Presenter: Marjan Bateni
The LearnIT2teach project provides LINC teachers with the technology tools to implement blended learning in their programs, as well as a FREE four stage teacher training and professional development program to master the tools.
Delivered in a computer lab Provides a guided tour of the courseware
Participants choose a Benchmark level Participants start delivering and adapting the courseware to their teaching context for a minimum of 4 weeks Entails basic course editing
Builds on the participants’ course editing skills Introduces more advanced editing skills Teaches authoring Moodle (learning platform) activities Provides information about how to access over 400 SCORM learning objects offered by
Ontario TESL professionals who complete Stage 3 are eligible for TESL Ontario Post-TESL Training Certification in “Online/Blended Language Training Using Moodle”
Participants: Master the creation of their own e-activities Learn to upload their activities to Learn to use Hot Potatoes and TexToys software
Stage four offers TESL Ontario members a PTCT accreditation in “Developing e-Materials for Language Training.”
The courseware contains ample pre-loaded Benchmarked activities which could be used to enhance and/or supplement classroom activities Teachers can edit the content and tailor it to the needs of the students
There is a built-in Speaking component in the courseware, which many instructors and learners find very useful Teachers can choose what sections or activities to assign for homework
For further questions and inquiries, please contact the LearnIt2Teach mentor, Nancy Van Dorp, at: Or contact the presenter, Marjan Bateni, at: