Are you tested with hardships? Do you suffer from trails? SICKNESS Are you tested with hardships? Do you suffer from trails? The Prophet peace be upon him said: “When Allah loves someone, He tries him with hardship”.
What should a Mareed do? Remain patient Do not wish for death Stay between hope & fear Settle his debts Make his Will [wasiyah] Ask relatives to follow the sunnah in funeral rites
WE SHOULD … Visit him Seek medical treatment for him Advice him to be patient Pray for him Invite him to Islam [if he is a non-muslim] Ask about his needs Make duaa for him
Reward of visiting the sick 70,000 Angles pray for him
Death Struggle.. The symptoms of Death He may be semi-conscious or unconscious He may hear you but can not reply He may become very weak He may not be able to express himself He will be struggling with Death and enduring a terrible pain …can you help me, save me... are you listening?
He is dying what can I do?? Turn him towards the Qiblah Read Surah Yãseen [different opinions] Prompt him to say “lã ilãha ill-Allãh Make du3ã’ to Allãh to ease his situation Be kind & patient Wet his lips
ARRIVAL OF DEATH How do I know? The temples sag The legs become slack or limp The nose bends The heart stops The body becomes cold The eyes stays fixedly open
ARRIVAL OF DEATH How do I know? The temples sag The legs become slack or limp The nose bends The heart stops The body becomes cold The eyes stays fixedly open
What should we do? Close his eyes Say the du3ã’ [Innã lillãhi wa innã ilayhee raji3oon] Bind his lower jaw Straighten his arms & legs Pay his debt [you can] kiss him Prepare his body for Ghusl Hadeeth: “You should hasten with his burial” [Bukhãri & Muslim]
GOOD ENDS & BAD ENDS SIGNS OF A GOOD END Last words being Lã ilãha ill-Allãh Sweat being upon the brow Dying on Jumu3ah or the night before Dying while doing a righteous action Dying as a martyr Death due to plague, stomach illness, drowning, building falling upon him, fire, pregnancy, defending one’s deen or property. People saying :”we assume he is so-&-so..” Smile on face or index finger raised
GOOD ENDS & BAD ENDS SIGNS OF BAD ENDS Dying while doing a prohibited action Frowning or darkness being seen on the face DO NOT TELL ANYONE
NOT ALLOWED DO NOT: Wail [mourn in a loud voice] Beat your chest Tear your clothes Break things Scratch your face
BE PATIENT It is allowed to weep only As the Prophet said: “It is a mercy that Allah made in the hearts of his servants” [Bukhari]