PARENTS SHOULD KNOW Parents do NOT have access to student records Colleges have different privacy rules than HS This is a college and an adult environment No special allowances are made because of the student’s age Instructors aren’t required to monitor attendance Parents should not contact faculty or Running Start staff
SUMMER QUARTER Not covered by RS; you pay full cost of tuition, books & fees You are responsible for sending summer grades to your high school Online orientation & online advising required before you can register for classes
Meet with high school counselor to complete an Enrollment Verification (E.V.) Form each quarter Counselor must: indicate high school/Skills Center course load indicate # of college credits allowed indicate high school equivalency for courses sign form Parent must sign the Enrollment Verification Form Student must bring signed form and photo ID to the RS office in Gaiser Hall or Columbia Tech Center (CTC) STEP 1: FORECASTING = E.V. FORM
STEP 2: ORIENTATION & ADVISING Two parts: online orientation AND online advising are mandatory before you can register for classes New fall students can complete online orientation and online advising anytime New RS students can register online for fall and summer starting May 26 if they have completed the online orientation and advising before 6 a.m. on May 21
Credit maximum funded by RS depends on high school and Skills Center course load You may not get your first choice of class or time Have a back-up plan and enroll in open classes that count toward high school graduation You must complete online orientation & online advising before you can register online For subsequent quarters, your registration date/time is assigned by number of credits earned STEP 3: ONLINE REGISTRATION
Photo ID is required when requesting a PIN number or a Student ID (SID) number We cannot disclose PIN or SID numbers over the phone or by or to anyone other than the student SID # is usually 940-XX-XXXX PIN and SID
STEP 4: FEES RS pays for some or all of your tuition, depending on HS/Skills Center course load RS does NOT cover fees or textbooks Print your “Student Schedule” to determine what you owe $ amount you owe will not be correct until you bring your E. V. Form to RS office or CTC Pay fees and/or tuition online, or by phone, or at Cashier Office before the deadline
FEE WAIVER Waiver eligibility is based on receiving state or federal assistance, such as free or reduced-price lunch Bring documentation to the RS Office before paying fees and before first day of class to receive the fee waiver for that quarter Documentation only needs to be brought once Not all fees can be waived
Same criteria as fee waiver Funding is limited Probably only one book per school year will be “loaned” to eligible students Watch for to announce the book funding dates BOOK ASSISTANCE
Choose classes you need for HS graduation Ask HS counselor for a list of approved classes Read course description Courses must be numbered 100 or higher “&” sign indicates a course which has a common course number at all WA community colleges Note fees, labs, & conferences and prerequisites Take foreign language test if needed Note location of courses at WSUV (CCW), Columbia Tech Center (CTC ), CCG (Bingen) or online (ARR) CHOOSING CLASSES
KEEP IN MIND: TRAVEL TIME PARKING (Not free at CCW) CTC AND CCW LOCATIONS CTC = Columbia Tech Center at 187 th and Mill Plain CCW = WSUV in Salmon Creek area CCG = Clark Center in the Gorge (Bingen, WA) TRANSPORTATION
HOW MUCH TIME IS INVOLVED? For every hour spent in class, you should spend two hours outside of class studying, reading, writing papers, etc. For Example: A student taking 12 credits will usually spend 12 hours in class per week and should allocate an additional 24 hours for homework each week.
CREDIT RATIO 5 COLLEGE CREDITS = 1 H.S. CREDIT 4 ““ = 0.8 3 ““ = 0.6 2 ““ = 0.4 1 ““ = 0.2 You can substitute approved Clark classes in place of classes at your high school Content requirements may vary
TYPES OF DEGREES See “AA Degree” link on RS website Also known as Direct Transfer Agreement or DTA Intended to meet general education requirements for most local universities Applied Science or professional/ technical degrees Prepares you for a specific job Not considered a transfer degree CLARK COLLEGE
Also known as “general transfer degree” or DTA (Direct Transfer Agreement) Total of 90 college-level credits Average 15 credits per quarter x 6 quarters Tuition for 15 credits will be paid by RS if you are taking no more than 1 class at HS Group Running Start Advising 101 Workshops will be available in the fall AA DEGREE
Should choose first quarter classes based on HS graduation requirements These classes will apply toward the degree requirements Should attend a RS Advising 101 workshop in the fall Should prepare for their specific major Should take the ACT or SAT test Generally will have to declare a major within one quarter at the university A.A. DEGREE STUDENTS
DEGREES & MAJORS Register for a Career Exploration class HDEV 100 or 101 Talk with faculty & advisors about programs you might be interested in Visit the Career Center for the latest information about careers Talk with employers about what kind of skills & education they want you to have WHAT IF I’M NOT SURE?
Reserved for FACULTY/STAFF NOT FOR STUDENTS FRESHMEN/SOPH FULL SIZED CARS You will get a ticket if you park in F/S spot before 5:30 p.m. F PARKING IN F/S SPOTS S
Purchase Clark Student ID card at Bookstore about one week before your classes begin Optional: Pay additional amount for quarterly bus pass Have photo taken at Security C-TRAN BUS PASS OPTION
Provide accommodations to students with disabilities Documentation required; start the process NOW Call (360) A.S.A.P. (360) Videophone DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES
STRUGGLING? Talk to instructor first Seek free tutoring See Running Start Advisor Drop class(es) by using a “Change of Registration” form and taking it to Registration Office If you don’t withdraw from the course, your GPA will suffer (both high school & Clark) Withdraw by end of 8 th week of quarter Probation/Suspension policy on college website
Note: Most school vacations don’t match up with Clark’s Winter and Spring breaks Go to college “Academic Calendar” on the web before planning vacations Click on “Academics” then “Academic Calendar” VACATIONS & BREAKS
DO: Bring your E.V. form to Clark before the payment deadline each quarter Read and keep the syllabus Check your student regularly Contact us if you move or change high schools Complete a “change form” to withdraw if you stop attending a class or you will get an F on both your HS transcript and college transcript DON’T: Have your parent call to ask a question Miss the payment deadline Plagiarize (see course syllabus) Overload yourself with too many credits Over commit STUDENT DO’S AND DON’TS
CAMPUS TOURS Campus tours are available To schedule a time to visit Clark College, call (360)
Classes begin on Monday, Sept. 21 Plan class times at Clark around your high school classes and allow enough time to get to Clark Afternoon and evening classes are more likely to be open at Clark Columbia Tech Center (CTC) and Clark Center at WSUV (CCW) locations are more likely to have open classes FALL QUARTER 2015
FORECASTING Fall & summer schedules will be online April 20 at “Academics” then “Class Schedule” Print Enrollment Verification Form from: Complete form and have high school counselor and parent sign it Turn in E.V. form to RS office or CTC by end of May
REVIEW STEP ONE: Complete both online orientation and online advising modules before 6 a.m. on May 21 STEP TWO: Forecast (Enrollment Verification Form) with high school counselor in late April or May; bring form to RS office or CTC before online registration starts May 26 STEP THREE: Register online STEP FOUR: Pay any fees and/or tuition before due date