Brett Sheffiled Founder of Next Gen, Pilot Mound and Taber Here to talk about tile drainage -new to manitoba
History Of Tile Drainage NextGen Drainage Solutions History Of Tile Drainage -hot topic -Fairly new to western Canada - Started in New York in 1835 by a Scottish settler
History of Tile in North America John Johnston Geneva, New York 1835 Neighbors First Reaction Mocked Him Said he would poison and ruin the land Neighbors Second Reaction Amazed Johnston’s wheat yielded increased from 12 to 60 bu./ac
NextGen Drainage Solutions What is Tile Drainage?
Perforated plastic pipe below the ground Creates an ideal growing environment Similar to potted plant in greenhouse
Laterals are usually spaced 30-75 feet apart,
and are buried 2.5-4 feet deep depending on soil type.
As rain begins above ground, the soil profile is able to accept water from the surface as it filters down.
Drainage Coefficient = Inches Drained Per Acre Per Day Once the water reaches the perforated laterals, excess water enters the system and begins flowing to the main.
Note the water table is just below the main Note the water table is just below the main. A properly designed water management system does not take all of the water out of the soil.
Compare that with the same field without a water management system Compare that with the same field without a water management system. Typically, the water table is higher with less area available to absorb water.
Instead they form shallow root systems Instead they form shallow root systems. As the growing season progresses, extended dry weather stresses plants as the shallow roots are unable to turn downward and capture moisture from the retreating water table.
When the soil reaches full saturation and rain continues, excess water cannot soak into the ground. The only place for excess water to go is flow overland to the lowest point, carrying with it valuable soil and nutrients.
This will cause erosion of surface soil, dumping sediment and nutrients into the ditch or stream.
Benefits of Tile Drainage NextGen Drainage Solutions Benefits of Tile Drainage
What is your yield limiting factor? NextGen Drainage Solutions What is your yield limiting factor?
First; What is your yield limiting factor? Fertility Weed Control Insects Diseases Soluble salts Too much water Too much water at the wrong time
Increased Yield Early Seeding Dates Reduces Overlap Reduces Compaction Reduces Salinity Improved Root Development Improves Soil Health Reduces Risk Increased Profitability 100% Tax Deductible
Yield Increases with Tile Drainage Ohio State University and U.S.D.A. 34%
Tile and Salinity 2014 2008
NextGen Drainage Solutions How Do I Get Started?
* Soil Sample * Soil Sample 3-4’ Deep Take Samples In Each Soil Zone Determines Spacing Osborne Clay- 35-40’ Almassipi Sand- 60-80’
* Soil Sample * Also Determines Type of Material Sock <25% Clay Sock additional 13% cost, but can be offset by wider spacing
RTK Topographic Survey & Tile Plan RTK Survey @ 50 Foot Spacing Tile Plan Created Main Sized According to Acres Drained Estimate Sent For Approval
Install 40 acres per day per machine Majority of Tile Installed In Fall
Maintenance Check outlets a few times a year to make sure no dirt/material has restricted flow
NextGen Drainage Solutions Common Questions
NextGen Drainage Solutions How Much Does It Cost?
Cost Of Tile Drainage Manitoba/Eastern SK $800 - $1,100 / Acre Based On 15% Additional Yield Manitoba/Eastern SK $800 - $1,100 / Acre Alberta/Western SK $1,000-$1,400 / Acre Higher Material Cost Higher Transportation Costs Higher Wages Can Save Up To $100/Acre By Installing In Summer 50-75+ Lifetime $1,000 acre / 50 years = $20/yr
NextGen Drainage Solutions What About a Dry Year?
What About a Dry Year? Creates Ideal Soil Profile Promotes Healthy Growing Environment Allows for deep root growth Stronger deeper root system is more tolerant to drought
Too much subsurface water can be counterproductive to agriculture by preventing root development, and inhibiting the growth of crops.
Is My Field too Flat to Tile? NextGen Drainage Solutions Is My Field too Flat to Tile? Only needs .1 slope Can use lift stations if needed
Lift Stations
NextGen Drainage Solutions Can I Tile Wetland?
WTF? VS Wet Land Wetland
Will Tile Drainage Increase Flooding? NextGen Drainage Solutions Will Tile Drainage Increase Flooding?
- Reduces peak flows
NextGen Drainage Solutions Drainage Regulations
Manitoba Apply For Permit with Manitoba Water Stewardship $25 Application Fee Provide Topography Map and Proposed Tile Drainage Plan Downstream Permission May Need to Apply To Municipality
Saskatchewan Apply for Permit With Saskatchewan Water Security Agency May Be Required to Advertise Project for 21 days Approvals are not required if water stays on landowners property
Alberta Contact Alberta Environment to determine if application is needed May need to contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada Advertise drainage plans for 7 days Must notify owner of waterway where outlet is discharged