NCAA Division I Two-Year College Transfers Andy Louthain Quintin Wright
Objectives Identify legislation fundamental to NCAA Division I two-year college and 4-2-4 college transfer certification. Apply legislation to real world examples. Establish best practices.
Transfer Certification Overview Determining transfer status. Types of transfers and requirements. Two-year and 4-2-4 transfers. Transfers and other applicable legislation. Progress-toward-degree (PTD) requirements. One-time transfer exception. Financial aid.
Transfer Certifications
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation Determining the start of initial full-time enrollment. Did the SA: Register as a full-time student for a regular term; and Attend a class or classes on the first day? NCAA Division I Bylaw
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation If yes to both, SA has triggered: Transfer status Initial full-time enrollment; and Use of a term for PTD purposes. Six-hour rule. 24-hour rule. 40/60/80.
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation Important things to remember: SA’s transcript does not necessarily tell the whole story. Knowing initial full-time enrollment sets the basis for more than just transfer and PTD. Start of five-year eligibility clock.
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation If not enrolled full time, other ways an SA can trigger transfer status: Reporting for regular squad practice. Prior to the beginning of a semester or quarter. Practiced or competed while enrolled less than full time; or Received institutional financial aid while attending a summer term.
Evaluating Transfers for Applicable Legislation Possible to trigger transfer status without triggering initial full-time enrollment or a PTD term of enrollment. Use your resources when trying to find transfer status: Google NCAA Eligibility Center Office of the Registrar National Student Clearinghouse
Types of Transfer Requirements Division I Transfers 2-4 Transfers 4-2-4
Two-Year College Transfers
2-4 Transfers – Financial Aid, Practice and Competition Qualifier Minimum one full-time term attended. Average of 12 hours transferable per full-time term. (e.g., three terms = 36 transferable) 2.500 GPA on transfer credit. Nonqualifier Minimum 48-semester or 72-quarter hours transferable. Minimum of three full time terms attended. Graduate from two-year college. Six/eight hours transferable English, three/four math, three/four science.
2-4 Transfers – Financial Aid and Practice Qualifier Earns aid and practice via qualifier status. Nonqualifier Graduate from two-year college. Six/eight hours transferable English, three/four math, three/four science. Minimum 48-semester or 72-quarter hours transferable. Minimum three full-time terms attended. 2.000 GPA on transfer credit.
Limit of two hours of physical education (PE) activity coursework.* Excess hours removed from transfer total and GPA calculation. *See PE/education degree at certifying institution exception. 2-4 Transfers Requirements Qualifier Nonqualifier
2-4 Transfer Nonqualifier - Hours Earned in the Summer Summer Limits. No more than 18/27 hours total. No more than nine/13.5 hours in the summer prior to transfer. Effects 48/72 core-course requirement.
Case Study: 2-4 Nonqualifier Theo is from South Carolina. Coach believes he is a game changer and an academic stud. Coach thinks that he is a qualifier. Theo is unsure of his status. Theo is in his third semester at a two-year institution in the low country. On track to graduate with an Associate of Science degree (A.S.) after this term.
What Do You Need to Complete a Preliminary Transfer Evaluation for Theo? NCAA ID to confirm qualifier/nonqualifier status. Transcripts from each institution attended. Transferable degree credit evaluation from registrar’s office. Transferable GPA evaluation. Majors of interest at the institution. Degree audit or “what if” form from each of potential majors.
Here’s What You Have… Theo never registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Official transcripts are on hold from the two-year college because of unpaid parking tickets. Registrar’s office has done a preliminary transfer-credit evaluation based on unofficial transcripts. cont...
Here’s What You Have… Evaluation shows: Three full-time terms (2013-14, with 2014 fall term in progress). 45 transferable credit hours (12 in progress). One math course complete (three credits), one English course complete (three credits) and no science courses. Six transferable credit hours labeled “Physical Education” (all “A” grades). 2.403 transferable GPA.
Evaluating Theo’s Eligibility Questions for Bylaw 14.5 exceptions: Qualifier or nonqualifier? What does he need to do to meet transferable credit requirements? Any applicable limits on number of transferable credits? Graduation requirements from two-year college.
Assuming Theo is a Nonqualifier What are potential issues with Theo’s transfer eligibility? Transferable hours. Six total PE courses. Are they activity courses? 12 of 45 transferable credit hours in progress for fall 2014. Transferable GPA.
Options for Theo Does Theo still have options regarding meeting transfer eligibility? Spring 2015. PE activity credit exceptions.
Getting Closure on Theo Will declare an education major which requires two PE activity courses. Earns his 12 hours in fall 2014 with a 2.675 GPA. 12 more hours in spring 2015 with a 2.541 GPA. Three transferable science courses.
Theo’s Evaluation after Spring 2015 Nonqualifier. Four full-time semesters. 53 transferable (minus four PE activity hours completed). Three hours short of earning A.S. degree. 2.507 GPA in courses regularly transferable. Three English, three math and three science. Bylaw 14.5
Advising Theo Theo needs to earn his A.S. degree. Three hours short. Theo has not earned all the core courses. English Does Theo still have options regarding meeting transfer eligibility? Summer 2015.
When Evaluating Transfer, Don’t Forget PTD Theo has enrolled in four full-time terms. In addition to transfer requirements: Six-semester or six-quarter hours of academic credit during the previous term of full-time enrollment; Designate a degree program; and 40% of the course requirements in designated degree program.
Theo’s Final Evaluation Education major declared. Minimum 120 credit hours to graduate. 56 transferable and degree applicable = 46.6%. Earned 12 transferable credits in last full-time term (spring 2015). Bylaw 14.4
4-2-4 Transfer Requirements
4-2-4 Transfer Requirements - Qualifiers First four-year institution. Two-year institution. Graduate. Average of 12 hours per term of attendance at two-year institution. 2.500 GPA. Two PE activity hours. Certifying four-year institution. One calendar year from first four-year prior to competition. Bylaw 14.5.6
4-2-4 Transfer Requirements – Nonqualifier First four-year institution. Two-year institution. Graduate. Average of 12 hours per term of attendance at two-year institution. 2.500 GPA. Two PE activity hours. Certifying four-year institution. Six/eight hours transferable English, three/four math, three/four science. One calendar year from first four-year prior to competition.
Case Study: Curtis cont…. 2012-13, 13-14 and Fall 14. State Military College (SMC) Four-year institution: Earned 56 hours at SMC . Three hours of English and physical science. Four hours of PE activity. cont….
Case Study: Curtis Three hours math. One hour of PE activity. Two-year institution: Cloud College spring and summer 2015 . Earned a total of 18 hours at Cloud. Three hours math. One hour of PE activity. cont….
Case Study: Curtis What are Curtis' remaining requirements? Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree. Determination of transferable hours, needs 12 hours. Determination of transfer GPA. cont….
Case Study: Curtis Initial eligibility status. If a nonqualifier, would be subject to the core-course standard (English, math and science). Can Curtis combine the core courses earned at SMC and Cloud? Can Curtis enroll over the summer at New Four-Year institution to rectify core-course deficiency? cont….
Case Study: Curtis Can Curtis transfer to New Four-Year institution for the 2015 fall term? Yes. Is Curtis immediately eligible for competition at New Four-Year institution for the 2015 fall term? No. Calendar year.
When Evaluating Transfer, Don’t Forget PTD Curtis has enrolled in six full-time terms. In addition to transfer requirements: Six-semester or six-quarter hours of academic credit during the previous term of full-time enrollment; Designate a degree program; and 60% of the course requirements in designated degree program.
Don’t Forget 4-2-4 Monitor the calendar year elapse requirement from the four-year institution. Average of 12 credit hours must be earned at the two-year institution (part-time hours must transfer back). Different standard for qualifiers and nonqualifiers (core-course requirements). Midyear transfers in baseball and basketball not eligible for competition immediately.
Evaluating Transfer, Don’t Forget PTD Transfer Requirements Six hours. 24-semester/36-quarter hours. 30-semester/42-quarter hours. Six hours and percentage. Bylaw
Don’t Forget Summer Aid Legislation Applicable to ALL transfer types. Condition to the awarding of athletically related financial aid to PSA to attend summer school prior to initial full-time enrollment at certifying institution. Summer coursework is not used for the purpose of completing transfer eligibility requirements. Bylaw
Best Practices Transcripts, transcripts, transcripts. All 2-4 transfer evaluation forms should include: science, PE and GPA. Limit offers of aid to transfers until a preliminary evaluation is complete (using transcripts). Provide a preliminary transfer evaluation in writing to the coaching staff and the SA. cont…
Best Practices Complete a final transfer evaluation in writing to the coaching staff and the SA before the SA triggers transfer status to the certifying institution. Be aware of the end dates of nontraditional coursework being completed by SA. Should be complete before SA triggers transfer. Registrar’s office has access to National Student Clearinghouse to verify prior enrollment at other institutions. Get read-only access to institutional database for transfer course equation.