Unit 5 Essay
What does the job of the executive branch entail at the local, state, and national levels and how does it impact the functioning of American government? Levels of Executive Branch Important Jobs of that Level
Important Jobs of the National Executive Branch Formal/Informal Roles (pick two for example) Executive Departments (pick two for example) Levels of Executive Branch Important Jobs of that Level President, Vice President, Cabinet _________________, ___________________, Executive Department
Important Jobs for the State Level Chief of State Chief diplomat Chief Executive Commander in Chief Chief Legislator Political Party Leader Crisis Manager Moral Persuader Which roles apply to the Governor? What other jobs does the state executive branch have?
Remember to include one as an example for State Executive Department Aging Agriculture Budget and Management Business and Economic Development Disabilities Education Environment General Services Health and Mental Hygiene Housing and Community Development Human Resources Information Technology Juvenile Services Labor, Licensing, and Regulation Natural Resources Planning Public Safety and Correctional Services State Police Transportation Veterans Affairs
President, Vice President, Cabinet Levels of Executive Branch Important Jobs of that Level President, Vice President, Cabinet _________________, ___________________, Executive Departments Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet ________________, _________________, Executive Departments
Important jobs for the local level Chief of State Chief diplomat Chief Executive Commander in Chief Chief Legislator Political Party Leader Crisis Manager Moral Persuader Which apply to the county executive? What other jobs does he/she have?
Remember to include one as an example for local executive department Libraries Hospitals Sheriff Gangs Transportation Health Housing Parks and Planning Family Services Waste Management Schools
President, Vice President, Cabinet Levels of Executive Branch Important Jobs of that Level President, Vice President, Cabinet _________________, ___________________, Executive Department Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet Executive Departments County Executive _____________________, _____________________, Executive Department
Constructing the Final Essay Outline Intro Paragraph National Executive Body Paragraph State Executive Body Paragraph Local Executive Body Paragraph Concluding Paragraph
What goes into the Intro Paragraph? Starts with a Hook Explain what the American executive branch is and does. End on a Thesis Statement that answers overarching question: Thesis:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What goes into each of the Body Paragraphs Topic sentence – explaining the executive branch at that level (identify) Explaining job #1 Using an example, explain how impact American government Explaining job #2 Explaining job #3 Transition sentence to next paragraph
What goes into concluding paragraph Begins with reworded thesis statement Summarizes paper Ends on general concluding statement