Pennsylvania Update MSEIA – 1st Qrtly Mtg
Solar PV Systems and Capacity Registered in the PA AEPS – By State PV Systems in operation as of 12/31/2014 ~27 MW in Dec ‘14
Concerns About More Oversupply Coming Into PA From Out-of-State Projects…. Dominion Virginia Power on Feb. 5 announced plans to install 400 MW of large-scale solar power across Virginia by 2020 As NJ’s Solar Carve-Out Sunsets, NJ SRECs Could Be Sold Into the PA AEPS Market
PASEIA: ~ 50 ??????? AEPS: ~7,700 Way Overblown – Not Sure Where This Data is Coming From….
Solar PV Systems and Capacity Registered in the PA AEPS – 2014 PV Systems in operation as of 6/4/2014 Installed Capacity No. of Systems Avg Capacity per system In PA~ 11 MW~50022 kW/system Out of State~ 62 MW~ kW/system 2,800 solar jobs in 2014 in PA??
Maureen Mulligan and PennFuture met with Rep. Chris Ross to discuss approachable legislators; Introducing a DG carve-out concept (white paper), and closing of the border issues Meeting just set with Gov. Wolf’s Policy Director, John Hanger to clean energy fund within severance package and other issues – PASEIA will attend this Will look into PACE legislation options in PA (help from PennFuture) Keystone Help – Financing Mechanism –potential for solar and EE - Needs help getting restarted Status in PA (Legislation/Regulation)
Rep. Greg Vitali, D-Delaware/Montgomery, will introduce three bills to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst effects of climate change by increasing the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard, permanently funding the Sunshine Solar program and reducing the demand for energy PA PUC Proposed Rulemaking Order Officially Published in the PA Bulletin on 7/5/2014, With Regard to Clarifying Rules on Net Metering, Interconnection and the AEPS – STILL PENDING PASEIA closely working with Net Metering Coalition including PennFuture, Nat. SEIA, Sierra Club, Clean Air Council, Sustainable Development Fund, SEF, MAREA, and others
EDC/Default Service Providers (DSP) and implications Utility/Non-Utility definition Virtual Net Metering language (same customer generators, non-generation load) Changing Net Metering year from Jun 1 – May 31, to May 1 – Apr 30 (should be calendar year) PUC giving themselves the authority to establish a fee 110% language changes. Extension to residential customers, impact to 3 rd party generators New application for >500 kW installs; EDC required to send application to PUC for approval – up to 50 day timeline (too long); must not interrupt IC review timeline Dispute option under interconnection: PUC proposes to remove “technical master”; PASEIA disagrees Require revenue grade meters for PV systems under 15 kW – PASEIA agrees PUC proposing to use a heavy hand with regard to suspending systems’ SREC generation, due to fraud, etc. Proposed Rulemaking Order Issues
PV Systems in operation as of 6/4/2014 SREC Status in PA PA SREC market still vastly oversupplied: Twice as much solar PV capacity is registered in the PA AEPS than the SREC requirement as of June, 2014 ~ 44% of the total capacity of PV systems registered in the PA AEPS are out of state projects After over two years, the average PA SREC price jumped from around $15/SREC to ~ $55+/SREC by January 2014, and stayed at that price until about two weeks ago, when Ohio’s RPS was frozen. The PA SREC price dropped to about $45/SREC since and may continue to drop