How effective was the First New Deal up to 1935?.


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Presentation transcript:

How effective was the First New Deal up to 1935?

Learning objective – to examine the effectiveness of the First New Deal up to I can describe some of the ways the First New Deal impacted upon the USA up to Grade D I can explain how effective the First New Deal was by Grade B I can explain and analyse the effectiveness of the First New Deal up to Grade A/A*

Starter – Which of the following problems did Roosevelt practically solved by 1935? Unemployment Banking crisis Relief for the poor and homeless Growing opposition to the New Deal

Starter – The Banking Crisis was effective solved by 1935 as confidence from invested was restored. Banking crisis

Why did Roosevelt need to review the New Deal at the beginning of 1935? There were increasing criticisms of the New Deal as some thought Roosevelt wasn’t doing enough while others thought he was doing too much! The Supreme Court had declared the NRA and the AAA ‘illegal and unconstitutional’ and had banned them. Roosevelt needed a rethink about how the New Deal operated to ensure the support of all political bodies. Roosevelt knew he had to make progress as the Presidential elections were in 1936 and the campaigning went on for much of that year. He needed to ensure that the confidence of the people was with him in tackling America’s problems.

How far did the First New Deal stabilise the economy? As part of dealing with the banking crisis, Roosevelt introduced a series of financial inspections which decided whether banks could reopen. All banks that passed the inspection and reopened did not suffer a run and people started to save again and use banks to deposit their money. In turn, banks were now more willing to allow loans as well as longer mortgage terms rather than demand repayment. To pay for the New Deal, Roosevelt raised taxes. Income from taxation rose by $1 billion between 1933 and Although this did not cover the spending on the New Deal it did keep the government debt manageable.

How far did the New Deal successfully tackle unemployment? The various alphabet agencies stopped the continuing rise in unemployment and unemployment started to fall in 1935, where it remained at 10 million – 20% of the workforce. However, many felt that not enough was done to tackle unemployment as it remained high and many jobs that were created were either temporary, unskilled or boondoggle.

How far was the New Deal successful in supplying relief to those who needed it? The New Deal provided a significant amount of short term relief to those who needed it in 1933 and Relief was provided through – Loans to support people with food, rent and mortgages. Soup kitchens remained busy. However, the humiliations that were associated with claiming relief did not go away. Many people needed help and the resources provided by the New Deal were stretched to breaking point.

Copy and complete the table into your exercise book. Successes of the New Deal up to 1935 Failures of the New Deal up to 1935 Unemployment Stability in the economy Provision of relief Opposition Helping farmers

Task This visual hexagon activity helps you make links between the different areas of success and failure of the New Deal up to In pairs, make links between each hexagon and write two sentences for each link explaining them fully.

Plenary Stick a copy of this visual representation of the impact of the New Deal into your exercise book. Beside each image write how it can contribute to answering the central question – ‘Explain the impact of the New Deal by 1935.