Powered By: www.policydunia.com Jeevan Lakshya T 833 Powered By: www.policydunia.com
Jeevan Lakshya T 833 Benefits payable on maturity: “Sum Assured on Maturity” + bonuses &Final Additional bonus, if any is payable.
Jeevan Lakshya T 833 Benefits payable on death: Sum Assured on Death + Bonuses & Final Additional Bonus, if any, shall be payable in following manner. Annual Income Benefit equal to 10% of the Basic Sum Assured (till policy anniversary prior to date of maturity) Assured Absolute Amount of 110% of Basic Sum Assured, payable (on due date of maturity) Along with Bonuses & Final Additional Bonus, if any, on maturity. (on due date of maturity)
Jeevan Lakshya T 833 Eligibility: Mini & Maxi Age at entry 18 to 50 years lbd. Age at maturity 65 years. Policy Term 13 to 25 years. PPT (Policy Term - 3) years Premium Mode Yly, Hly, Qly , SSS and ECS. Mini Sum assured 100,000. No upper Limit. Riders DAB available upto 1 cror and Term rider Age proof Only Standard age proof and NSAP I & II acceptable.** Mode Rebate: Yly: 2% of TP,Hly: 1% of TP, Qtly & monthly : NIL
Jeevan Lakshya T 833 Date Backing Allowed with Lean month benefit. Surrender & loan Allowed. Female All categories allowed. ** Non Medical allowed as per present rules. ** NRI Allowed for Both NRI and FNIO in V,VI & VIII countries. ** High S A Rebate: Basic Sum Assured Rebate (Rs.) 1,00,000 to 1,90,000 Nil 2,00,000 to 4,90,000 2 5,00,000 and above 3 Proposal Form 300
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