SATS TESTS Information evening for parents


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Presentation transcript:

SATS TESTS Information evening for parents KS2 SATS TESTS Information evening for parents

Aims To become more familiar with the KS2 test papers. To understand changes for 2014. To understand the reporting arrangements for parents.

What will continue? If a child is ill they can sit the test within the week Spelling, grammar, punctuation & vocabulary test - introduced in 2013 – marked externally A child must achieve level 5 in 3 – 5 paper before level 6 paper is marked

What will continue? Maths and Reading tests and English grammar, punctuation & spelling test will continue to be marked by external markers Speaking and listening – Teacher’s assessment Writing – Teacher’s assessment Science – Teacher’s assessment.

Changes for 2014 Each text followed by questions - not themed English Reading text - one hour to read and answer questions Each text followed by questions - not themed No calculator paper for maths – levels 3 – 5

Sample Testing A small number of schools will be required to administer tests in writing and science The results are used to monitor National Standards and are not to be used for school’s accountability.

SATS WEEK Week beginning: Monday 12th May Monday 12th May – English Reading test Level 3 - 5 – 1 hour Level 6 - English Reading test – 10 minutes reading 50 minutes to answer questions Tuesday 13th May – English grammar, punctuation & spelling test level 3 – 5 - 45 minutes for grammar test – 15 minutes for spellings Level 6 - English grammar, punctuation & spelling test -extended task (response to a writing prompt) – 30 minutes, grammar – 20 minutes & spellings 10 minutes

KS2 TIMETABLE Wednesday 14th May- Mental maths test - level 3 – 5 - 20 minutes & Maths test A - level 3 -5 - 45 minutes Thursday 15th May – Maths test B - level 3 – 5 -45 minutes Level 6 maths paper 1- 30 minutes Paper 2 – 30 minutes

ENGLISH - WRITING Types of writing: diary writing, play scripts, writing a leaflet, persuasive writing, information writing, narrative writing, writing to describe, writing to complain, report writing, letter writing.

Writing Tasks – What are we looking for ? To use a wide and varied vocabulary To use ambitious vocabulary To use simple and complex sentences Imaginative and interesting To use connectives e.g. in addition to, meanwhile, despite….. To use adjectives, similes, metaphors Evidence of sophisticated punctuation – e.g. colon, semi colon, brackets

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6 - Your task is to write a short report arguing for or against Cyberschooling. A local IT company is gathering views about Cyberschooling for research purposes. Cyberschooling is a way of learning that involves pupils working at home on their own computers and watching lessons on the internet. The company has asked for pupils’ views, to be presented as a short report showing whether they support or oppose the idea.

Level 6 Pupils' writing often engages and sustains the reader's interest, showing some adaptation of style and register to different forms, including using an impersonal style where appropriate. Pupils use a range of sentence structures and varied vocabulary to create effects. Spelling is generally accurate, including that of irregular words. Handwriting is neat and legible. A range of punctuation is usually used correctly to clarify meaning, and ideas are organised into paragraphs.

Add examples

READING COMPREHENSION One hour to read text and answer questions Each text is followed by questions No overall theme for text as in the past

TYPES OF QUESTIONS What gives Midas the idea of turning everything to gold? 1 mark What did Midas learn in this story? 2 marks When Midas is weeping on the ground, what is he thinking? 3 marks

2011 Reading Comprehension The interviewer spoke to Lisa’s mother too. Write down what you think she would have said about Lisa, using what you have read in the interview. Ever since Lisa was a child, I always knew she’d do something like caving because she ... 2 marks

TASK There are examples of the reading paper. Have a look. What do you think?

GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION & SPELLINGS To assess children’s English skills in four areas: spelling punctuation grammar; and vocabulary.

GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION & SPELLINGS Example of level 3 - 5 Circle all the adverbs in the sentence below: Open the drawers carefully and quietly when using the filing cabinet.

GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION & SPELLINGS Underline the subordinate clause in each sentence below. Before he could go swimming, Ali packed his towel. The twins asked Dad to turn up the heating as it was cold. Add a suffix to this word to make an adjective. dread________

GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION & SPELLINGS LEVEL 6 EXAMPLES Add a subordinate clause to the sentence below. We walked,_________________, to the local park Rewrite the sentence below, changing it from a personal form to an impersonal form. It takes me a lot of time to decide what shoes to wear.

Level 5 Spellings The _____________ of boomerangs depend on where they come from… When thrown _____________, it will fly in a circle . The dimensions of boomerangs depend on where they come from… When thrown correctly, it will fly in a circle.

Level 6 Spellings 1. I would like to improve my ___________ of history. The dancers’ movements were perfectly _____________. 1. I would like to improve my knowledge of history. 2. The dancers’ movements were perfectly synchronised.

Maths Test B – calculator not allowed – 40 marks MATHEMATICS TEST Maths Test A – 40 marks Maths Test B – calculator not allowed – 40 marks Mental Maths Test – 20 questions – 20 marks

TYPES OF QUESTIONS 50 children need two pencils each. There are 20 pencils in a box. How many boxes of pencils are needed? x and division knowledge Two whole numbers are each between 50 and 70. They multiply to make 4095. Write the missing numbers. X = 4095 65 x 63

TYPES OF QUESTIONS An iced cake costs 10p more than a plain cake. Sam bought two of each cake. They cost £1 altogether. What is the cost of an iced cake?

Mental Maths Questions 2010 What is 263 rounded to the nearest hundred? (5 seconds) Write one tenth as a decimal. (5 seconds) How many grams must you add to 450g to make half a kilogram? (10 seconds) Subtract 3.6 from 10. (10 seconds) Write a number greater than 100 that has 4 & 5 as factors. (15 seconds) Multiply 12 by 21.(15 seconds)

Level 6 Paper 1 – 30 minutes Paper 2 – 30 minutes – calculator allowed – pace important No mental maths test

LEVEL 6 MATHEMATICS Original price £60 Reduced by ________ % Now only £45 Is 4/9 greater than 1/3? Show how you know. Here are three equations. a + b + c = 30 a + b = 24 b + c = 14 What are the values of a, b and c ?

There are examples of maths papers on your table. Try some examples. TASK There are examples of maths papers on your table. Try some examples. What do you think?

How you can help at home?

REPORTING TO PARENTS Expected level at the end of KS2 – level 4 Level 3 – below average Level 4 – average Level 5 – above average Level 6 – well above average

REPORTING TO PARENTS English Speaking and listening level Teacher Assessment results: Speaking and listening level Reading level Writing level Reading Test result level Grammar, punctuation & spelling: Test result

REPORTING TO PARENTS Mathematics Teacher Assessment result level Test Result level Science