Associate Director of Community Outreach and Membership Junior Solar Sprint 2015 Sarah Cote Associate Director of Community Outreach and Membership 508-563-6633
Cape and Islands Self-Reliance Corporation Founded in 1980, Self-Reliance provides high quality energy education to all types of consumers and industry professionals. Exceptionally knowledgeable about energy producing systems, building science best practices, energy efficiency and conservation, Self-Reliance offers residents, businesses and municipalities solid guidance on energy technology options. As an independent objective authority, Self-Reliance helps members navigate energy choices and empower them to make decisions and take actions that save money, increase comfort and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Cape and Islands Self-Reliance Corporation Fuel Co-op Workforce development Energy education Clean Energy Community Challenge Kid Wind Junior Solar Sprint
What is Junior Solar Sprint? The Junior Solar Sprint is a challenging hands-on classroom activity for students in Grades 4-8 that gets kids excited about science, technology, engineering and math. The students design, build, and race model solar power cars while in the process learning about the power of solar energy. In its 13th year on the Cape and Islands we are excited to partner with Cape Cod STEM Network.
JSS History In 2002 Self-Reliance was designated a Million Solar Roof partner by the Department of Energy Junior Solar Sprint was originally a DOE program and at the time Self-Reliance was working on engaging teachers with renewable energy curriculum Recognizing that no other local organization was running a race, Self-Reliance filled a niche by becoming a local race host
JSS History Throughout the years of hosting the event Self-Reliance has partnered with the Department of Energy, Northeast Sustainable Energy Association, and AmeriCorps to keep the race going. The program is now managed at a national level by the Technology Student Association and is sponsored by the US Army Educational Outreach Program. Over the past few years our local race has gotten smaller and smaller due to teacher turnover and changes in the program. This year we are excited to partner with the Cape Cod STEM Network to help revitalize the program.
How to get involved The JSS web site has a great deal of helpful resources and materials including sample curriculum, how-to videos and tutorials. Educational Resources include everything from lesson plans and STEM standard correlations to how-to guides to host an on-site JSS competition. Syllabi for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks are available depending on what works best for you and your classroom.
How it works Each team builds 1 car. There are 2-4 students per team. The building and designing process is done either during classroom time or as an after school activity. Cars are made mostly out of recycled materials. The students can practice racing their cars leading up to the race and make adjustments as they go along.
JSS Race 2015 – June 6th at CCCC Students need to fill out registration forms and send them to Self Reliance prior to the race. It is important that we have an accurate head count to plan the heats. Upon arriving, students sign in, receive their car # and proceed to the judging tables to check that their cars meet all of the qualifications. Students are also given a chance to visit the “Pit Stop” to make any last-minute adjustments. Depending on the number of participants time trials and held and cars get eliminated as the heats go on. After racing is over we have a brief award ceremony where cars are awarded based on 4 areas: 1) Display, 2) Notebook *, 3) Artisanship and Engineering and 4) Racing Performance. (*Note that our local race does not require a binder but students should be aware that this is a requirement if they are interested in competing at the national event. Instead, we award based on Best Use of Recycled Materials.)
JSS Race 2015 – June 6th at CCCC The event is rain or shine and will be held either outdoors at the tennis courts or indoors in the gymnasium. In that case students are provided with a battery pack to power their cars. Typically we offer snacks or pizza depending on the length of the event. It’s always a fun day!
Volunteering Volunteers are critical to help make the race run smoothly. Volunteers can time races, judge cars, assist with set up and take down, photography and manning the pit stop. In the past we have had friends and family, parents, teachers, and colleagues help with the event. Anyone is welcome to help out!
Interested in learning more? To assist teachers with this program we will be hosting 2 teacher training workshops. Each teacher who attends and commits to the race will be gifted a solar panel ($50 value!). Thursday, March 19, 2015, 4:30-7:30 pm at the Cape Cod Community College, MM Wilkens Building (formerly South Building), Room 117. OR: Tuesday, March 24, 4:30-7:30 pm at the Self-Reliance office at 1396 Route 28A, Cataumet. Individuals who complete the workshop and bring students to compete in the race at Cape Cod Community College on Saturday, June 6, 2015 will receive 10 PDPs.
Associate Director of Community Outreach and Membership Questions? Sarah Cote Associate Director of Community Outreach and Membership 508-563-6633