Valparaiso High School Incoming Freshman Orientation Program
Office of Athletics Herb Hofer- Athletic Director Stacy Glidden – Assistant Athletic Director Denise Gilliland– Athletic Secretary
Objectives: Introduce potential athletes to VHS VHS athletic philosophy VHS athletic department’s procedures Documents and forms needed to compete Programs available at VHS
Athletic Department’s Philosophy Athletics are a part of a total educational program. Athletics should be a POSITIVE experience. Winning at all costs is NOT a reason to participate in athletics. Athletics need to be FUN!
Athletics’ Philosophy (cont.) Being an athlete is a privilege not a right. Athletes are held to a higher standard Academics come first Athletes’ behavior on and off the court/field/pool should be exemplary. The goal of the athletic program is not to develop college, professional, or Olympic athletes; although this is a byproduct of our interscholastic program. We should encourage multi-sport athletes.
2015-16 Sports Starting Dates Fall Girls Golf July 31st All other sports August 3rd
2015-16 Sports Starting Dates Winter Girls Swimming October 26th Girls Basketball October 26th Wrestling November 2nd Boys Swimming November 9th Boys Basketball November 9th Gymnastics November 23rd
2015-16 Sports Starting Dates Spring Boys Track February 15th Girls Track February 15th Softball March 7th Baseball March 14th Girls Tennis March 14th Boys Golf March 14th
Parent-Student Handbook Outlines the expectations for athletes. Participation on outside teams Expresses that athletes are accountable 365 days for their actions. There is a link on the athletic page of the school web page (
Parent-Student Handbook (cont.) Explains the eligibility requirements An athlete must pass FIVE solid classes per 9 weeks. Physical Education is a solid. Semester grades take precedence toward eligibility.
Athletic Forms Necessary Forms BEFORE Participation in Summer IHSAA Physical signed by doctor Informed Consent by both parents & student-athlete Pledge and Consent by both parents & student-athlete Parent-Coach Relationship Athletic Code of Conduct Emergency Medical Wavier Form Concussion/sudden heart Form Drug Testing Form
MYSPACE / FACEBOOK Highly visited web sites created by students Some high school students have lost eligibility. College students have lost eligibility, scholarships and employment opportunities. Athletes at some universities prohibited from having profiles on any site and could be dismissed from teams for failing to comply.
MYSPACE / FACEBOOK (cont.) VHS wants our athletes to protect their privacy and make smart decisions Most young people do not realize how something like this can put them at risk. Cell phone numbers and other personal information posted that could be used to stalk or harass individuals. PARENTS---Please be aware of the potential consequences if you allow your son/daughter to create a profile on these web sites
Attendance Athletes must be in attendance for HALF (1/2) the school day (10:20 a.m.) to practice or compete. The rule does not apply to exempt absences Funerals, doctor’s appointments, etc. Please contact the athletic office and coach prior to the absence.
Travel Release Forms Benefits from riding the team bus Educational time for coaches Communication without interruptions Team unity and bonding Please use the forms only when necessary. There should be three copies.
Specific Team Rules Each sport will have written team rules. Coaches will review these rules during a preseason athlete parent meeting. Coaches may apply appearance guidelines.
Sportsmanship / Behavior Athlete’s expectations The athlete represents Valparaiso High School, the team, community, and family. The athletic department and coaches will expect athletes to behave and compete in a certain manner. Parent’s expectations You also represent Valparaiso High School and the community. Your behavior is a role model for the athletes. Comment to our players, not the opposing team or officials. Comments should be positive.
Parent-Coach Communication Do not approach a coach before or after a game. Outline appropriate concerns in writing before meeting the coach (not playing time). E-mail works very well, all coaches have e-mails on the school web page.
Schedules -Cancellations & Postponements These are provided on the VCS web site. -Click on tab labeled ‘Schools- Valparaiso High School’ -Click on tab labeled ‘Athletics’ -Click on tab labeled ‘Athletic Schedule’ -Click on tab labeled ‘ Linked Schedule Page ’ -Click on tab labeled ‘Level (Varsity, Junior Varsity, etc.)’
Summer Camps Most teams have one week summer camp. Registration for all camps are done with the coach of the sports camp. -Click on tab labeled ‘Schools- Valparaiso High School’ -Click on tab labeled ‘Athletics’ -Click on tab labeled ‘Valparaiso High School Athletic Camps’
VHS Athletic Sponsorships Come be a part of our team! GO VIKES! Green Sponsor: $1,000.00 Digital Display- One 15 second Animated Sponsor Logo provided by sponsor (Loop of ads continuously runs before and after home events at FB field) Two Adult Season Passes for all VHS athletic events for 2015-2016 (does not include IHSAA or DAC tournaments) One full page color Ad in VHS Fall and Winter/Spring Athletic Programs White Sponsor: $500.00 One Adult Season Pass for all VHS athletic events for 2015-2016 Half page color Ad in VHS Fall and Winter/Spring Athletic Programs Sponsor: $250.00 Quarter page color ad in VHS Fall and Winter/Spring Athletic Programs 21
Ticket Prices All Season Pass (Adult) $80.00 All Season Pass (Student) $40.00 Senior Citizens $5.00 (Lifetime Pass) 65 years of age or older Proof of age & residency required Center Township residents only Ticket Prices For Varsity Games $6 Ticket Prices For All Other Games $6 22
Ticket Prices “Viking Pass” 10 PUNCH---$40.00 Passes work all year, are transferable, allow for more than one individual to be admitted
Summer Open Facilities & Conditioning Each Athlete must have their physical turned into the athletic office (Dated after April 1st). Each sport has its own schedule. Participation is optional but encouraged. No conditioning will happen during IHSAA Moratorium Week. 2015: June 28th-July 5th There will be no contact between coaches and players. All facilities will be closed
Post Season Awards Each sport has its own lettering requirements that should be indicated during the pre-season meeting. Letter winners are invited to the Seasonal Awards Program following their season or sport.
Duneland Athletic Conference Includes Chesterton Crown Point Lake Central LaPorte Merrillville Michigan City Portage Valparaiso
Duneland Athletic Conference Athletes have the chance to compete in 20 IHSAA sanctioned sports. Each sport crowns a conference champion. Each sport identifies an all conference team. Each sport announces an athletic all conference team. An academic-athletic all conference is announced at the end of the school year. The DAC is considered one of the elite conferences in the state.
Thank You for Attending! Please contact the athletic office for more information. Phone: 531-3080 We will break into individual sports for more information.