The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Literary Elements
Theme is the main message or lesson conveyed by the author of a piece of writing. A motif is a dominant idea throughout a piece of writing. Two themes we see in the novel are: 1. Innocence 2. Friendship Themes and Motifs
Although Bruno and Shmuel share a certain childlike innocence, the reality is that Shmuel is a prisoner in Auschwitz and has certainly seen horrific sights. Bruno, on the other hand, is fiercely protected by his parents who do not want him to know about the horrors of the reality that is the Holocaust; in particular, they go to great lengths to keep the details of Bruno's father's job a secret from him. Through Bruno and Shmuel, we learn that hatred and prejudice are learned behaviors. Innocence
It is very early on that we realize how important friendship is to Bruno. He refers to his “Three Best Friends for Life” on a regular basis and is devastated when he has to leave them and move to Out-With. Bruno has a very strong desire to move back to Berlin until he meets Shmuel and his longing for friendship is met. Bruno and Shmuel exist in two completely different worlds but share a mutual desire for companionship during a difficult and lonely time. In spite of their remarkably different circumstances, Bruno and Shmuel forge a meaningful friendship. As their friendship develops, it is tested on many occasions. For example, when Shmuel is brought to Bruno's house to work as a servant, Bruno denies knowing him and giving him food; consequently, Shmuel is punished for stealing food (which Bruno had given him). Both boys know that they would be in terrible trouble if anyone were to find out about their friendship so they keep it a secret. Ultimately, the boys unknowingly march to their death hand in hand with no one in the world but each other. Friendship
External Conflict Bruno vs. Society Bruno struggles to understand everything that is going on around him. The main reason that he struggles with this is because the adults do not tell him anything. He does not understand the abrupt move to Out-With, what Out-With actually is, what Father’s job is Due to Bruno’s uncertainty, he decides to go exploring, which ultimately leads to his premature death External Conflict
Internal Conflict Mother vs. Herself Mother is never happy about moving to Out-With. She often makes “jabs” about HAVING to obey Father’s demands. Mother knows what is happening at the concentration camp and does not approve of it, but she lives in a time period (WWII) where women had very little say. Mother has always felt that Out-With is no place to raise children and eventually gets her way and is being sent back to Berlin. However, this only occurs because Father fears that Bruno knows what is actually happening at Out-With. Internal Conflict
Interpersonal Conflict Bruno vs. Kotler Bruno and Lt. Kotler butt heads as soon as they meet. Kotler treats Bruno as if he is a young child and Bruno does not like that. Nazis vs. Jews Nazis had complete control over the Jews. Nazis set up concentration camps (Auschwitz) where soldiers gave orders, beat, and killed the Jews in gas chambers. The Jews were completely powerless and could not stand up for themselves or they would be killed. Interpersonal Conflict
Bruno is troubled for much of the novel because of his lack of understanding the world around him. As a child, he does not get to make choices for himself. He is forced to move and to live by the strict rules of his parents. Characters
Characters Shmuel is a captive of the Nazis. He is malnourished and must follow all of the rules of the concentration camp. He does not have a choice in clothing, where he lives, his daily activities, or anything about his life. He dies as a child prisoner. Characters
Mother does not want to be at Out-With anymore than Bruno does. She does not seem to have a good relationship with Father, as they often argue, but she follows his rules. She does not agree with Father’s job assignment. She is quite a snob and does very little for herself. Characters
Characters Father makes all the decisions in the family. He was assigned to a Commandant position by the Fury and goes to Out-With to oversee the camp. He is very stern and private, and does not allow anybody in his office. Characters
Characters Gretel is referred to as a “Hopeless Case” by Bruno. She treats Bruno like a little child, but for most of the novel appears to be just as innocent as he is. Gretel and Bruno often do not get along. She has a crush on Lt. Kotler. Characters
Maria is the maid who is taken advantage of everybody except Bruno. She lives with the family, but must stay in the basement for the minimal amount of time that she is not working. She is fearful of Mother and Father and refuses to speak out against them. She simply does her job and obeys Mother and Father without any complaints or hesitation. Characters
Characters Pavel is the Jewish butler at Out-With. He is a very educated man and was once a doctor, but because he is Jewish, the Nazis no longer allow him to practice and he must now take the job they give to him. He patches up Bruno’s knee even though he knows he could get in trouble for stepping out of line and performing a duty that is not his. Characters