Memorial Parkway Junior High School Future 6th Grade Parent Night
Go Eagles! School Colors are Blue and White Welcome to MPJH! Go Eagles! School Colors are Blue and White
Differences between Elementary and Jr. High Seven classes per day with different teachers An advisory period to work on homework, study, or see a teacher for extra help Students go from class to class, restroom, lunch, and PE by themselves, not escorted by teachers Tardies! Students must get to class on time every period. There is a 5 minute passing period. Overall, there may be times with more homework than elementary school
Differences continued… Lunch You may choose to sit anywhere & with anyone in the cafeteria, but stay in that spot for the day. You must still raise your hand for permission to get up. There is a SNACK BAR and vending machines for juice! PE You are expected to dress out and participate every day. You have a locker in PE for your clothes & valuables. Must have a planner/tracker with you at all times. This is your hall pass to the restroom, locker, counselor’s office, etc. Pep Rallies! More responsibility on students!
Transition No tardies counted during first week of school Most classes are located close together Principals and teachers will be available in the hallways between classes to help Counselors will be available to help you during the year
Our School Day Each class period is 45 minutes long Lunch is 30 minutes long 5 minutes between classes The school day is 7:30-2:35 After school tutoring is available (Monday – Thursday). Morning times vary by teacher.
Getting Involved Student Council Representative Pep Squad School Play School Dance Clubs
Upcoming Events 5th grade field trip to MPJH in May Eaglet Camp for 6th graders in August
Academics Jr. High expectations/homework Student Planners Testing – Six Weeks’ Tests Rolling Advisory Tutorials
Course Request Sheet Overview Blue Worksheets will be completed and returned to Homeroom Teachers. If you are moving or planning to move, you must fill it out anyway! Choose One English, Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, PE, One Elective, and One Alternate Elective Parent and Student must sign
Choosing Courses Class Formats Academic Pre-AP GT Challenging work For everyone On grade level More time to review concepts Pre-AP More challenging courses Fast-paced More homework than academic GT Must be screened and identified
Choosing Courses Each type of class is designed to help students be successful. Class placement should be a decision made among you, your parents, your teachers, and your counselor. Think about your interests, your strengths, your outside commitments, and how hard you are willing to work.
Pre-AP Courses Students should have an ‘A’ or ‘B’ semester average in an academic course Exiting a Pre-AP course: Students who earn an ‘F’ will be removed from the class Students will only be moved at the end of a grading period The Pre-AP grade earned will transfer to the Academic class
Pre AP Courses Information on Pre-AP course offerings in junior high, the differences between academic-level courses and Pre-AP courses, and the long-term benefits of participating in advanced coursework can be found at:
Choosing Courses Things to consider when choosing which format to sign up for: Past grades in school Motivation and attitude STAAR scores Study habits Willingness to complete homework Extracurricular activities and time commitments How quickly you catch on to new material
Electives Elective DO DON’T A specialty class in various areas of interest Whatever you choose, you will be in for the entire year! You will attend daily and be graded! DO Consider carefully and choose the one that is of most interest to you DON’T Let your friends influence your choice!
Electives Band Orchestra Woodwind, Brass, Percussion Band directors will meet with the student to determine the best instrument. Plan to practice 30 min. a day outside of the regular classroom. There will be two or three concerts per year. Orchestra Stringed instruments, violin, cello, viola, and bass. Plan to practice 30 min. per day outside of the regular classroom. Instrument rental options/expectations will be explained by the directors
Electives Choir Art Theatre Arts Choose an alternate elective. Singing, Music Reading, and Concerts. There will be three or four performances per year. Art First year of sketching, painting, and artistic projects Theatre Arts First year of drama, acting, skits, and lip syncing Choose an alternate elective. CHOOSE WISELY!
Other Courses Math Lab Reading Elective Designed to help refine and review math skills in preparation for the STAAR test Reading Elective Designed to help improve reading level and basic reading skills in preparation for the STAAR test You will be required to take these classes if you do not pass the Math and/or Reading section of the 5th grade STAAR test on the first administration. This class will replace your elective/PE.
A Typical 6th Grade Day! Period Subject Room # 1 English 720 2 Math 790 3 Reading 770 4 Social Studies 680 LUNCH Cafeteria 5 PE Gym 6 Violin 030 7 Science 320 Advisory
Course Requests Due Dates Hayes Elementary January 30th Memorial Parkway Elementary January 30th Nottingham Country Elementary February 6th Wolfe Elementary February 4th
Go Eagles!