Energy saving Heat exchange Thermoelectricity Thermal energy Electric energy Thermal energy Cold
The Limited Liability Company “LEONARDA-SERVICE” was incorporated in the city of Moscow on January the 28 th, “LEONARDA-SERVICE” LLC is an innovative company dealing with the design and manufacture of articles for medical purposes and of medical equipment. “LEONARDA-SERVICE” LLC carries out innovation developments in the field of energy saving (optimizing LED power supplies), thermoelectricity, heat exchange, thermal-to-electric energy conversion. Andrey Vladimirovich REZVOV, “LEONARDA-SERVICE” LLC Director General, founder and owner of the Company, author of 24 patents.
The Company is a resident of the Technopark “SТRОGINО”, a Moscow City Public Enterprise since 2010, on the base of an order by the Moscow City Government. The Technopark “SТRОGINО” was established by the Government of Moscow with the support of the Russian Ministry for Economic Development in The Technopark represents an engineering area for innovative companies and provides comfortable conditions for doing business. The activity of the Technopark is performed in cooperation with the Science, Industrial Policy and Business Department of the City of Moscow, with infrastructure enterprises supporting innovative business and with other executive bodies of the City of Moscow.
The liquid heat exchangers we have built and patented are more efficient than the currently used “snake-type” models by 2.4 times. Our air radiator provides, for the same air consumption and the same heat load as for a pin radiator, a 2.15 to 6.92 times higher (refer to the diagram) temperature difference between the inlet and the outlet, which enables us to suggest innovative technical solutions for many fields: cooling-off electronic equipment for telecommunications (use of individual systems for thermoelectric cooling), individual cooling-off for compartments with equipment requiring rather low temperatures; various thermoelectric units for cooling and freezing; solutions providing for a comfortable microclimate, necessary to professionals in the field of air conditioning and to those dealing with air dehumidification, as well as to army units and to humanitarian organizations in need of mobile climatic stations; technical solutions enabling to reduce the size of existing radiators for internal- combustion engines; technical solutions enabling to build an alternative air-conditioner for motor-vehicles; development of systems for a spare electric power supply on the basis of thermoelectric elements and heat exchange systems; laser units; thermal-to-electric energy conversion; thermal energy-to-cold conversion. Natural (free) convection. The experiment showed: At a heat load of 9 Watts distributed on identical surfaces (40х40mm) of tested heat exchangers having the base thickness of 3 mm (our L heat exchanger and a known rod heat exchanger). At the ambient temperature of 21 o C, in the case of our L heat exchanger and of the rod heat exchanger, the temperature sensors being glued between the heat sink elements of both heat exchangers tested, our L heat exchanger showed a temperature 19 degrees lower than that of the rod heat exchanger.
The increase of the service life for LED radiation sources and the decrease of the weight of the same, thanks to the LED emission source cooling with a thermoelectric Peltier module connected in series to said LED source, are highly promising. The LED light source that has been built and patented with a lower height of the radiator for the same LED power but with a higher luminous efficiency thanks to a higher number of LEDs distributed on a considered area (the tests demonstrated the possibility to decrease the radiator height by more than 3 times, while keeping the same luminous efficiency and reducing the temperature of the LEDs) the present technology enables enables to get the needed luminous flux at a guaranteed LED cooling, to increase by many times the LEDs service life, to reduce the overall dimensions in the manufacture of motor- vehicle LED-based head-lights, search lights, street lanterns, etc. Replacement of currently widely used heat exchange radiators with (L) heat exchange radiators of our design will enable to improve additionally by 2 – 3 times the mass and volume characteristics or to decrease the temperature at immediate vicinity of the LEDs, which will increase the service life of LED light sources.
A quick freezer of blood plasma, patented and presently built, that has a high rate of freezing any biological objects provides for minimum damages of the last. For blood plasma, the fact of such a significant time reduction of minutes (from minutes provided by existing fast freezers of blood plasma) for freezing to the temperature of minus 30ºС inside a container with blood plasma reduces damages of the VIII, IX and other blood plasma factors contained in the last after its freezing out, which provides for a higher output of the “useful” blood plasma, without increase of the number of donors, which is of a great importance for medicine and for the life of humans in the whole world. The concept applied in the design of the fast blood plasma freezer enables to use it, without major modifications, for a “shock” freezing of food-stuff (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries).
We are proud of the development of reliable technical solutions that provide for the reduction by several times of the weight and volumetric characteristics for cooling units, enabling to reduce overall dimensions of existing radiators of internal-combustion engines, to achieve a significant energy saving, to increase the service life of sensitive electronic equipment, to provide a more healthy and productive microclimate for people in buildings and in facilities of all kinds, as well while they are inside a special equipment on land and water (under water). We create conditions that inspire us to find new ideas. We believe that innovations represent a key to our exceptionally competitive energy saving and heat exchanger solutions that are continuously supported by our new designs.