National Council of Research Administrators (NCURA) Region IV Conference April 28, 2015
NIFA Office of Grants and Financial Management- Update Introductions Farm Bill Implementation and FY 15 Budget Uniform Guidance Implementation, Terms and Conditions, NIFA Regulations and Policies NIFA’s Grant Modernization Effort Update REEport Update Leadership Management Dashboard
Update - Farm Bill Implementation & FY15 Budget
Farm Bill Update New Matching Provision Non-land Grant Colleges of Agriculture New Land-Grant Institutions Centers of Excellence Commodity Board Proposals - AFRI
NIFA’s FY15 Budget Full Year Appropriation for FY15 signed into law December 16, 2014 Discretionary funding increased $12m AFRI = $325m with not less than 15% for AREA, including EPSCoR –AFRI exempt from new match requirement
NIFA’s FY15 Budget $2.5m for new Food Safety Outreach Program Slight increases for Vet Medicine, Grants for Insular Areas, MBT, Crop Protection, Regional Rural Development, FADI No funding for Critical Ag Materials or Water Quality Programs
Erin Daly Policy Advisor Office of Grants &Financial Management
Agenda Melanie Krizmanich, NIFA –Implementation of Uniform Guidance Regulatory Changes Award Terms and Conditions –NIFA Federal Assistance Policy Guide
USDA Regulatory Changes Interim Final Rule - 79 FR 75867; Dec 19, ‘14 2 CFR Part 400 series supersedes 7 CFR Part 3000 series 7 CFR Part 3015 (uniform reg) – 2 CFR Part CFR Part 3016 (admin req) – 2 CFR Part CFR Part 3018 (lobbying) – 2 CFR Part CFR Part 3019 (admin req) – 2 CFR Parts 200 & CFR Part 3022 (rsch misconduct) – 2 CFR Part CFR Part 3052 (audits) – 2 CFR Parts 200 & 400 NIFA regs to remain in 7 CFR Part 3400 series
USDA Regulatory Changes – new regs 2 CFR Part 400 (adopts 2 CFR part 200) –Section1 adopts subparts A through F of part 200 –Section 2 includes USDA conflict of interest policy in compliance with 2 CFR CFR Part 415 – General Prog Admin Regs –To include 7 CFR , 7 CFR , 7 CFR through , and definition of “Audiovisual,” “Production of an Audiovisual,” and “Publication.”
USDA Regulatory Changes–new regs 2 CFR Part 416 – State and Local Govts –Includes§60 (b) and (c) of 7 CFR CFR Part 418 – Lobbying –Includes 7 CFR 3018 in its entirety 2 CFR Part 422 – Research Misconduct –Includes 7 CFR 3022 in its entirety
Award Terms and Conditions Government-wide Overlay Effort USDA Department-wide Grant and Cooperative Agreement General Terms and Conditions –NIFA-specific award terms
NIFA Federal Assistance Policy Guide References Late application Administrative manuals Continued input
Goals: Provide transparency and simplification of processes for grantees Integrate financial and program activities Allow for “self-service” capabilities Promote a paperless environment Modernize our systems Improve management and reporting of data and results NIFA selected SAP’s Grantor CRM tool NIFA’s Grant Modernization Effort Update
Application Processing Outcomes Evaluation Grant Close Out Change Management Payment & Budget Management Grant Recipient Selection Resources Management Reporting & Analytics Grantee / Partner Mgmt Grant Terms & Condition ■Single integrated solution supporting all program types eliminates data redundancy and inefficiencies ■Proactive monitoring allows for corrective action to fulfil service policies and goals Improved Service Delivery ■Unified access for grantor and financial transactions improves usability ■Fully integrated solution that connects the end-to- end grant lifecycle process ■Application pre- commitments ensure adherence to Program budget and prevents budget overruns Increase Efficiency, Lower Complexity ■Internal and external accountability and financial controls reduces fraud ■Integrated accounting & constituent account management gives single view of constituent ■Integration between financial and grant processes leads to accurate payments, adherence to budget and identification of potential savings Improved Accountability & Transparency ■Integrated data allows for more effective cross agency and consolidated reports ■Central repository for grant information maximizes service efficiency and ensures data integrity Improved Operational Visibility ■Capture of the agreement terms and conditions ensures compliance with regulatory requirements ■Program level business rules enforce compliance over the entire Grant lifecycle Program Compliance Grantor’s holistic grants management process improves efficiency, visibility, and compliance
Meets 6 goals Provides robust integration with USDA financial system (a newly added goal) Fills gaps related to financial reporting, capacity grants, and reporting USDA enterprise-wide solution (currently 7 agencies, more to come) Governance finalized Assessment (capitalized on NIH reports) complete Next Steps- Chart implementation plan, incl. schedule and roadmap 2.5 year, full program implementation NERAOC conference update and information table, May 3-6 Benefits- Status-
REEport Update Adam Preuter, REEport Business Manager
New Functionality Deployed Program of Research –Animal Health –McIntire Stennis –PORs cannot be submitted through CRIS Web Forms any longer –Instructions: instructions-0 instructions-0
New Functionality Deployed Project Financial Report –For FY14 expenditure data collection, NIFA only requires Financial Reports for Capacity projects –For FY15, both capacity and non-capacity will be required to submit Financial Reports
Project Financial Report (cont.) Default: Accessible to Site Admins at 1862 and 1890 Land Grants as well as Forestry and Vet Med Schools –Site Admins may assign the “financial administrator” role to anyone they choose (there is no limit) Batch reporting is allowed Due date: February 1, 2015
New Functionality Deployed CRIS Webforms – Decommissioned as of March 30 th. Reporting functionality deployed in REEport.
New Functionality Soon Ability to edit non-capacity project initiations that have been submitted to NIFA Ability for NPLs to review/edit/communicate within REEport about non-capacity projects and/or reports that need changes
REEport Guide for Project Directors Improvements: –Easy-to-follow table of contents –Hyperlinks for easy toggling between sections –Clearer distinction between capacity and non-capacity projects –Better instructions for writing the “accomplishments” section
REEport Quick Guides Choose “Land Grant” or “Independent” affiliation. Benefits: Each is 2-3 pages Split between capacity and non-capacity Easily shared via or direct links Print out for easy reference
Sign Up for the Listserv NIFA uses the REEportDeploy listserv to send periodic updates on REEport development, testing and deployment scheduling. The same listserv is used to send out REEport Newsletters and other urgent alerts on system happenings. To subscribe to the list, send an to Skip your subject line and type subscribe REEportDeploy in the body of your message. Be sure you receive an confirming your subscription
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Leadership Management Dashboard
Recent Upgrades: 2013 Data is available Project Map for the 114 th Congress Enterprise Search Page: Grant Year, Award Amount Range corrections, and new line for each Publication in exports. POW-AREERA updated Portfolios and Goals More pages have an export feature Portions will be released to the public to increase NIFA transparency.
NIFA’s new website puts all the Tools together For questions or feedback about LMD contact:
Thank you! Contact Us Lisa Scott-Morring, Policy Branch Chief, Policy and Oversight Division Policy Branch- Erin Daly, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Grants and Financial Management Melanie Krizmanich, Senior Policy Advisor, Policy and Oversight Division Cristopher Coppenbarger, Grants Management Officer, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), USDA Adam Preuter, Management and Program Analyst from NIFA’s Planning, Accountability and Reporting (PARS) or Laurie Fortis, Technical Information Specialist, Leadership Management Dashboard