SUPPORTING EDUCATION In Astronomy and Space Science Erik Vermaat RASNZ Education Group On Astronomy Education On Missions Statements The Grassroots level Our website, your participation
A. ON ASTRONOMY EDUCATION Astronomy is a Gateway Science Various countries report a decline in interest among students for the technical sciences: US: “National Science Panel warns of far too few new scientists” New York Times UK: “Britain will run out of world- leading scientists unless the lack of interest shown in science education is reversed”, Professor Colin Pillinger. BBC News
IAU It has been proven that pupils who engage in astronomy-related educational activities at a primary or secondary school are more likely to pursue careers in science and technology, and to keep up to date with scientific discoveries (National Research Council, 1991). This does not just benefit the field of astronomy, but reaches across other scientific disciplines. Astronomy in Everyday Life, Marissa Rosenberg, IAU (2014)
ON ASTRONOMY EDUCATION Astronomy is an excellent vehicle to promote sciences at school and in the home Primary and Secondary curricula should, in our view, contain a significant component of Astronomy with the aim to provide a basis of scientific interest among today’s students. In addition we must go beyond STEM education and include the humanities and social sciences. It is our joint responsibility as astronomers to support education in astronomy and thus help to foster an interest in all base sciences.
B. ON MISSION STATEMENTS RASNZ Education Group The Education Group of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand (RASNZ) provides networks and tools that will give access to information, knowledge and specialists in astronomy, aiming at educators and students in astronomy and space science.
ON MISSION STATEMENTS RASNZ The object of the Society is the promotion and extension of knowledge of astronomy and related branches of science. It encourages interest in Astronomy, and is an association of observers and others for mutual help and advancement of science.
ON MISSION STATEMENTS RAS (UK) Very similar, but encourages and promotes the study of astronomy, [...] Supports education through grants and outreach activities. RAS has a significant Education & Careers section.
WHAT OTHERS SAY Australian Astronomical Society has an Education and Public Outreach Chapter (EPOC): To advance the level of public awareness of the excitement of astronomy and of the international importance of Australian astronomy, while promoting the teaching of astronomy to students and the public
WHAT OTHERS SAY Astronomical Society of the Pacific Connect scientists, educators, amateur astronomers and the public. Share the results of astronomical research and news through our publications. Design and deliver professional development, services and toolkits to educators. [...] Communicate the excitement of astronomy and science to the public. Maybe RASNZ should put more emphasis on Education in its mission statement?
C. THE REALITY To be fair, of course many RASNZ members are extensively involved in Education and Outreach (E&O) activities in observatories, planetariums, on sidewalks, in classrooms, etc. (in addition to what Universities are doing in formal tertiary education). There is no sharp distinction between Education and Outreach
THE REALITY Purpose of this talk is to ask you all to take some ownership of what the Education group does and to participate. This is not much different from what you are already doing. We would like to give E & O activities more structure within RASNZ for mutual benefit and for better exposure towards the general public.
D. OUR WEBSITE By looking at how the web became such an integral part of our lives, it is obvious to have a website that shares the excitement of contemporary astronomy and space research with the general public. More specifically:
OUR PRACTICAL OBJECTIVES Promote an interest in Astronomy and Space Science (A & SS) by - Communicating current events and opportunities - Maintaining an up-to-date and extensive portal to information on A & SS - Promoting E & O activities and events in NZ to the general public - and more...
OUR PRACTICAL OBJECTIVES Support Educators by - Providing quality information - Facilitating exchange of specialised resources - Supporting teachers’ professional development, - etc. There is still much to develop and we are only starting...
ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Teaching and Learning need to be integrated with the systems that are shaping our socio-economic reality. - Disseminate information effectively through repeated sharing (“re-tweeting”) - Building a community around the website
ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA OUTREACH is the process of communicating science in an environment where individuals are most open to receive information because this medium is frequented by the targeted group by choice and out of pleasure, and not as a result of a call for action from the science communicator. Oana Sandu (ESO)
STRUCTURE OF THE WEBSITE We have highly dynamic content in Latest News (once a week) and Featured Articles (once a month) a vault of material and links mainly structured in Right Now Educators and Students sections.
EXAMPLES Latest news and Lead Articles sections
EXAMPLES Educators section Introduction Astronomy in the NZC Earth and Space Science (ESS) Teacher PD Indigenous Astronomy Places to Visit Visits to your school Competitions, Opportunities Hands-on Science Software downloads Newsletters Cool Websites
EXAMPLES Places to Visit This is an important feature to promote the E & O that is happening in NZ and we can do more...
EXAMPLES Students section Introduction Ask an Astronomer Glossaries Stargazing Basics Telescope Basics Astrophotography Dark Skies Image Libraries Video Libraries
EXAMPLES Dark Skies page Others can have their own page / section
HOW YOU CAN PARTICIPATE Contribute content to Latest News and Lead Articles and anywhere in the Right Now, Educators and Students sections. You can even have your own page or section Help us to keep information up-to-date (e.g. the observatory map) Share our content in your social media networks Report your events on our Events Calendar Write feature articles on your events/activities
PARTICIPATE in website to help with our mission to support A & SS education and to promote local/regional activities. Contact