Policies and Procedures Mr. Boykin’s Math Class Policies and Procedures
Materials Required: Notebook for taking notes Pens or pencils for writing with Calculator NOTE: Calculators on cell phones are allowed for regular classroom usage. Cell phone calculators WILL NOT be allowed on quizzes or tests. Should a calculator be necessary for a quiz or test, you may purchase your own or one will be provided for you. Optional Materials: Kleenex Boxes Germ-X Bottles
Classroom Website: Http://southwoodboykin.weebly.com This is where class announcements and assignments will be posted, along with note for the week. Go here to (1) receive and turn in assignments, (2) print any notes you did not get due to absences, and (3) stay up to date with class announcements. There is also a link to my email address should you have questions outside of class
Instructional Expectations: The tentative schedule for any given week is as follows: Monday – Notes and new information; Assignment for the week posted Tuesday – Notes and new information continued if needed; Start class work Wednesday – Class work and guided practice Thursday – Individual practice and information overview Friday – Quiz or Test This schedule is subject to change based on the planned events or unforeseen circumstances of any given week.
Instructional Expectations (cont’d): On most days, the classroom will follow this format: 3-5 minutes – Bell Ringer 2 minutes – Class overview 30 – 35 minutes – New information Presented; Guided Practice 3 – 5 minutes – Individual practice 3 minutes – Class closure This plan will change depending on what events are occurring that day.
Behavioral Expectations: Southwood students are: S – Self-Disciplined – This is not a child’s classroom. There will be not be constant reminders of appropriate behavior, no subtle hints at what you should be doing with your study time, and no “bonus point” projects to boost your grade. You are high school students and will be treated as such. Keep yourself organized and on task. P – Positive – There is no place in this classroom for embarrassment or shame. Asking questions and learning are encouraged and celebrated. Willful ignorance or the enticement of willful ignorance will not be tolerated. U – Unfailing – Grades are not the end all of a classroom; learning is. If a poor grade is received on an assignment, a successful student will endeavor to understand why the poor grade was issued and what can help to get a better one next time. R – Responsible – The blame game isn’t played in this classroom. The only person that can earn a good grade for you is you, and no one else can cause you to get a bad grade. The only one you can hold responsible for your success or failure in this class is the person looking at you in the mirror.
Behavioral Expectations (cont’d): Consequences for inappropriate behavior are as follows: 1st offense – Warning is issued 2nd offense – Phone conference with parent/guardian scheduled 3rd offense – Minor infraction referral issued 4th offense – Student will be coded out Behaviors that exhibit a threat to the safety of the students and/or faculty, or behaviors that show extreme disrespect to the teacher, will result in immediate removal from class All in all, if you don’t want to learn, don’t be here.
Grades: Grades for the classroom will be based on four areas: Performance tasks – 40% of grade – Classroom assignments and bell ringers Focus Quizzes – 30% of grade – Quizzes given at the end of each week Unit Tests – 20% of grade – Assessments given for benchmarks and End of Unit Tests Student Portfolio – 10% of grade – Online Assignments and miscellaneous small assignments given in class The Semester Exam will count for 25% of your final grade.
Other Important Information: Bell Ringers: Bell Ringers are to be completed daily on Bell Ringer Sheets and kept in your notebook. They will be turned in every three weeks at the BEGINNING of class. Grades for bell ringers will be based on spot checks that I will perform. Any bell ringers collected after the beginning of class will be considered late. You are still responsible for bell ringers even if you are absent. Find a friend in class that you can get bell ringers from that you have missed. Bell ringers are graded for ACCURACY, not completion.
Other Important Information (cont’d): Hall Passes: Each class has one sheet per 9 weeks. Each time a student has to leave class for reasons other than being called to the office, it will be recorded on the sheet. Once the sheet has been used up, no more hall passes will be issued FOR ANY REASON. Use your time wisely in between classes and during lunch. Reserve hall passes for emergency situations only. Borrowing Pencils: 100 pencils have been placed at the front of the classroom. These may be borrowed without asking. Please return them when you are finished with them. Once the 100 pencils run out, I will not put out anymore. Please return the pencils when you are finished with them, and we will have a constant supply.
Other Important Information (cont’d.): Late Work: Any work turned in after the given due date will be graded at a late penalty of 20% reduction. This means that a grade of 100% turned in late will be recorded as 80%. Work is considered late if it is turned in AFTER the date and time given by the teacher. Turning in Online Assignments: Online Assignments may be turned in by one of three ways: In print form – Students will be responsible for printing their own papers. Via Email – Students may snap a picture of their completed work and email the picture to me. If the page is double-sided, make sure to snap a picture of both sides. Via Assignment Turn In – The Assignment Page will have a link to an online form where students can submit their answers. Online Assignments turned in after 3:35 PM on the due date will be considered late.