Training on INCLUSIVE EDUCATION for teachers Twinning Project to Support Implementation of the Kosovo Education Sector Strategic Plan 2011 – 2016 MTE Marja Matero March 2015
Background Exclusion Segregation Integration Inclusion
From exclusion to inclusion of persons with disabilities Paradigm shift from Special Education to Inclusive Education 4 From exclusion to inclusion of persons with disabilities Exclusion Segregation Integration Inclusion No services only family Services to persons with disabilities Needs of persons with disabilities Rights of persons with disabilities Despised Categorising persons with disabilities Changing persons with disabilities Changes in schools, colleges, organisations Ignored 'Special' / different treatment Equal treatment Equality - each receives support they need to thrive & achieve their potential Cursed, possessed by devil, witch craft Disability is a problem to be fixed (in a special place) Disability is a problem to be fixed Everyone has gifts to bring Jesper Holst Ethiopia, May 2010
What is inclusive education? Ultimate goal is a society where all members are able to fulfil their potential and participate optimally Education system that is open to ALL learners, regardless of poverty, gender, ethnic backgrounds, language, learning difficulties and impairments.
Pertti Kurikan nimipäivät
I always have to I always have to clean I always have to do the dishes I always have to work I always have to go to the doctor I am not allowed to go to the computer I am not allowed to watch television I am not allowed to see my friends I always have to be at home I always have to do chores I always have to eat well I always have to drink well I can't eat candy, drink soda, I can't even drink alcohol I always have to rest I always have to sleep I always have to wake up I always have to shower
Inclusive education An approach to manage human diversity in the educational system ”ALL learners can learn” and in regular settings A right to be educated alongside peers Reduces and eliminates exclusion in and from education
Inclusive education (UNESCO 2009) a key to establishing inclusive societies. a process of strengthening the capacity of the education system to reach out to all learners regardless of poverty, gender, ethnic background, language, disabilities and impairments. respond positively to student diversity and seeing individual differences as opportunities for enriching learning. increasing participation of all in learning, cultures and communities. strives for high quality education for all students. an essential element to achieve social equity and lifelong learning.
Education through the inclusion lens (UNESCO 2009) The education system has the full responsibility to ensure the right to education Education through the inclusion lens (UNESCO 2009) Flexible teaching and learning methods adapted to different needs and learning styles It is equipped and ready to handle diversity through: Reorienting teacher education Flexible teaching methods with innovative approaches to teaching aids, and equipment as well as the use of ICTs Flexible curriculum responsive to diverse needs and not overloaded with academic content Welcoming of diversity Responsive, child-friendly environments Involvement of parents and community Professional environment working deliberately and actively to promote inclusion for all Early identification and remediation of children at risk of failure
Benefits of inclusive education Quality education Academic and social benefits for all students An appreciation of the diversity in society A greater recognition of social justice and equity More caring attitude Human rights aspect: ALL students learn together Positive economic factors (especially in rural areas)
Discussion: Who are the children in your community who are excluded or about to drop out from the education system?
Inclusion in Kosovo – video clip
Steps to take towards inclusive education Legislation towards inclusion Awareness raising, attitudinal change Training head teachers, teachers, special teachers, administrators, other key role players Establish means to provide adequate support to students with SEN, teachers and principals Empower parents to actively participate in their children’s education Reduce class size and improve classroom organization Establish close ties between schools, health care, social welfare and transport officials Change school organization, routines and practices Improve access to the physical environment Transformation of special schools into resource centers Access to curriculum, curriculum differentiations and use of IEPs Early intervention and assessment
Legal framework for development of inclusive education system in the Republic of Kosovo The Law on Pre-University Education in Republic of Kosovo; The Kosovo Education Strategic Plan 2011-2016 (KESP 2011-2016) The Kosovo Curriculum Framework (KCF) The Strategic Plan for Organizing Inclusive Education for Children with Special Educational Needs in Pre-University Education in Kosovo (2010 – 2015) The Strategy for Integration of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in Kosovo 2009 – 2015 Administrative Instructions
Administrative instructions No. 24/2014 The Conversion of Attached Classes in Resource Rooms No. 26/2013 Selection of Employees for Provision of Professional Services in Pre-University Instructive-Education Institutions (Includes psychologists, pedagogues etc…) No. 18/2013 The use of Individual Education Plan No. 22/2013 The Maximal Number of Students per Class and the Report (Ratio) Teacher-Student No. 23/2013 Resource Centres
Administrative instructions (continues) No. 26/2012 Personnel qualifications working with Students with Special Education Needs No. 12/2012 Criteria’s for Election of Assistants and Instructors for Inclusive Education and their Obligations No. 07/2012 Professional Assessment of Children with Instructive- (should be Special) Educational Needs No. 19/2012 Establishment and enforcement of teams for prevention and response toward abandonment and non-enrolment in compulsory education No. 7/2011 Creating and Strengthening of Teams for Prevention and response toward Abondonment and Non-registration in Compulsory Education
The Law on Pre-University Education in Republic of Kosovo (Article 40) “the principle of inclusive education should be applied in the Republic of Kosovo as best practice in accordance with international norms as set out in the UNESCO Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the Statement of Salamanca (1994), the UN Convention of the Rights of Disabled Persons (2007) and other relevant international conventions or recommendations”.
International declarations recognized by Kosovo Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons (1975) Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) The World Declaration on Education for All, Jomtien Thailand (1990) Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993) Salamanca Statement (1994) Dakar World Education Forum (2000) The UN Millennium Developmental Goals, MDGs (2000) The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2007)
The Law (Article 40;2) stipulates the meaning of inclusive education Educational and/or training institutions should accommodate all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, linguistic or other conditions and should promote integration and contact between children; Relevant support should be offered based on pupils’ individual needs; and Separate educational settings or special schools are justified only where after expert assessment it is considered impractical to enrol a child in a regular municipal school or training institution.
By Law municipalities are authorized to to take measures to support the inclusion of children in municipal schools, including the establishment of resource rooms and adapted classes for pupils with physical and sensory disabilities. to provide free, safe, and suitable transport, according to the individual expert assessment, for children with disabilities or learning difficulties attending municipal schools.
The Kosovo Curriculum Framework (KCF) sets out the vision for developing and implementing a learner-centred and competency-based curriculum in Kosovo integrating and reflecting the fundamental values and principles of human rights, living together, social justice and inclusiveness; one of the three leading principals of the KCF is inclusion: “the right of every child to have equal access to quality education”; customized solutions to address students’ diversity and their special needs in the learning process, contributing to the full development of the learning potential of every child; envisages curriculum solutions by considering students’ needs and providing equal access and quality education to all; requires alignment with teacher education and training, assessment and school and classroom management.
Community involvement Commitment Identification Knowledge Access to school VISION TO DEVELOP AN INCLUSIVE SCHOOL What is needed? Changes in the school Awareness Access to curriculum Support Changes in the classroom Resources
What is needed and what to do? Awareness Awareness raising in the school and in the community Rights of all children to education Rights of persons with disabilities Law and other policy documents, international declarations and conventions Knowledge Principals of inclusive education How to manage inclusive school and classroom Head teacher and teachers participating to in-service trainings Information to the members of SGB, parents and community members Commitment The whole society, community, school, management, teachers, parents are committed to the development of inclusive education system and school, school development plans (SDPs) with inclusive education approach
Community involvement Community members are active in developing and supporting the school Parents are actively supporting the development of the school Minority groups are participating to the development of the school Identification Situation analysis in the community of school-aged children having no access to school Identification of students with special educational needs Municipality assessment teams Access to school Facilities for all children to have access to school including infrastructure, transportation etc. Multi-professional municipality teams
Changes in the school SDPs with inclusive education approach Physical accessibility Optimal class size Resource rooms Support teachers Child-friendly school (hygienic facilities, no bullying, etc.) Support systems build in the school (see support) Networking with service providers Access to the curriculum Access to learning for all Individual needs are being met Curriculum differentiations Use of IEPs
Changes in the classroom Creating an inclusive classroom (e.g. classroom climate) Classroom organisation Differentiations of instructional content, strategies, materials, and learning assessment practices Various teaching and learning methods in use Students’ learning styles and diverse needs Teaching and learning equipment and supplies, assistive devices available
Resources Sufficient human and material resources available in the school Optimal teacher-learner ratio Qualified teachers Support teachers School assistants Teaching and learning materials Assistive devices Support Internal support: support team, support teachers, reading clubs External support: itinerant teachers, municipality assessment teams, NGOs
Pre-university education system in Kosovo MED Municipality assessment teams MEST Early childhood education Vocational education Resource centres (special school & support services ) Pre-primary, primary and lower secondary Upper secondary Support Attached classes Itinerant teachers Support teachers
Support systems in Finland: Three steps of support Special support (7,3 %) - SNE decision, IEP , curriculum differentiations, general classroom (19%), special class (42%), partly in both (39 %), assistance and interpretation services (57%), extended compulsory education (27%), teaching according to activity areas (5 %) Part-time special needs education 22 %, - resource rooms, co-teaching Intensified support (6,5%) - Learning plans, assistive and interpretation services (42%), supplementary teaching (57 %), part-time special needs education (74%) General support - School culture, teacher guidance, learner support team, differentiations, co-teaching, flexible grouping, supplementary teaching, part-time SNE, assistant services
Valteri- Resource centre network Operates under the Finnish National Board of Education 6 RCs, some with special school Specific expertise Consulting visits Support periods Assessments Special support programmes Rehabilitation Courses and seminars Creation of individual learning material Workplace counselling