Chapter 13, Section 1 The Presidency
Presidents Roles President has 8 roles to take on in office Chief of State Chief Executive Chief Administrator Chief Diplomat Commander in Chief Chief Legislator Chief of Party Chief Citizen
Formal Qualifications Be a natural born citizen Be at least 35 years of age Have been 14 years a resident in the US
Presidents Term 4 year terms Washington refused to serve a 3rd term so it was an unwritten rule to only serve 2 terms (it is now the 22nd amendment)
Pay and Benefits Congress determines the Presidents Salary Benefits include the best medical services, The White House, fleet of cars, & Air Force One
Chapter 13 Section 2
Presidential Succession Definition: shceme my which vacany is filled (President dies, resigns, or is impeached) Order of Succession: Vice President Speaker of the House President pro tempore of the Senate Secretary of the State Secretary of Treasury
25th Amendment: “In case of removal of of the President from offices of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.” Section 2: If the Vice Presidency becomes vacant the President is allowed to nominate a candidate that then must be confirmed by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress Sections ¾: If President becomes too sick or has a disability that disables him to fulfill his duties he can allow the VP to become an “acting President” temporarily Presidential Succession Act of 1947: certain order who can succeed the President (last 14 of 18 listed are heads of the cabinet department)
Vice President Presides over the senate and to help decide the question of presidential disability When President chooses a VP he looks for a candidate to “Balance the Ticket” chooses a running mate who can strengthen his own chance of being elected based on race, ethnicity, or gender President cannot fire the VP under circumstances
Chapter 13 Section 3 Key terms
Presidential Electors chose the president and vice president
Electoral votes each for a differnt candidate, casted by elctors
Electoral College the group of people chosen from each state and the District of Columbia to formally select the president and vice president
Chapter 13 Section 3 Summary
the basics the president is not directly elected by the citzens electoral college elects president person with second most votes became vice president
the basics problems emerged when parts began to develope 12 ammendment seperated the presidential and vice presidential elections
Chapter 13 section 4
Selection of Delegates Two Presidency campaigns Republican - leaves matter to it state organizations and to state laws Democratic - adopted several national rules to govern process
Presidency primary- an election which party vpoters chose some or all of state party organization delegates to their party’s national convention and/or expressing a preference among various contenders for their party’s presidential nomination national convention - meetings at which the delegates vote to pick their presidential and VP candidates.
Chapter 13 Section 5 The Election
The Election -Presidents are elected by the people -Every state has a certain number of votes, known as the Electoral Votes -Every state except Maine and Nebraska the candidates are chosen at large- Winner takes all
Electoral College -Candidate must win at least 270 of the 538 electoral votes -The points are based of the # of H of R members of each state plus the 2 Senators
Electoral Colleges 3 Major Defects Winner of the popular vote isn’t guaranteed to become president Electors aren’t required to vote in accord with the popular vote Any election might have to be decided in the House of Representatives
Proposed Reforms 1. District Plan- Electors would be chosen in each state in the same way as members of congress 2. Direct Popular Election- Popular vote wins 3. National Bonus Plan- Add 102 electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote
QUIZ What method do we use to vote? How many roles does the President have? Who is 2nd and 3rd in line to the Presidency? What are the two biggest political parties? How many electoral votes does CA have?
Answers Electoral College 8 Vice President and then The Speaker of The House Democratic and Republican parties 55