The decision and communication center The Nervous System “coordinates voluntary and involuntary actions and transmits signals between different parts of the body” The decision and communication center
Central Nervous System (CNS) Makes decisions Brain and Spinal Cord “Happens in the center (middle) of your body” Fun Facts: - Average adult brain weighs about 3 lbs -Contains about 100 billion neurons - The spinal cord is about 43 cm long in adult women and 45 cm long in adult males
The Brain Top part of the brain (forebrain) Cerebral Cortex: outer layer of nerve tissue of the two cerebral hemispheres (left and right), regulates most complex behaviors, cerebral cortex plays a key role in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness Thalamus: relays and translates incoming messages from the sense receptors except for smell Hypothalamus: Governs motivation and emotional responses, controls secretion of pituitary hormones, maintains homeostasis (eating, drinking, sexual behavior, sleeping, and body temp). Central role during stress
The Brain “Hindbrain” Cerebellum: controls certain reflexes and coordinates body movement (reflexes, balance, and coordination) Damage = jerky movements, loss of balance, lack of coordination Pons: connects cerebral cortex to the cerebellum, chemicals produced here help maintain sleep/wake cycle Medulla: controls vital functions like breathing, heart rate and blood pressure
The Lobes Frontal Lobe Behind your forehead Involved in: Speaking Muscle Movements Making plans and judgments Emotions Problem Solving
The Lobes Parietal At the top and back of your head Receives sensory input for: Touch Pain Body position Movement Orientation
The Lobes Temporal Lies roughly above the ears Includes the Auditory areas Each receiving information primarily from the opposite ear Regulates hearing, balance and equilibrium and certain emotions (anxiety, pleasure and anger) and motivations Ability to understand and comprehend langauage
The Lobes Occipital lobe At the back of the head Receives and interprets information from the visual fields com/watch?v=QPLZ _WUsK88
Peripheral Nervous System Gathers info and sends it to the rest of the body Made up of nerves Motor Neurons (efferent): transmit information from the brain to the muscles of the body Sensory Neurons (afferent): carry information from the sensory receptor cells throughout the body to the brain
Autonomic Nervous System Carries messages between CNS and internal organs, “fight or flight” Has two major subsystems Parasympathetic Nervous System: “rest and digest”; brings peace to the body, calms and relaxes the body after an emergency EX: eye pupil will constrict, slows heartbeat Sympathetic Nervous System: “fight or flight”; reacts to “stress,” prepares the body for quick action in an emergency EX: eye pupil will dilate, increased heart rate
Somatic Nervous System Send sensory information to the central nervous system AND motor nerve fibers that project to skeletal muscle. Afferent nerves are responsible for relaying sensation to the central nervous system while efferent nerves are responsible for stimulating muscle contraction
Wernicke’s Area Located in the Left Temporal lobe behind the auditory cortex. Functions: Language Comprehension Semantic Processing Language Recognition Language Interpretation
Wernicke’s Apasia Aphasia A deficit in understanding and/or producing language Damage = problems with output of speech , word salad
Broca’s Area Located in the lower portion of the left frontal lobe Functions: Speech Production Facial Neuron Control Language Processing
Broca’s Apasia Aphasia A deficit in understanding and/or producing language Damage = not being able to comprehend and produce proper sentences and language
The Nervous Security System How does the Nervous system relate to a modern day security system? What does each part exactly relate to? Give an overall sense of the organization and function of nervous system. Tell how it acts as security system complete with sensors that tell the body there is something wrong. Your brochure must include the following vocabulary: cell body, dendrites, neuron, axon, impulse, central nervous system, cerebellum, and peripheral nervous system.