Lecture Notes Functional Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System Chapter 17 Functional Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Gross Anatomy of the Heart Lies in mediastinum behind sternum Apex points to the left Point of maximal impact (PMI) The apical beat 5th Intercostal space at mid-clavicular line Causes of PMI shift Left Sided Pneumothorax Pg. 301 Concept Question: A tension pneumothorax of the left lung shifts the PMI in which direction? ConceptQuestion 17-1 Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Clinical Focus 17-1 32 y.o. man. Severe chest wall injury sustained in automobile accident. Conscious, anxious, c/o dyspnea and chest pain. Distending neck veins, tachycardia; systolic blood pressure of 90mmHg. Read the discussion (pg. 304) 1. The patient exhibits signs of ________________ 2. What is this disease? 3. Cause of distended neck veins? 4. Cause of increased HR? 5. Cause of low systolic pressure? read the discussion on pg. 304 and answer questions 1. Cardiac Tamponade 2. Fluid enters the pericardial space. Builds up and restricts the ventricle from pumping 3. Blood backs up all the way to the right atrium and causing back up even in the neck veins 4. Cause of increased HR is the bodys attempt to sustain normal cardiac output. 5. In severe tamponade, because there’s so little volume in the ventricle (stroke volume), systolic pressure decreases.
Pericardium Loose-fitting membranous sac Parietal vs. visceral pericardium (epicardium) Pg. 302 Parietal = outter sac Visceral (epicardium) = inner The fluid in between = pericardial fluid… Acts as lubrication allowing for smoother, frictionless movement as the heart beats.
Parietal = outter sac Visceral (epicardium) = inner The fluid in between = pericardial fluid… Acts as lubrication allowing for smoother, frictionless movement as the heart beats.
Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. Anatomy of the Heart Heart wall Epicardium, Myocardium, Endocardium Myocardium = Heart chambers and valves 2 atria and 2 ventricles RA receives deoxygenated blood from superior vena cava, inferior vena cava LA receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary veins Greater muscle mass than the right ventricle Myocardium = The heart muscle forming the bulk of the heart wall. This muscle wraps around the chambers in such a way that contraction ejects blood with great force Pg. 305 Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. Anatomy of the Heart Fig. 17-3 Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. 7
Anatomy of the Heart Heart chambers and valves Atrial-ventricular valves Tricuspid = Right or Left side? Mitral = Right or Left side? PURPOSE = prevent back flow of blood during ventricle contractions Ventricular outflow pg 302 Right Ventricle Pumps through _________________ Left Ventricle Pumps through __________________ Prevents backflow of blood into the ventricles during ventricle relaxation ConceptQuestion 17-2 Tricuspid = Right side Mitral Valve or Bicuspid = Left side Pg. 302 CONCEPT QUESTION 17-2 What are the consequences of a mitral valve that leaks or allows backflow of blood during ventricular systole? Answer: A leaking mitral valve would allow blood to flow backward (regurgitate) into the left atrium with each ventricular contraction, increasing mean left atrial pressure and ultimately pulmonary capillary pressure. High pulmonary capillary pressure could lead to pulmonary edema, which would interfere with pulmonary gas exchange. PURPOSE = PREVENT BACKFLOW OF BLOOD INTO THE ATRIA DURING VENTRICULAR CONTRACTION RIGHT VENTRICLE PUMPS THROUGH PULMONARY VALVE (AKA Pulmonary Semilunar Valve) LEFT VENTRICLE PUMPS THROUGH AORTIC VALVE (AKA Aortic Semilunar Valve) INTERATRIAL SEPTUM = Tissue that separates the right and left atrium… prevents the right atrium blood from going straight to the left atrium…. The book will say “Prevents mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.” – pg. 278 INTERVENTRICULAR SEPTUM = Tissue that separates the right and left ventricle… prevents the right ventricle blood from going straight to the left ventricle… The book will say “Prevents mixing of oxygenated and unoxygenated blood.” – pg. 278 Look on previous slide to show the septums.
Clinical Focus 17-3 Mitral Valve Stenosis Person with Severe Mitral Valve Stenosis requires oxygen and shows signs of pulmonary edema. What is Pulmonary Edema? What is the connection of a cardiac problem leading to a pulmonary problem? Mitral Valve Stenosis is a condition characterized by a narrowed, stiff mitral valve. The narrowed valve created high resistance to blood flow. It can back up into the pulmonary capillaries and can leak into the lungs.
Clinical Focus 17-2 Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) What is it? Mixing of blood from the two chambers Treatment? If patient is symptomatic (SOB), it will need surgical correction. What is it? Mixing of blood from the two chambers Treatment? If patient is symptomatic (SOB), it will need surgical correction.
Coronary Circulation Though the heart pumps blood, it also receives oxygenated blood to sustain itself Coronary arteries Left and right coronaries 1. Right coronary is the dominant blood supplier 2. Originate immediately above aortic semilunar valve 3. “The heart relies almost exclusively on the two main coronary arteries.” pg 305 In the heart, there is a lack of collateral circulation if… 1. If blood flow is blocked = ischemia (tissue hypoxia) and central chest pain (angina pectoris) 2. Myocardial infarction (MI) = heart muscle tissue death MONA – Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerin(vasodilator), Asprin (prevent blood clot) Left and right coronaries 1. Right coronary is the dominant blood supplier 2. Originate immediately above aortic semilunar valve 3. “The heart relies almost exclusively on the two main coronary arteries.” In the heart, there is a lack of collateral circulation If blood flow is blocked = ischemia (tissue hypoxia) and central chest pain (angina pectoris) Myocardial infarction (MI) = heart muscle tissue death This is why we used to give MONA… Morphine – Pain Oxygen – Hypoxia Nitroglycerin – Vasodilator Aspirin – Prevention of blood clot formation
Angina Pectoris pg 306 Aka Chest Pain Caused by: Coronary artery disease The pain is often felt beneath the sternum, in the left arm, and in the neck “About 35% of all deaths in the United States are caused by coronary artery disease” (CAD) pg. 306 Aka Chest Pain Caused by Coronary artery occlusion leading to Myocardial Ischemia
Coronary Circulation pg 307 Coronary veins Flow parallel to arteries Empty into right atrium (coronary sinus) Oxygen requirement and blood flow O2 extraction ≈70% (compare to 25% whole body) during exercise = coronary flow O2 need governs coronary blood flow Tachycardia is a response by the heart that it needs more oxygen During exercise, because the heart can’t extract more oxygen from the supply it’s getting… It needs to increase the blood flow by increasing the heart rate and get oxygen more quickly. If you give the patient oxygen, the heart rate will come back down. During exercise, because the heart can’t extract more oxygen from the supply it’s getting… It needs to increase the blood flow by increasing the heart rate and get oxygen more quickly. If you give the patient oxygen, the heart rate will come back down. Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Cardiac Conduction System pg 309 Specialized cardiac muscle tissue (not neurons) Atria contract at last second (“atrial kick”) to complete ventricular filling Conduction Sinoatrial node (SA node) – Initiates Electrical Impulses. Travel down to the AV Node. Atrioventricular node (AV node) - Triggers initial contraction of ventricles. Trigger travels down the AV bundle. AV bundle aka “bundle of His”. The AV Bundle triggers down the right and left bundle branches. Bundle branches terminate into the Purkinje fibers Purkinje fibers carry the electrical signal to the ventricles (apex of the heart). Ventricles receive signal and contract.
Systole vs. Diastole Diastole Systole Ventricle is relaxed and Ventricle contracts and ejects blood Diastole Ventricle is relaxed and fills with blood PAGE 308 A. = Diastole B. = Systole Note what happens in diastole. The tricuspid and mitral valve are open. The pulmonary and aortic valves are closed. Note what happens in systole. The tricuspid and mitral valve are closed. The pulmonary and aortic valves are open. Copyright © 2007, 1998 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. 15
Example In the _____________ phase, the mitral valve and tricuspid valve is open, but the semilunar valves remain closed. A. Aortic B. Diastolic C. Systolic D. Anacrotic B. Diastolic
Example In the ______________ phase, the mitral valve and tricuspid valve remain closed, but the semilunar valves open. A. Aortic B. Diastolic C. Systolic D. Anacrotic C. Systolic
Cardiac Conduction System Time “Stalls” for From SA to AV = 0.03 seconds At the AV Node, STALLS FOR 0.13 seconds AV Node to Purkinje Fibers = 0.03 seconds TOTAL TIME = 0.19 seconds. Time Fig. 17-10 Total Time From Electrical Signal To Ventricular Contraction = 18
Cardiac Cycle Cardiac Cycle refers to a complete pumping cycle Contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole) Beginning of Systole to the end of diastole = 0.8 seconds Ventricular filling PRELOAD 80% passive + 20% atrial “kick” 80% is blood flowing from atria into ventricle At the last moment, the atria kicks 20% more blood into the ventricle to get the ventricle ready to pump Ventricular emptying (contraction) AFTERLOAD Closure of the AV valves (1st heart sound) Isovolumetric contraction (all valves closed) Resistance to ejection = afterload pg 316 PRELOAD refers to the ventricle filling up. Afterload begins immediately once the ventricles have been filled… In after load, there is still no physical ejection of the blood… Here’s what happens in the Afterload phase… Then the valves close… With the valves closed, there is a contraction… This is known as the isovolumetric contraction… The blood isn’t ejected yet because the valves are closed.. Then the pulmonary and aortic valves open up… The resistance during the ejection of blood is known as the afterload.
Volume of blood during cardiac cycle Ventricular filling PRELOAD 120 mL of blood total in this phase “End-Diastolic” Volume Ventricular emptying (contraction) AFTER LOAD Normal amount of blood that is ejected = Stroke volume = 70 mL How much is left in the ventricle? 50mL = “End-Systolic” Volume (Not the same as stroke volume) Cycle repeats itself and the ventricle is filled back up to 120mL in the preload phase. If 70mL out of 120mL is ejected, what’s the percentage of ejected blood? Next slide talks about ejection fraction… Percentage is 58 or about 60%. 20
… this is known as… EJECTION FRACTION Ejection fraction… Percentage is 58 or about 60%. (Normal ≈ 60%.) A low ejection fraction = Indicates = Less than 50% indicates poor contractility and pumping failure On the flip side, during exercise, the ejection fraction may increase up to 90% pg 316 Low ejection fraction = Less than 50% It indicates poor contractility and pumping failure On the flip side, during exercise, the ejection fraction may increase up to 90%
From Previous Slide Two ways to calculate Stroke Volume Ventricular emptying (contraction) AFTER LOAD Normal amount of blood that is ejected = Stroke volume = 70 mL How much is left in the ventricle? 50mL = “End-Systolic” Volume (Not the same as stroke volume) Two ways to calculate Stroke Volume 1. Cardiac Output(mL) / HR 2. Preload – Afterload
Determining Stroke Volume Cardiac Output(mL) / HR Example: C.O = 5L/min HR = 80/min S.V. = ____ mL C.O. = 3 L/min HR = 120/min S.V. = ______ mL
Determining Stroke Volume The following information is obtained: HR 120/min Preload volume 120mL Afterload Volume 80mL B/P 109/75mmHg What is the stroke volume? A. 210mL B. 90mL C. 50mL D. 40mL Preload – Afterload (D) Preload – Afterload D. 40mL
Summary Which of the following is known as end-diastolic volume? A. Afterload B. Stroke Volume C. Preload D. Diastole Go back 5 slides ago C. Preload Go back 5 slides ago Diastolic is the resting phase… So it’s filling up until you have a maximal amount of volume filling the ventricles during the non-kicking phase… This is pre-load… And then of course, I could ask: Which of the following is known as end-systolic volume…. ANSWER: After load Ventricular emptying (contraction) AFTER LOAD Amount of blood that is ejected = Stroke volume = 70 mL
Regulation of Pumping Activity Normally, the blood that comes in (Right Atrium) is pumped out (Left Ventricle) at the same rate The heart has the ability to adapt to inflow changes “Frank-Starling Mechanism” The heart may lose its ability to adapt is the left ventricle’s muscle has been over stretched Left Ventricle Fails Blood backs up Congestive Heart Failure pg 314