Site 3
Site 4
Selection of Site -fairly level with good quality of soil. - connected by roads -good communication facilities. -availability of electricity, water and sewer lines -away from hazardous industries. -avoid flood prone area, water logged area.
-amenities like schools, hospitals, shopping centres should be nearer. Good drainage property. -regular shape. -places prone to air and water pollution should be avoided. -proper ownership and other legal matters have to be checked before buying a site.
SITE PLAN The detailed plan of a plot with the necessary surrounding data is called a site plan
Boundries of plot Position of the site. Details of the street with name, width etc. All existing structures in the plot. Existing streets and footpaths with in the plot. Topographic contours. North direction and wind direction. The access to each plot sub divisions. Layout of the proposed building.
KERALA BUILDING RULES General requirements regarding plot. Exterior and interior open air spaces. Built up areas of buildings, coverage, floor area. Size, height and ventilation of rooms. Water supply & sanitary provisions. Specifications of parts of the building.
General requirements regarding the plot Building should not be constructed where Land with refuse. Plots with big pits. Floodable areas. Plot with a slope of more than 45 degrees. Coastal areas.
Sl no Type of lineVertical clearance Horizontal clearance 1Low and medium voltage lines 2.4 m1.2 m 2Up to 33 kV lines3.7 m1.8 m 3More than 33 kV3.7 m +0.3 m for every additional 33 kV. 1.8 m m for every additional 33 kV.
Exterior and interior open air space for building upto 10m height Minimum front yard-3m Minimum rear yard-2m 1.2 m on one side and 1 m on other side 0.5 m increase in every 3 m height. Building above 4 storeys, a minimum open space of 5 m is to be provided. The minimum distance from the centreline of street to the building should be 4.5 m. Minimum plot size-12 m x 6 m.
Front yard-3 m. Rear yard-2 m. One side-1.2 m. Other side-1 m.
Interior open air space A closed room should have an interior open space of 2.4 m width. If the total height of the building is less than 7m, then the interior open space shall have 1.5 m width.
Coverage & Floor area ratio Plot area-Area enclosed b\w the boundaries of plot. Plinth area-Area of the building at the plinth level. Floor area-Built up area of the building at any floor level. Carpet area-Usable floor area. Coverage-Maximum area on any floor of the building excluding cantilevered open balconies, garden, compound wall, gate, uncovered staircase etc.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)= Total floor area on all floors/Plot area. where Total floor area = total built up area in all floors excluding parking area
Provision of size, height & ventilation of rooms Max height of building- Minimum height of a habitable room- The area of a habitable room- Openings- Lighted- Ventilation of kitchen. Area of bathroom & area of latrines
Max height of building- 1.2 x road width+2 x front yard Minimum height of a habitable room-3 /2.4m The area of a habitable room-9.5 m2(min width – 2.4m) Openings -sufficient no to ensure direct admission of light and air – doors,windows and ventilators. Not assumed lighted – if the portion of the room 7.5m away from the opening Kitchen – ventilated according to the stipulated standards. Suitable openings for the escape of smoke and heated air.
Bathroom area - min 1.5 sq.m(1.1 m width min) Latrines – 1.1 sq.m min with one side 1m