1 Skeletal Models Correspondence: Improved Interface, Organization, and Speed Clients: Prof. Stephen Pizer Comp. Sci. Grad Students University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2 Disease diagnosis based on shape Neuroscience: How do diseases change shapes of brain structures? How does shape change with normal brain development?; how does that explain learning? How to extract structures from medical images in treatment planning and delivery Importance of Statistics on Anatomic Shape A hippocampus, an important brain structure Shape differences between schizophrenic and typical hippocampus
3 One of the best model types for statistics is the skeletal model S-reps Sheet central to object, plus spokes covering object interior Discrete spokes with spoke interpolation to yield “continuity” Statistics are done on object models Mean hippocampus, schizophrenics Mean hippocampus, controls Lateral cerebral ventricle
4 Input: a set of many s-reps (the object for different individuals) Output: new s-reps with shifted spokes making variation tighter Code exists for making this correspondence improvement Effective S-rep Statistics Requires Spoke Correspondence
5 Awkward to use User must understand many subfunctions Command line Consists of many routines Some in Matlab, some in C++, some in Python Some from standard libraries, some within other programs, some for this special objective Ridiculously slow A week for a few tens of models as input But real inputs have a few hundred models Presently available data 30 cerebral ventricle s-reps Simulated ellipsoid s-reps The Present Code’s Properties
6 Read s-reps (.m3D format) -- Python Interpolator -- C++ within Pablo Main control code producing objective function to be optimized – Matlab 2 optimizers – from standard packages Statistics of s-reps modules Our method for non-Euclidean statistics – many Matlab functions Changing features back to s-reps after statistics – Matlab or C++ Principal Component Analysis: standard stats from std pkg Spoke regularity calculators – Matlab Display functions (extracted from Pablo) -- VTK The Present Code’s Components
7 Good user interface Rationalize and document code For users For later developers Speed up Use better language Parallelization Use parallel computer The Project Objective
8 Not needed by most team members High level mathematics and statistics Geometric understanding Needed Understand multiple languages One team member needs VTK (graphics pkg) knowledge One team member needs some math and statistics understanding Background Needed and Not Needed
9 Your work will help patients ultimately Your work will help neuroscience Your work will help researchers in shape statistics It is good practice in a common software task: turning first-try code into a usable package Why Choose This Project
10 For more information A paper by Liyun Tu, Jared Vicory et al. on this topic: Entropy-Based Correspondence Improvement of Interpolated Skeletal Models (submitted for publication) is available by to Many related papers (esp. one on s-rep fitting by Pizer et al. and ones on s-rep statistics by Jung) can be found at
12 MIDAG Preprocessing for Fitting S-reps into Signed Distance Images Alignment of cases –Weighted Procrustes on skeletal and spoke end points Weights = # of incident spokes Getting correspondence of spokes –Shift spokes along skeleton to tighten p(s-rep) Requires function p(s-rep)! –Methods Now: fit from common initialization: population mean, and across common modes of variation; then refine spoke lengths In development: Optimal entropy on spokes Regularity of spokes (in volume) Tight probability distribution on features
13 Other Brain Structures than Hippocampus Lateral ventricles Under study Quasi-tubular structures Developing spoke-shifting correspondence via entropy [Tu] Finding whether present results repeatable on other structures and other diseases is needed