Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call March 3, 2015
Audio Difficulties 2 Louisiana Believes If you are experiencing audio difficulties, please make sure that your speakers are on and that your volume is at a suitable level. If you are still experiencing difficulties, click the phone icon on the ribbon at the top of your screen, and choose the Dial-out feature. This will link your phone with your user ID.
3 Louisiana Believes Objective: These contact calls bring together LEA coordinators for the purpose of planning for and implementing statewide assessment programs within local education agencies. Who: District Test Coordinators, District Technology Coordinators, and Accountability Contacts Topics: 1.Assessment 2.Accountability Archives: Welcome
Projected Call DatesProjected Call Topics March 3, 2015 March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Resources April 21, 2015 PARCC EOC May 5, 2015 End-of-Year Survey June 2, 2015 Data Certification July 7, 2015 SY Planning Assessment Planning Meeting Scope and Sequence
5 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
Assessment Monthly Checklist 6 Louisiana Believes To assist district and school leaders with preparations for upcoming state assessments, particularly PARCC, the Department created an Assessment Readiness Checklist.Assessment Readiness Checklist Available in the assessment library, the Month-by-Month Checklist: Outlines all monthly action steps to prepare to administer PARCC, as well as other statewide assessments Links all supporting resources for each step Recommends resources to share with principals and teachers
March Accessibility and Accommodations Louisiana Believes Mar 18: Deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP forms for LEAP and iLEAP Science and Social Studies Mar 26: Deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP forms for EOC Continue to evaluate effectiveness of accessibility and accommodations and revise IEP, IAP, LEP, and PNP documents as needed to meet student needs
March Communication 8 Louisiana Believes Mar 3: Monthly assessment and accountability call for district test coordinators and accountability contacts Ensure teachers, principals, and district leaders participate in PARCC Office Hours each Thursday at 11 and 4PARCC Office Hours
March Assessment Administration 9 Louisiana Believes Jan 26-Mar 6: NAEP testing window for applicable schools Feb 2-Mar 13: LAA 1 and ELDA testing window Mar 9-Mar 13: EXPLORE and PLAN testing window Mar 10: Deadline to order additional materials for PARCC Performance Based Assessment (PBA) including Spanish math forms Mar 16-20: PARCC PBA math and ELA administration Mar 17: Initial ACT test date (window for accommodated assessment is Mar 17-31) Mar 17-19: Window for ordering makeup materials for ACT and WorkKeys Mar 18: Initial WorkKeys (PBT) test date (window for accommodated assessment is Mar 18-Apr 1) Create school-level training schedule for test coordinators and administrators to prepare for May EOC testing window Review EOC technology requirements to ensure readiness for May testing window
Highlighting Best Practices 10 Louisiana Believes Districts and schools across the state are leading the way in preparing for the new assessments. Central Community Schools Central Middle School is preparing students and staff members for PARCC testing by simulating school-wide PARCC practice test sessions. During these sessions, students report to their official testing site and complete sections of the PARCC practice test that are later used for diagnostic reviews and intervention planning by educators. To support these types of efforts, the LDOE created practice test guidance documents that can be found Allen Parish Teachers in Allen Parish personally took PARCC practice test units so that they could better understand the experiences that students will have during spring testing. These exercises allowed teachers to explore the format of the test in an authentic way, and realize that they share a responsibly to prepare students for academic success. The PARCC practice test can be found herehere
Highlighting Best Practices 11 Louisiana Believes Ouachita Junior High School Ouachita Junior High School hosted a series of parent nights focused on Common Core and PARCC testing. Examples of their meeting materials along with other local schools and districts parent engagement plans can be found in the Parent Resource Packet for Districts and Schools.Parent Resource Packet for Districts and Schools. Jefferson Parish At Joshua Butler Elementary School, time is dedicated each Monday to improve student writing. During this time, students throughout the school practice with the type of writing items that they will see on the PARCC test. Students also practice underlining text and marking on practice test booklets. For guidance on how students can annotate in their test booklets see the PARCC FAQ document.practice test bookletsPARCC FAQ
12 Louisiana Believes Preparation for Spring Assessments With more assessments beginning the week of March 9th, be reminded that multiple avenues exist to receive information and/or solve issues related to testing: Support Hotline for District Staff. We encourage district staff to use this hotline for issues requiring immediate attention during the spring assessments. Hotline availability: March 2 – May Hours of Support: 6:30 AM – 4:30 PM Assessment Inbox. Available for ed questions and concerns at We also have twice-weekly office hours to support educators’ planning questions. Weekly PARCC Office Hours. Dedicated time to answer educator questions related to the PARCC assessments every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Join the PARCC Office Hours
LDOE Communication Plan 13 Test Administrators School Test Coordinators District Test Coordinators LDOE hotline and
14 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
Preparing for PARCC: Communication and Resources Weekly PARCC Office Hours Purpose: Dedicated time to answer educator questions related to the PARCC assessments When: Every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Access: Join the PARCC Office Hours Key Resources Available PARCC Practice Tests and Guidance PARCC FAQ Document Assessment Guides Month-by-Month Assessment Checklist Parent Engagement Guide Louisiana Assessment Calendar Limited English Proficient (LEP) Checklist Test Coordinator and Administrator Manuals and Louisiana Addendum in eDIRECTeDIRECT
16 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
Coding of Documents Students not receiving precoded documents will be assessed with handcoded answer documents. Districts will need to utilize GUIDs for handcoded student answer documents. GUIDS can be accessed by using the LEADS Inquiry (LIQ) system which will display the GUID (labeled as LDOE Unique ID). There is both a batch and individual method of inquiry within the system. ACT accountability coding window will occur in the EOC system from April 6- May 22 WorkKeys Administration For districts administering online WorkKeys, the only online accommodation for WorkKeys is extended time. Students requiring additional accommodations will need to test utilizing paper WorkKeys assessments and should order using the phone number below. Districts administering the paper WorkKeys may either test on the initial or makeup test dates. However, materials will need to be ordered for the makeup date as these will not be automatically generated. Additionally, LEAs should contact if they decide to utilize the makeup Districts and schools can order additional materials by contacting ACT directly at , ext ACT and WorkKeys
Coding of Documents Districts should have received precoded documents for students in grades 8, 9, and 10. Students not receiving precoded documents will be assessed with handcoded answer documents. Districts will need to utilize GUIDs for handcoded student answer documents. Transitional 9 th Grade and EXPLORE Transitional 9 th graders were not precoded for the EXPLORE test. Districts may utilize overage materials to test this small population of students. However, districts with larger T9 programs may need to order additional materials by contacting ACT at , ext Please with any questions or EXPLORE and PLAN
19 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
EOC May Administration Technology Requirements The same testing client used in the May and December 2014 administrations will be used for the May 2015 administration. Technology requirements for the client are the same as in the previous administrations and can be found EOC Schedules EOC testing schedules should be submitted to by April 2, EOC Administration Webinar Access here on March 24 at 9:00 amhere Topics include administration and security
21 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Test coordinators and accountability contacts are invited to attend half-day hands-on trainings for online assessment systems during the month of March and April. LEAP Web and LEAP Data: March 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Gonzales March 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Harvey March 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Bossier City March 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Alexandria EOC Administration: March 25 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Gonzales March 26 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Harvey March 27 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Bossier City March 30 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Alexandria The content of the LEAP Web and LEAP Data trainings will be similar to that of the January Hands-On Trainings for Assessment Systems. Attendance is optional. Registration is available in Coursewhere.Coursewhere
23 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
Assessment Calendar Calendar The Louisiana Assessment Calendar is now available here in the Assessment Library. The calendar includes assessments for small populations, grades 3-8, and high school LAA 2 Phase Out Beginning in Summer of 2015, the LAA 2 assessment will be transitioned to a district administered assessment much like GEE. Additional information on the transition will be available during the April monthly call. Grades 3-8 Assessments For the school year, districts will determine online or paper administration for the grades 3-8 math and ELA assessments. More information will be available in Summer 2015.
25 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
Test Security Test Security Training Anyone with access to secure test materials must have been trained in test security prior to the assessment administration Monitoring Documents Monitoring documents for use in internal district assessment monitoring have been updated and are available in the Assessment Library in the bottom right hand corner under Test Security.Assessment Library Testing Schedules Testing schedules for EXPLORE and PLAN were due on February 20, EOC testing schedules should be submitted to by April 2, Reporting Issues District test coordinators should utilize or the assessment hotline at to report test security issues during 26
27 Louisiana Believes Assessment March Checklist PARCC ACT EOC Hands-on Trainings for Online Assessment Systems Assessment Calendar Test Security Accountability Accountability Resources Agenda
Accountability Resources Calculator Overview The school performance score calculators are designed for educators to input school-level data in order to estimate school performance scores, for the purposes of planning. The school performance score calculators can be found on the School Results and Resources webpage on Louisiana Believes.School Results and Resources Key Updates The calculators have the following, additional features: Updates to the Strength of Diploma/Graduation Index, based on Jump Start Assessment Index calculations by grade, in addition to overall, for K-8 Note: The K-12 calculator reflects that the High School Progress Points Policy is Under Review Louisiana Believes 28
Next Steps Louisiana Believes 29 ActionKey Dates Order additional materials for PARCC Performance Based Assessment (PBA) including Spanish math forms March 10 Window for ordering makeup materials for ACT and WorkKeysMarch Deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP forms for LEAP and iLEAPMarch 18 EOC WebinarMarch 24, 9:00 am Deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP forms for EOCMarch 26 Review EOC technology requirements to ensure readiness for May testing window March- April Create school-level training schedule for test coordinators and administrators to prepare for May EOC testing window March-April For more information, contact Next call: April 21,