Units IV and V
Columbian Exchange/ Triangular Trade/Slave Trade=Middle Passage
Colonization of the New World
Prince Henry, da Gama, & Dias
Technological Advances – Caravel, Astrolabe & Compass
Terrace Farming/Inca
Road Systems/Inca
Mayan Collapse
Absolute Monarch - Louis XIV of France
Absolute Monarchs
Absolute Monarch – Elizabeth I of England
Divine Right
English Parliament – Early Democracy
Scientific Revolution Galilei Newton Copernicus
Scientific Methods – Experimentation and Observation
Questioned traditional View
Enlightenment Philosopher - John Locke - Natural Laws
John Locke
Enlightenment Philosopher - Montesquieu
Enlightenment Philosopher – Rousseau- Social Contract and Reason
Main Cause of French Revolution : Estate General -Three Estates
Causes of the French Revolution
Louis XVI - Guillotined
Robespierre/Reign of Terror
Napoleon – Napoleonic Code Based on Enlightenment Ideal Create one law code for France Often compared with Hammurabi Code, Roman Twelve Tables, and Justinian Code
Napoleon Defeated by Russian Winter
Latin America - Independence
Congress of Vienna – Remade Europe After Napoleon
Why Industrial Revolution started in England Abundant natural resources Advanced Technology Surplus of food Stable economic and political conditions Irregular coastline Surplus workers from rural areas Rivers and extensive canal systems
James Watts Invented Steam Engine
Marx= Marxism = History is class struggle Workers will eventually overthrow capitalists Critical of the Industrial Revolution and its problems Soviet Union became the world’s first socialist country
The Rise of Middle Class /Bourgeois
Workers formed Union to Fight for Their Rights
Irish Potato Famine
Imperialism/ White Man’s Burden
German Unification/Bismarck
Nationalism - German and Italian Unification