Convocation starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. in The Grove Report to your Academic College’s designated location by 8:30 a.m. Check UM commencement website for the school map *Graduates are an essential to the formal processional.
Wear shoes that are comfortable and easy to maneuver in, especially if attending outside events Firmly secure the cap with hair pins on top of your head, not the back of your head Wear attire with pockets (to carry keys, phone & camera) We recommend leaving wallets or purses at home or with your guest Check the weather so you can dress and prepare accordingly Wear something sleek (so your clothes will wear comfortably under the robe)
Restroom AccessRestroom Access All ceremony venues are equipped with restroom accommodations.
Things to RememberThings to Remember Make sure you have your name card/reader card with you Reader cards are distributed by each school/college. Please refer to your dean’s office for this process. The reader card is used by the reader/announcer as you walk across the stage. It is the only way anyone will know who you are. Graduate’s names are NOT read from a list. Don’t forget to return your gown There will be a covered truck and/or boxes for depositing your caps and gowns as you exit the ceremony facility
We wish you the best in all of your future endeavors!