Do you suffer from judgement creep? A group moderation session will soon put you right!
Symptoms of judgement creep I know what Learner A can do, I don’t need to ask them Learner B tries really hard and I’ll take that into account Learner C never tries very hard so he’ll never make much progress Learner D is lovely. I’ll take that into account Learner E is good at other things so she deserves a good score in the listening item I can understand learner F no problem Learner G is making good progress
The initial diagnosis LPS assessors: where are you on the judgement creep continuum? 0_____________________________________5 My judgement is based on what I think and feel, and on the opinions and feelings of others My judgement is based on sound observable evidence which I record.
LPS Moderation Meeting Agenda Introduction Initial warm up Assessment and moderation of two examples of student work Moderation task Two items from the snapshot LPS Application Reflection – How will this knowledge change my use of the LPS? Rounding off Summarise the findings of the meeting by recording the main points Feedback Your recommendations
Hello. I come from Russia, Moscow. I have a working visa for the partnership. I want to attend English language. My education – music teacher and I want to teach children. I play harp. Please write me when I go your school and begin class. Yours faithfully Galina Writing Sample ( )
The learner has written an and therefore spelling and grammatical accuracy may be affected because of the capacity to use spell and grammar checks for accuracy. The learner uses simple and compound sentences and punctuation. They are able give a short background, express the purpose for writing and make a request. The vocabulary used to give background information provides sufficient detail about the personal background of the learner, a familiar topic. There is an awareness of formulaic language but this does not extend to differentiating between formal and informal language. Although the text contains the elements of a letter they are not in a logical sequence. The meaning and simple request is communicated. Errors include grammar “for the partnership”, “write me” “go your school” and missing words eg “English language....”. Level 2.8
PiL DVD Sample Gennie & Katherine LPS items: the learner can Talk and others can understand (speaking) Katherine’s speech is slow, hesitating. She is beginning to speak in sentences but sound production and grammar are not yet accurate. She responds in a socially appropriate way. She misses final consonants off words, if you hadn’t heard her before she would be quite hard to understand. Level 2.0 – 2.4 Understand others eg home tutor (listening) She acknowledges to show that she understands in the context of a structured lesson. She doesn’t always just say “yes” in response to questions but sometimes gives an example. She is an active listener. Level 2.0 – 2.5
And now for your Real Life activity In pairs Study the Snapshot LPS sample from Learners X, Y and Z Discuss the score and the evidence. Assign a level score based on the evidence given. As a group Arrive at an agreed score for your table. Choose one person from your table to give feedback on a level score + one sentence about the evidence
Summarising the learning Evidence of the moderation meeting
The final diagnosis LPS assessors: where are you now on the judgement creep continuum? 0_____________________________________5 My judgement is based on what I think and feel, and on the opinions and feelings of others My judgement is based on sound observable evidence which I record.
Level 0 Dependent. You always stay at home. You do not go out. You need family/own community to help with everything = better than 0.0 but not yet up to 1 Level 1 You can do simple daily things, especially things like supermarket shopping where you don’t have to talk much to anyone. You can read simple signs with words and pictures and write a very short simple message in English = better than 1.0 but not yet up to 2 Level 2 You can have a simple conversation about daily topics e.g. your health or the weather. You can go to work in a job where you don’t have to speak English very much. You can read some signs and fill in simple forms at work = better than 2.0 but not yet up to 3 Level 3 You can start and complete everything you need to do for daily living and working, but you sometimes get confused and sometimes have difficulty with listening, speaking, reading or writing in English. Sometimes very fast or complicated English is hard for you to understand = better than 3.0 but not yet up to 4 Level 4 You can listen, speak, read and write confidently in daily situations but sometimes you feel uncomfortable communicating in a new situation in English. You can understand a lot but sometimes jokes or technical words are difficult for you = better than 4.0 but not yet up to 5 Level 5 Independent. You have no problem with English. You are completely confident to do everything to manage your life without needing anyone to help you. You often help other people who have difficulty with English. 5.0 = You communicate fluently and easily in English.