Ch.6-Social Interaction
What are the principal statuses which you are presently occupying? Which are ascribed and which are achieved? Are any of them important enough to constitute a master status?
Identify situations in your life in which you have experienced role strain and role conflict. How did you reduce these situations?
What roles do you have? Role conflict=2 roles Role strain = 1 role Your response
Questions How can a social structure save your life? Mystery: How can someone see something that is not there? How to use drama to influence people Why the photographer wore a suit.
How can a social structure save your life? Lord of the Flies Search & Rescue
What statuses do you have? Your response Ascribed Achieved Master
Big idea you can use!! If you are stressed out, think if a role strain or role conflict is causing it. How can you resolve it?
Mystery: How can someone see something that is not there? Thomas theorem – the “Definition of the Situation” Police officer & TV remote How can the “social construction of reality” kill you or take your money? Police officer Matt’s check
Big idea you can use!! Think about: Is your “definition of the situation” the same as the other person’s? On a date? Relationship problems? Job interview?
How to use the Dramaturgical analysis to influence people. Why the photographer wore a suit. Costume Props Audience Actors Presentation of “self”
Big idea you can use!! Consciously think about how you are presenting yourself. How might the other person perceive you? What image do you want to project? Friendly? Business? Sexy?