Great Britain Great Depression France Germany The Soviet Union The Great Depression and 1930s
WORTH: What is inflation? This is what devastated the German economy in 1923 and kept many European governments from spending to end unemployment SUBJECT: Great Depression MAIN
WORTH: What was Kreditanstalt Bank? This is the bank in Vienna which collapsed in 1931 and weakened further the German economy SUBJECT: Great Depression MAIN
WORTH: Who was Herbert Hoover? He was the U.S. President who granted a one year moratorium on German debts SUBJECT: Great Depression MAIN
WORTH: What was the Lausanne Conference? This is the conference that ended the era of reparations SUBJECT: Great Depression MAIN
WORTH: What were the Dawes and Young Plans? These are the two U.S. plans to ease the German burden of reparation payments and ease inflation SUBJECT: Great Depression MAIN
WORTH: Who was Ramsey MacDonald? He was the Prime Minister for the British Labour government in 1929 when unemployment reached over 2.5 million SUBJECT: Great Britain MAIN
WORTH: What was the National Government ? This was the name of the government formed at the urging of George V and was made up of Conservative, Labour, and Liberal ministers SUBJECT: Great Britain MAIN
WORTH: Who was Oswald Mosley? He was the the leader of the British Union of Fascists and preached anti-Semitism SUBJECT: Great Britain MAIN
WORTH: Who was Neville Chamberlain?( appeasement) He was the progressive Conservative Prime Minister who took over the National Government in SUBJECT: Great Britain MAIN
WORTH: What was went off the gold standard? This move by the National Government decreased the value of the British pound by 30% but increased exports of British goods SUBJECT: Great Britain MAIN
WORTH: What was agriculture? This is the sector of the French economy that is still protected by the French government with tariffs and government subsidies SUBJECT: France MAIN
WORTH: What were the Action Francaise and the Croix de Feu? These are two of the right-wing groups that were formed in France that added to the political turmoil of the 1930s SUBJECT: France MAIN
WORTH: What was the Stavisky Affair? This is the scandal that threatened the Third Republic of France and involved a small time gangster and a fraudulent bond scheme SUBJECT: France MAIN
WORTH: What was the Popular Front? This was the political party in France that was formed from a coalition of leftist parties SUBJECT: France MAIN
WORTH: Who was Leon Blum? He was the Jewish Premier of France who led the socialist Popular Front after World War I SUBJECT: France MAIN
WORTH: What were the Emergency Decree and the Enabling Act? This is the act and decree that allowed Hitler to rule due to the emergency of the supposed communist takeover of Germany SUBJECT: Germany MAIN
WORTH: Who was Paul von Hindenburg? He was the leader of Germany who appointed Hitler Chancellor in SUBJECT: Germany MAIN
WORTH: What was the Reichstag fire? This event signaled an excuse for the NAZI’s to take power and for Hitler to take over the government SUBJECT: Germany MAIN
WORTH: What was the “Night of the long knives”? This was the nickname given to the night when Hitler ordered the purging of potential rivals from the Nazi party? SUBJECT: Germany MAIN
WORTH: Who was Heinrich Himmler? He was the leader of the Schutzstaffel or SS the elite body guard for Hitler SUBJECT: Germany MAIN
WORTH: What were collectives? These were the agricultural corporations that were used to increase production and feed the Communist state SUBJECT: Soviet Union MAIN
WORTH: What was the Great Purges? This was the name given to Stalin’s elimination of rivals in the Communist party SUBJECT: Soviet Union MAIN
WORTH: Who was Sergei Kirov? He was the former party chief of Leningrad who was assassinated and gave Stalin an excuse to eliminate his rivals SUBJECT: Soviet Union MAIN
WORTH: Who was Nikolay Bukharin? He was the former ally of Stalin and supporter of the NEP who was executed in Stalin’s purges SUBJECT: Soviet Union MAIN
WORTH: What was the Gosplan? This was the name of the Soviet state planning commission that set goals for Soviet industrialization SUBJECT: Soviet Union MAIN