Introduction to Long Walk to Water By Linda Sue Park
Vocabulary adversity adverse fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or distress brave possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance. change to transform or convert
Vocabulary honor honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions survive to endure or live through refugee a person who flees for refuge or safety, esp. to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc. Overcome to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer; defeat
Think about it… Respond to the quote from Emerson…Turn to your neighbor – share your response “We aquire the strength we overcome.” Ralph Waldo Emerson What does Emerson mean in the above quote? Can you think of someone who overcame great difficulty? Explain.
Long Walk to Water Background to the book by the author Salva’s Story
Chapter 1 & 2 Write a 2 sentence summary of what has happened so far in the story… Why was Salva’s family considered wealthy? Why do you think the villagers left him? Make a prediction – What will happen next to Salva?
Chapter 3 & 4 Write a 2 sentence summary of what we read in Chapters 3 & 4 How does the old woman help Salva? Why can he not travel with her when she leaves? Why does the other group of travelers accept him into their group? What does Buksa find by listening to a bird?
Chapter 5 & 6 Write a 2 sentence summary of what you have read in Chapter 5 & 6 Why does Nya’s family not live in the same place all year? What direction is the group traveling? Who call’s Salva’s name? Does this person have news of Salva’s family? What is the danger faced by the group as they moved through the land of the Atuot?
Chapter 7 & 8 Write a 2 sentence summary of what you read in Chapters 7 & 8 What is wrong with Nya’s sister? What does the family do to help her? What happened to Marial? How does Salva react? How does the group cross the Nile River? What was the advantage and disadvantage of stopping at the fisherman’s village?
Chapter 9 & 10 Write a 2 sentence summary for what you have read in Chapters 9 &10. Why do you think the visitors have come to Nya’s village? How does Salva’s uncle encourage him to keep walking? Why does Salva’s uncle plan to leave Salva at the refugee camp? What happens when the group is robbed by men from the Nuer tribe?
Chapter 11 & 12 Write a 2 sentence summary about what you have read in chapters 11 & 12. What are the visitors doing to the land in Nya’s village? How did the group’s treatment of Salva change after his uncle’s death? How does Salva describe life in the refugee camp? How does he plan to make it through each day? How long is he at the camp? Why are the refugees forced to leave Ethiopia? What will they have to cross as they leave?
Chapter 13 & 14 Write a 2 sentence summary of what you read in Chapters 13 & 14 What difficulties are faced by the visitors to Nya’s village? What did the visitors find? What was the danger faced in the Gilo River? Where do the refugees head when they leave Ethiopia? How long does it take for them to reach the Kenyan refugee camp? What is life like in the new refugee camps? Who teaches Salva to read? Where does Salva hope to go?
Chapter 15 & 16 Write a 2 sentence summary of what you read in Chapter 15 & 16. Why is Nya disappointed at first in the water found in the village? What were some of the questions Salva had as he traveled to the United States? How did Salva adjust to life in the United States? What message does Salva receive in an email from a cousin? What does he do as a result of the email?
Chapter 17 & 18 Write a 2 sentence summary of what you have read in Chapters 17 & 18. What is Nya’s village building now? Who will be able to attend? Who does Salva travel to see in the hospital? What had caused the illness? What does Salva decide to do as he travels home? How does he begin to accomplish this goal? How does Nya describe the water from the pump? Who paid for the pump? What other changes are coming to Nya’s village as a result of the well? Why is Nya surprised that a Dinka would bring water to her village? Who is the person who brought the water?