Workshop 6 Understanding the Role of Accredited Treatment Programmes in Managing Risks Posed by Sexual Offenders Facilitated by Marian Loveday and Louise.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop 6 Understanding the Role of Accredited Treatment Programmes in Managing Risks Posed by Sexual Offenders Facilitated by Marian Loveday and Louise Mullaney from Thames Valley Probation Trust Thames Valley Sex Offender Groupwork Programme (TV-SOGP)

Intervention Flow Chart Court Guilty Plea / Convicted Custody <U12 months No Involvement No Treatment Prison Treatment Core SOTP Extended BLB, TC HSF, Rolling SSO / CO / Licence TVSOGP Cyber Safe Super- vision Restrictions WWMWMI Women Polygraph Testing Psychologist Foundation Block Victim Empathy Life Skills Better Lives / Relapse Prevention Change Process SOPO SOR Polygraph ASBO

Risk Management MAPPA Probation Police Social Services Housing, Health, Mental Health Voluntary / Community Based Support

Theoretical Framework: CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy The work of the TVSOGP is underpinned by CBT; essentially exploring the link between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Helping group members to understand how these are linked (and shaped by their life experiences, as well as wider influences – society, attitudes, media, family, religion, culture, education, knowledge, etc), means that they can begin to challenge distorted thoughts and attitudes, improve ways of recognising and coping with feelings and develop and practice effective strategies to manage difficulties, including problematic sexual thinking. Facilitators use CBT techniques to help individuals challenge their patterns and beliefs and replace “thinking errors” (such as overgeneralizing and magnifying negatives) with more realistic thoughts. Skills practice, to rehearse and strengthen positive ways of managing difficulties, is also undertaken, to help group members manage problems, make positive changes in their lives and work towards realistic goals for the future.

Overview of Treatment Modules Up to 50 hours (2 hour sessions for up to 25 weeks) Building and Maintaining a Positive Future Life Introduction to the Good Lives Model, identifying and managing risk factors, developing coping strategies, support network, overcoming obstacles, skills practice. Better Lives 40 hours (2 hour sessions x 2 for 10 weeks) Recognising and addressing patterns of difficulties in interpersonal relationships, improving self- management, problem solving, coping strategies, developing skills, conflict resolution, goal setting. Life Skills 16 hours (2 hour sessions x 2 for 4 weeks) Developing a greater understanding of the impact of sexual abuse on victims, perspective taking, recognising long term consequences, addressing offence supportive attitudes (offence or victim related). Victim Empathy 2 weeks full time programme Key exercises: Steps to Offending, Life History, Decision Chain. Understanding Offending Behaviour and Taking Responsibility Introduction to managing risk factors, problem solving, alert signs, use of support network. FOUNDATION BLOCK

Good Lives Model The Better Lives Module is underpinned by the principles of the Good Lives Model (Tony Ward et al): Key principle: if an individual leads a fulfilling life, he is unlikely to reoffend. We all have needs that we strive to meet (see Wheel of Life headings). To not meet them will lead us feeling unfulfilled & unhappy with our lives. Attempting to fulfil personal needs through sexual behaviour alone can only ever provide a “quick fix” (short term). The original problems (loneliness, isolation, poor coping, sexual preference for children, etc) will remain.

End of Presentation

Presentation Notes WWMWMI: Work with men who maintain their innocence – Toolkit for Offender Managers to use with men in denial of sexual offending Designed to promote internal change rather than to overtly ‘push’ men to accept their conviction Female Sex Offenders: Individual assessment and intervention by staff with specialist training and experience Framework of intervention using a work-book Polygraph Testing: Lie detector tests due to start Jan 2014 for high / very high risk offenders as a licence condition Psychologist: referral to Andrew Bates, Chartered Forensic Psychologist, for assessment and fantasy modification work, autism / learning disability / mental health issues Cyber-Safe: Internet SAR (Structured Activity Requirement) of 25 sessions for low risk internet only offenders, 1:1 work with Offender Managers SOPO: Sexual Offences Prevention Order, restrictions e.g. not to reside with <U16 SOR: Sex Offender Register, annual registration with Police, notifying addresses, travel, disclosure, etc. ASBO: Anti-Social Behaviour Order, civil restrictions, etc.