IEEE mag Submission Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [IEEE MAC Overview] Date Submitted: [06 May, 2015] Source: [Amarjeet Kumar] Company [Procubed Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.] Address [A/7, 1 st Floor, KHB Colony, 5 th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore – , INDIA] Voice:[ ], Re: [Ballot comment submission. References: P REVc-D00.pdf] Abstract:[This document presents an overview for addition of new PAN ID type in IEEE MAC sub-layer as currently specified in the “P REVc-D00.pdf” version of the standard.] Purpose:[Proposal for addition of new PAN ID the IEEE task group.] Notice:This document has been prepared as a proposal to IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
IEEE mag Submission Slide 2 Content Proposal Problem Statement Proposed solutions Proposed Change in the specification Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed
IEEE mag Submission Slide 3 Usage of IEEE extended address as extended PAN ID to avoid duplication. Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposal
IEEE mag Submission Slide 4 Technical Issues: –A new device creating a Network does a scan of the environment and get to know about the existing PAN in the network. –Based on the scan results the new device selects a Unique PAN ID to create a new Personal Area Network. –In case of an existing network which is using RIT, will not be able to communicate any information about its PAN as the receiver will be OFF most of the time. –In such case there is a possibility that the new device may create the new Personal Area Network using a pre-existing PAN ID. Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Problem Statement
IEEE mag Submission Slide 5 Proposed Solution: –Introduction of a new type of PAN ID Extended PAN ID (64 bit) –If the extended PAN ID is selected, the PAN ID field will be of 64 bit length and it will contain the Extended address of the PAN coordinator. –This will make sure that no two PAN in the network have same PAN ID even if we have a PAN consists of sleeping devices. –0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: Broadcast extended PAN Identifier in case the extended PAN ID Mode is selected. –Following slides explains the changes required in the specification Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposed Solution
IEEE mag Submission Slide 6 Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposed Change in the specification Frame Format changes: –Page 112, Line number –Chapter “7.2 General MAC frame format” –Change the “Figure 86 – General MAC Frame Format” to support the 8 Octets Destination and Source PAN Identifier.
IEEE mag Submission Slide 7 Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposed Change in the specification Frame Control Field change: –Page 113, Line number 1-9 –Chapter “ Frame Control field” –Change the “Figure 87 – Format of the Frame Control Field” to use the 7 th bit (currently reserved) as PAN ID Mode. –The PAN ID mode should indicate the type (normal or Extended) of PAN ID used.
IEEE mag Submission Slide 8 Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposed Change in the specification PAN ID Mode description: –Insert the below description in Page 114, Line number PAN ID Mode The PAN ID Mode field shall be set to NORMAL_PANID if the device is sending the frame with 2 Octets Normal PAN Identifier and it should be set to EXTENDED_PANID if the device is sending the frame with 8 Octets Extended PAN Identifier. Table 7 – values of PAN ID Mode Field –The following chapter number will need to be reassigned automatically after insertion of above.
IEEE mag Submission Slide 9 Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposed Change in the specification Changes in other places with respect to PAN ID: –In Page 116, Line number 40 A value of 0xffff or 0xffffffffffffffff in this field shall represent the broadcast PAN ID, which
IEEE mag Submission Slide 10 Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposed Change in the specification Enhanced Ack Frame Format changes: –Page 125, Line number 3-15 –Change the “Figure 101 – Enh-Ack frame format” to support the 8 Octets Destination and Source PAN Identifier.
IEEE mag Submission Slide 11 Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed Proposed Change in the specification Modification in the API’s: –All API’s and structures which uses the PANID as one of the parameter needs to add an additional field “PAN ID Mode”. MLME-ASSOCIATE.request() MLME-DISASSOCIATE.request() MLME-DISASSOCIATE.confirm ….
IEEE mag Submission Slide 12 Thank you! Questions Amarjeet Kumar, Procubed