6th Grade Parent Orientation Lakeside Middle School A National Blue Ribbon School A California Distinguished School 6th Grade Parent Orientation Gina Cuneo Principal Allison Robbins Assistant Principal
“Doing What’s Best For Kids” Lakeside Celebrating 37 Years of “Doing What’s Best For Kids” Gina
Lakeside’s Philosophy All students will flourish in an environment in which they are challenged academically and have the benefit of being clustered with middle school kids of all ability levels. they are given a plethora of enrichment opportunities from which they choose to extend their areas of giftedness. a culture of achievement is created and shared by the entire student body.
Does it Work? API - Among the highest API scores in Irvine Unified School District & Orange County (900 +) on CSTs with a Similar School ranking 10 out 10 every single year. National Blue Ribbon School Nominee 2012 – One of only 4 middle schools in California to be nominated for NBRS. National History Day – This year, twenty-four students were named school champions and moved on to County. Two individual exhibits, a group exhibit and a group documentary will move on to state to compete in May. Academic Pentathlon – In 2015, our eighth grade team placed first in Super Quiz Science and fifth place overall. The seventh grade team took third place in Super Quiz, and fourth place overall. Math Counts – This year, four Lakeside students were named top team performers and four earned title as individual top performers. Gina
Does it Work? Astounding Inventions – This year, Lakeside had three honorable mention awards, two second place awards, one first place, and one student selected as the 8th Grade Division Winner. Holocaust Art and Writing Competition – Approximately 30 students participated and competed with schools from all over southern California. In recent years, we have won 1st place in the art competition in 2009 and 2010 and finalist in 2011. Science Fair – This past year, we had 16 projects move on to the district level with 11 blue ribbons and 5 red ribbons. Six student projects moved on to compete at the county level, and five were listed as OCSEF alternates. Kelly
But Does it Work? Spelling Bee – We had approximately 30 students compete with two students moving on to compete at the county level. Both students placed in the top 10. Reflections Art & Music Competition – Sponsored by the PTA, students show off their artistic talents through this exciting opportunity. National Junior Honor Society – With a membership of close to 100 students, Lakesiders participated in a variety of service projects, including a food drive for struggling local families, a memoir project for senior citizens and a hands-on activity making blankets for the animal shelter. Student presenters – Morgan and Claire Kelly
Supporting Learning Lakeside teachers work collaboratively to ensure that all students are learning at a high level. If students need additional time or support, a variety of interventions are in place to help them be successful: Homework Club – 4 days a week after school beginning in October Tutorial – 2 days a week before lunch Mandatorial – For 7th and 8th graders struggling in multiple classes, students attend a supervised tutorial to focus on completing homework Study Skills Elective – Selected by staff and administration Math & Reading Lab- 1-trimester class for a select group of struggling students “Formula For Success” parent and student night in October Lifeboat Program – For academically at-risk 8th graders during the second half of second trimester Theresa
Advisement One advisor for two years; it may or not be one of your child’s teachers The advisor acts as a liaison between parent and school; s/he is another support for kids Students report every morning to advisement for attendance as well as Monday after lunch Friday’s advisement is a half an hour during which schoolwide events, competitions and Lakeside Live is broadcast
Library Media Center A student-friendly place where students can study, read, research, find books, use computers and other technology, and find help with most things Lakeside! Open for check-out from 8:00 – 3:30 and at break and lunch M, T, Th, F. Open at 9:15 on Wednesdays. Janice
Language Arts/Social Studies Interdisciplinary Program LA/SS teachers are organized into interdisciplinary teams. Students remain with the same LA/SS team for two years which provides a home base. Classes can be block scheduled as needed. Major emphasis is on writing. Literature Lab – Students are placed in small groups based upon academic ability. For 2 periods a day during a 3 week period they participate in in-depth literary analysis of fiction along with non-fiction work MC Kelly
Language Arts Enrichment Book Club Holocaust Writing Contest Academic Pentathlon Spelling Bee Student presenter – Shreyas MC Kelly
Social Studies Social studies curriculum drives the interdisciplinary activities in the language arts/social studies block. Language arts teammates dovetail literature and other projects with social studies content. 7th grade – World History in the Middle Ages 8th grade – U.S. History to 1914 Jon
Social Studies Enrichment National History Day Academic Pentathlon Holocaust Art & Writing Student presenters- Claire, Alina, Rachel, Morgan Jon
Mathematics Our goal for our students is to help them become better critical thinkers as they apply abstract and quantitative reasoning to make sense of real world problems; To become better problem solvers students must be able to make sense of problems, persevere solving them, and use appropriate tools and operations strategically.
Enhanced Two-Year Program Mathematics Two-Year Program Middle School Math 7 (7th grade CC) Middle School Math 8 (8th grade CC) Enhanced Two-Year Program Middle School Enhanced Math 7/8 Middle School Enhanced Math 1
Math Placement All incoming 7th graders will be placed into either Math 7 or Enhanced Math 7/8 Placement Criteria for Enhanced Math - Students must meet three of four criteria A average in 3 trimesters of math 80% + on End of Course exam with 90% average on 3 key subtests (number sense/system, expressions & equations, ratio and proportional reasoning) 90%+ on 6th grade Basic Skills Exam Teacher Appraisal
Mathematics Enrichment Math Competitions AMC 8 Math Counts Academic Pentathlon Math Club
Science A Continual Focus On… Understanding the Process of Scientific Inquiry A balance of labs and text activities The Scientific Method Observing, collecting data, interpreting results, drawing conclusions & applying to research projects 7th Grade Year Two Trimesters - Life Science One Trimester of Health 8th Grade Year Physical Science Focus on STEM projects: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Science WE LOVE NGSS Content and literacy driven Next Generation Science Standards Content and literacy driven Balance of Common Core and hands-on science. Teaching for understanding Real life applications
Science Enrichment Activities and Competitions Science Fair – Required in 8th grade for students seeking honors recommendation for high school Astounding Inventions Green Team UCI Careers in Science Academic Pentathlon Toshiba Exploravision Student presenters – Morgan & Shreyas Beth Z
Physical Education A robust physical fitness program including both instruction and conditioning through the year Co-educational with 7th & 8th graders combined 2 year curriculum with approximately 16 units/activities – 8 each year! Includes golf, table tennis, pickle-ball, Frisbee, dance, lacrosse, team handball, floor hockey, along with a host of other more traditional sports Showers are not required, but are available upon request. Towel service is not provided! Jack
Physical Education Enrichment Lunch time intramurals Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament Irvine Hoops Classic Mt. SAC Cross Country Irvine Junior Games Lakeside Olympics
7th Grade Electives Year-long electives Band Orchestra Chorus Trimester Electives Introduction to Art Ceramics Fun With Foods Drama Introduction to Spanish Law in Society Public Speech & Debate Sewing & Crafts Video Production Reading Lab (by invitation only) Math Lab (by invitation only) Study Skills (by invitation only) Year-long electives Band Orchestra Chorus Advanced Art Yearbook Jack – ASB Students
A Day in the Life What will your 7th grader’s schedule look like? It depends on his or her electives and whether or not s/he takes Zero Period PE ZPPE allows students with a year-long music elective to take PE before school at 7:25 AM & enroll in other trimester or year-long electives
7th Grade Day Without ZPPE 8:30 Advisement – For attendance and announcements Per 1 Mathematics (Middle School Math 7 or Middle School Enhanced Math) Per 2 Physical Education Snack Break Per 3 Science (Health or Biological Science) Per 4 Year-Long Elective or Trimester Elective Tutorial (Tuesdays/Thursdays only) Lunch Advisement (Mondays only) Per 5 Language Arts Per 6 Social Studies 3:05 Dismissal AP Kelly
Extended Day PE (ZPPE) Zero Period PE is for students enrolled in a year long Music elective who want to take an additional trimester-long elective Begins at 7:25am every Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri Entirely dependent on donations Suggested donation of $540 for the year or $180 per trimester Register online and return attached form at http://iusd.org/donations/extended-day-pe/ Donations will be refunded if ZPPE is cancelled
7th Grade Day With ZPPE 7:25 Zero Period Physical Education 8:30 Advisement – For attendance and announcements Per 1 Language Arts Per 2 Social Studies Snack Break Per 3 Science (Health or Biological Science) Per 4 Year-Long Elective Tutorial (Tuesdays/Thursdays only) Lunch Advisement (Mondays only) Per 5 Mathematics (Middle School Math 7 or Middle School Enhanced Math) Per 6 Trimester Elective 3:05 Dismissal AP Kelly
Enrollment Please complete the enrollment card completely, following the directions at the top. Turn in enrollment documents to your sixth grade teacher by May 4th. If you are a school choice student, you may also turn them in to the Lakeside front office. Due to the constraints of the master schedule and class size concerns, administration cannot honor requests for specific teachers. Our teachers collaborate regularly, planning instruction and assessments so that all students will receive a similar, quality educational experience during their two years here.
Monday, May 4th! DON’T FORGET All enrollment cards are due to your child’s elementary school teacher by Monday, May 4th!
8:00-9:00 Last Names A-H, 9:00-10:00 I-Q 2015-2016 Registration: Thursday, August 20 8:00-9:00 Last Names A-H, 9:00-10:00 I-Q 10:00-11:00 R-Z You will receive a registration letter in the mail in August – also be on the lookout for email blasts! Fill out on-line registration beginning in August – complete forms for registration day Turn in completed forms from on-line registration Receive your student’s class schedule Pictures taken for student ID card and yearbook photo (option to purchase available) Do vision and hearing screening No Tdap, No schedule!! AP Kelly
Lakeside Welcomes You ! Gina