2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Final Approval GVMC Board May 7, 2015
2040 MTP Overview Federally-mandated document Updated every four years Transportation investment strategy for next 25 years No MTP = No Federal Funds MTP must be financially constrained (Revenues = Expenditures) Addresses all modes of transportation Uses the most recent data to assess needs and priorities Population and employment database and projections Traffic counts and travel time studies Travel demand model Pavement inventory Safety/Crash data Environmental inventory Others
MAP-21 - What’s New?? National Goals MAP-21 established seven national performance based goals which include: Safety Infrastructure Condition Congestion Reduction System Reliability Freight Movement Environmental Sustainability Economic Vitality Performance Measures GVMC will be required to report on how project selection will help achieve the defined targets GVMC will reopen the MTP in 2016 to adhere to performance mandates
Process Participants General public – (approx. 400) Municipalities in Kent and Eastern Ottawa Counties (24) Kent County and Ottawa County Road Commissions Grand Rapids Chamber Right Place Program ITP/The Rapid Smaller transit agencies (e.g. Hope Network) Michigan Department of Transportation Gerald R. Ford International Airport Passenger rail and freight rail (e.g. Amtrak and CSX) Intercity passenger transit agencies (e.g. Greyhound) Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Michigan Department of Natural Resources Other private and public groups and interested organizations
GVMC 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Development Environmental Justice & Consultation (1,100+ EJ notices sent – 200+ Consulted Agencies) Transportation Priorities (Nearly $5 Billion in projects/programs identified) Final MTP Document (Meets all Federal Requirements – Completed on Schedule) Public Outreach & Stakeholder Meetings 41 Meetings – 25% Increase in Public Participation All Elements of Transportation (Condition, Capacity, Safety, Transit, Non Motorized, Air, Rail, Freight) Needs & Financial Analysis (Estimated $8 Billion in needs through 2040)
MTP Project List Nearly $5 Billion Regionally-significant projects through 2040 Variety of federal funding programs Implemented through the GVMC TIP
Public Comment Summary
MTP Integration – Next Steps GVMC Board Adoption (Today) Transportation Improvement Program (Fall 2015) Performance Measures Integration (Spring 2016) Begin 2045 MTP Development (Summer 2017)
Thank You.