany led by Hitler.
Holocaust Pics
Terms Newsreels: filmed news stories regularly released in a public presentation, such as prior to and after a movie. Pamphlets: unbound booklets. Esp. important during wartime and political protests as a tool of propaganda. Airdrops: used in WWII to supply inaccessible troops and drop propaganda pamphlets. War Posters: gov’t. propaganda posted to entice public to join the military, buy war bonds, etc. during WWII.
War Posters
Terms Iwo Jima: site of Feb.–March 1945 battle between the U.S. and Japan during WWII. Heavily defended by Japanese b/c very strategic. J. Robert Oppenheimer: American physicist who headed the Manhattan Project. “Father of the Atomic Bomb”. Manhattan Project: project to develop 1 st atomic bomb during WWII by the U.S. Refers specifically to period of project from 1941–1946 under control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Very secretive!
Terms Midway: WWII battle of st major victory for U.S. in Pacific, went on the offensive afterwards. Island-hopping: military strategy used in Pacific during WWII. Pass over Japanese defended islands to take undefended ones. Nuremberg Trials: court proceedings held in Nuremberg, Germany after WWII in which Nazi leaders were tried for war crimes.
Terms Okinawa: fierce battle in Pacific during WWII. Previewed what an invasion of Japan would be like. Pearl Harbor: large U.S. Naval base in Hawaii. Attacked by Japanese on Dec. 7 th, Stalingrad: Soviets vs. Germans during WWII. Turning point for the Soviets b/c turned away the Germans.
Terms Tehran: capital city of Iran. British and Russians entered during WWII. Stalin, Churchill, and FDR attended the Tehran Conference here. V-E Day, V-J Day: Victory in Europe (May 7 th and 8 th, 1945), Victory in Japan (Aug. 15 th, 1945). Casablanca, Potsdam: Casablanca- Conference in 1943 between Churchill and FDR. Also important air base for strikes in Euro. Potsdam- Truman, Churchill and Stalin discussed fate of Germany and post-WWII Euro.
Potsdam Conference