Los Angeles County Workforce Investment Board Job Development Services for Older Workers Presented at Southern California Regional Training California Department of Aging (CDA) Title V – Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) April 8,
OUTLINE Community Outreach Creating contacts with local businesses and non- profits Networking with local business organizations Ways to change perception of older workers Techniques for providing employers with positives about SCSEP program and the participants 2
WIOA The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult & Dislocated Worker Services Rapid Response Youth Services Business Services 3
AJCC America’s Job Center of California SM L A County WIB AJCCs formerly known as WorkSource Centers provide Employment resources to employers and job seekers Specialists that know the local labor market 4
SECTOR STRATEGIES Sector strategies - Regional Planning - Regional Planning - Labor Market Information/Data Solutions - Labor Market Information/Data Solutions - In-Demand Sectors and Occupations - In-Demand Sectors and Occupations Work-Based Learning - Work-Based Learning - Industry Engagement - Industry Engagement 5
SECTOR INTERMEDIARY Convenes employers/gain intelligence Builds strong sector partnerships Works to leverage funding systems & change employer practices Develops employment/career pipelines Aligns training with the needs of employers 6
PUBLIC-PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS Brokering relationships with Employers and Training providers. Providing career services to job seekers & incumbent workers. Working with diverse partners to provide supportive services 7
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Job Search Training Workshops: Impart skills to increase success in finding work. 8
CalJOBS SM CalJOBS SM – CalJOBS SM Allows the job seeker to review job orders in occupational and geographic areas in which they want to work. CalJOBS website: 9
Experience Unlimited Job Clubs Self-help, Networking organizations for job seekers. All levels of re-employment services are available. Serve primarily those who are age 40 and over. 10
Older Workers in Workplace Employers are seeking older workers for their: Experience Dedication Soft skills Work ethics Maturity 11
CONCERNS ABOUT OLDER WORKERS Lack of stamina for a job, Don’t understand technology Don’t have the right attitude to work with younger employees Won’t stick around for long. 12
JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES for OLDER WORKERS JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES for OLDER WORKERS Keep your skills current. Locate AJCC for job training and employability skills Seek out companies that embrace older workers. Stay up to date with technological trends. Use networking venues to showcase your skills. Broaden your pool of targeted employers. Consider flexible options. Consider legal recourse. 13
LAWS PROTECTING OLDER WORKERS Employment Act of Fair Employment and Housing Act.. AJCC ensures that all of its job listings comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 14
KEY RESOURCES AND TOOLS. Business Center ( Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders ( Competency Model Clearinghouse ( Competency Model Clearinghouse ( 15
KEY RESOURCES AND TOOLS America’s Service Locator ( mySkills myFuture ( Worker ReEmployment ( Veterans ReEmployment ( 16
MOBILE APPS AND TOOLS Find an American Job Center ( Find a Job ( Veterans Job Search ( Salary Finder ( Training Finder ( Unemployment Insurance Finder ( ) 17
JOB SEARCH PSYCH for Older Workers Stay focused Be energetic & enthusiastic Keep going until you get hired Don’t get discouraged Stay positive 18
Ogbonnaya Oke THANK YOU! 20