SAFE LINK Independent Sexual Violence Advisors Service Walking the Journey
Safe Link ISVA Service ISVA Team 1 Team Leader 3 ISVAs working with adults 1 Young People’s ISVA aged 16 and 25 1 children and young people’s ISVA aged 0 – 18 1 Peer support worker Volunteers Supporting women, men, children and young people current and historic cases whether they report to the Police or not immediate response
Working in hubs across Avon and Somerset PROTECT Lighthouse SARSAS Monday – Friday 9 – 5pm Saturday – 10 – 4pm Out of hours - telephone on call 03 number Take self and other agency referrals
Aims of the Service Victim focussed Support victims to cope and recover Provide emotional and practical support To support victims through the criminal or civil justice process To signpost to other support services
“An ISVA is like the glue” Stand alongside the victim Help them to get control back What they want - not what we want, the police want or the family want There for the whole journey One person provides consistency Builds trust
“My world inside and my life outside was blown apart” Impact both internal and external ISVA focus on the external world Loved ones Supporting the whole family Partner/ Parents Children Friends/Neighbours
Holistic support Safety planning Housing Employment Health Counselling Education Reporting and liaising with the police Support through whole court process and after
Partnership Working Police – PROTECT Lighthouse Bridge SARSAS Counselling Services Voluntary Sector Equality Groups CYPS Sexual Violence MARAC for complex cases
Criminal Justice Process First disclosure Reporting to the Police Forensic experience Video Interviews Perception of courts pre-trial visits and special measures liaison with officers, the Witness Service and CPS Criminal Injury Claims Preparing for the verdict with family Victim’s response Reflecting on the process Taking the power back
Feedback from victims “The best thing about the ISVA service is I felt believed at the start” “My son has so many questions. You have helped him to understand” “Before I met my ISVA worker I had not reported to the Police, I didn’t feel strong enough. She gave me confidence to report and I feel so much happier about myself”
How to contact us Tel: (0117) Fax: (0117) Text: Link House, 5 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4JQ