Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene Close Read Close Read: Concentrating on certain portions of a text/analyzing author’s craft/purpose You and your group members will be given line numbers and a question about those particular lines You will be given a few minutes to discuss your answers and write them down Everyone must participate—group roles Use textual evidence to support your thoughts You may be called upon to share your answers with the class
Group Member Roles Facilitator—keep group members on task, ask questions to keep the discussion going Reader—read the lines aloud Recorder—write down answers to questions on a sheet of notebook paper Speaker—share your group’s discussion with the class ***Switch roles with each question!!!
Read lines 1-32 To whom is Romeo talking? How do you know?
What phrase(s) or word(s) in lines can help you make meaning of the word discourses? What can you infer about Juliet’s actions from the way Romeo describes her?
Read lines aloud in your group To whom is Juliet speaking? How do you know? Hint: How do Romeo’s lines in this passage help support your answer?
Lines What does the audience know that Juliet does not know?
Read lines What does Juliet want Romeo to do? Why? Consider what we know about Romeo and Juliet’s families.
Read lines In these lines, what relationship is Juliet establishing between an object and the name of that object?
Lines How might Juliet’s soliloquy have been different if she had known Romeo was listening? Hint: Count the number of lines Juliet has in this scene. How does this compare to her earlier speeches?
Lines What course of action has Romeo just taken? How does this affect the scene?
Group Quick Write Why do you think Shakespeare crafted the scene so that the audience is aware of Romeo’s presence before Juliet is aware? Answer with a well- developed paragraph and use textual evidence cited in proper MLA format to support your answer. “(Romeo and Juliet Act. Scene. Line/s).