+ Vietnam War Introduction
+ Quick-write What factors may have led the United States into a conflict in Southeast Asia during the Cold War?
+ The Vietnam War (in short) Nearly a decade long Began with a revolutionary movement in Vietnam (a tiny, peasant country) to fight for independence It was a war of modern military technology (U.S.) vs. organized human beings (Vietnam) The human beings won The Vietnam war created the biggest anti-war movement the U.S. had ever seen
+ Vietnam Basics Location: In Southeast Asia, near Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and parts of China Population 83 Million People Mostly Buddhist Strong minority of Catholics Resources Very fertile, hot and wet climate, many resources
+ Vietnam History (Key Points) Before WWII, France controlled Vietnam
+ Quick-write How might nationalism play a role in Vietnam during this time?
+ WWII & Vietnam At the beginning of the War, French still control Vietnam. Vietnamese resistance grows. Ho Chi Minh Leader of the Viet Minh Wants an independent Vietnam Opposes French, Japanese, and AMERICAN Millions rejoice that their country is free of foreign control at last!
+ Declaring Independence WW2 Ends and September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam independent !! Ho Chi Minh reads from US Declaration of Independence Some see Ho Chi Minh’s Declaration of Independence as evidence of being a nationalist rather than being a communist. They refer to this example has him expressing his interest in having a relationship with the United States.
+ If Vietnam turns Communist… Containment theory fails (NOO!) Domino Theory, fear of monolithic (solid block) communist alliance of China, Vietnam, and USSR
+ South Vietnam Instead of supporting Geneva Agreement and allowing unification elections and a Communist victory, US supports creation of a non-Communist, South Vietnam. American war in Vietnam is fought to keep South Vietnam Non-Communist!
+ Who did America Fight in Vietnam? Viet Cong North Vietnamese Army Both groups were heavily supplied from USSR via China
+ Video For video on introduction to Vietnam conflict you are to write down ten challenges the United States faced in Vietnam.