St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Reading Difficulties & How To Overcome Them
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Word recognition Good language comprehension, poor word recognition Good word recognition, good language comprehension Poor word recognition, poor language comprehension Good word recognition, poor language comprehension Language comprehension
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford What is Dyslexia? (Rose Report, 2009) ‘Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate & fluent word reading & spelling.’ Occurs across the range of intellectual abilities. Continuum
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Children may have difficulties with phonological awareness(identifying & manipulating sounds) verbal memory (retaining an ordered sequence of verbal material) verbal processing (processing familiar verbal information e.g. letters & digits) Visual memory (tracking & processing). Characteristic features of dyslexia
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Other Associated Difficulties with Reading Difficulties & Dyslexia poor gross and fine motor coordination weak language skills and word finding difficulties difficulty with short term and working memory unable to follow complex instructions poor organisation and management of time low self esteem Note: These are not by themselves markers of dyslexia.
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Key to Success Ensure they have focused, early intervention to support their literacy Make dyslexic learners into successful learners Put in place strategies to support their learning which will benefit all pupils
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Developing word recognition skills phoneme awareness and phonics teaching repetition and teaching of ‘tricky’ words
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Developing language comprehension talking with children reading to children learning about words teaching comprehension strategies
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford How to support short term memory Mind mapping Precision teaching Over learning Chunking instructions Repetition of instructions Visual timetables
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Questions and Close
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Targeted areas of intervention decoding comprehension Pre-reading skills
St Andrew's C E Primary School Oxford Reading has two components Word Recognition The ability to recognise words presented in and out of context. The ability to apply phonic rules - blending phonemes to decode. High quality phonics work – prime approach for beginners in learning to decode and encode. Comprehension The process by which word information, sentences and discourse are interpreted. The same processes underlie comprehension of both oral and written language. Continues to develop throughout life!