Welcome Educational Service Center North Principal Meeting April 22, 2015
What do we know about the Class of 2017? How many students met high school readiness standards in 8 th grade? How many remain on-track for A-G now? 2 Class of 2017 after Spring SY Completed 8 th grade -73% met high school readiness standards -0 Ds or Fs in GR 8 core courses -96% or above attendance in GR 8 -0 suspensions in GR 8 Class of 2017 after Fall SY nd year of high school -39% on-track for A-G / grad requirements -3 semesters of English -3 semesters of Mathematics -1 semester of Social Science -1 semester of Lab Science -2 semesters of “Other A-G” courses -C or above in all courses above -Earned 75 + credits
3 Taking a closer look at the strategies and practices already being employed by schools that are “beating the odds”… Note: “High school ready” was defined above as 8 th graders have no Ds or Fs in a core course, 96% or above attendance, & 0 suspensions. This definition is very similar to that being proposed by the CORE Waiver. Beating the odds: What are these schools doing to bring about above average A-G results for the Class of 2017, despite below average rates of high school readiness when students finished 8 th grade?
What are the perceptions of student supports by students and staff? 4
What are the perceptions of staff supports? 5
Culture eats change efforts for lunch
Private 4-year College: 1% UC System: 8% CSU System: 11.2% CCCS System: 25.1% Total Public: 44.3% Where do LAUSD kids go to college?
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