HABIT v1.2 (Control Room Habitability) Casper Sun, Ph.D., CHP, FHPS Radiation Protection Branch, Division of System Analysis Kevin Lam, System Engineer Lockheed Martin February 25 , 2015 Prepared for brown-bag presentation for HABIT project.
User-Need: NRO-2011-007 HABIT Code Update and Evaluation RES COR – Casper Sun (RES/DSA/RPB) NRO TL – Syed Haider (NRO/DSRA/SBCV) On-going actions include: Phase 1: Re-hosting HABIT to Windows 7 - Lockheed Martin (30 W. Gude Drive, Rockville) - HABIT V1.2 available and TRM in progress Phase 2: Implementing ACRS recommendations - Add DEGADIS and SLAB to HABIT code.
NUREG/CR-6210 (1996) Abstract Mentioned HABIT (Computer Codes for Evaluation of Control Room Habitability) is an integrated FORTRAN modules that are used for determining control room (CR) habitability as risk of CR personnel in the event of an accidental release of toxic chemicals or radioactive materials Discussed the theoretical basis and physical assumptions made by each of the modules in HABIT and gives detailed information about the data entry windows. Three sample runs are given for each of the modules. A brief section of programming notes is included, including input and output files for the sample runs.
What’s New in the HABIT v1.2 FORTRAN Modules recompiled using latest 64-bit Intel Visual FORTRAN compiler for compatibility with Windows 7 (64-bit) Computation code is functionally the same as old FORTRAN modules New Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed using Microsoft .NET technology Consistent module interface design (tabs) Tighter integration amongst modules and interface Deployable and Runnable on Windows 7 Environment Section 508 Compliance (muted use of color, JAWS accessibility) New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
Examples screens from HABIT v1.2 GUI New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
Examples screens from HABIT 1.2 GUI New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
Examples screens from HABIT v1.2 GUI New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
HABIT v1.2: Working with Designs Designs can be created from scratch or imported from HABIT v1.1 Design Packages New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress New Design From Scratch Imported Design
HABIT v1.2: Working with Designs Selecting Modules included in the Design Modules are selected from the Main Window Main Window displays relationships amongst modules Main Window displays whether a module is included in the design and whether its been run Each included module has its own tab New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
HABIT v1.2: TOOLTIPS New GUI and Section 508 compliance Entering Module Variables Tooltips provide a convenient way to see the expected range for fields and provide validations prevent entering bad data Valid Range Tooltip Validation Error New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress Required Field Warning Range Validation Warning
HABIT v1.2: Working with Designs Saving Designs Designs can be saved through the Design Menu Saving a design saves the input for all modules within the design (no need to save input for individual modules) User is prompted to save design upon exiting system Previously saved design is automatically loaded the next time HABIT v1.2 is opened New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
HABIT v1.2: Working with Designs Running Modules Entered variables are inputted into respective FORTRAN code and generated output is stored in the Design Package’s respective directory Designs are automatically saved when running a module FORTRAN logging is displayed on the Output Log tab If a dependency exists between modules (i.e EXTRAN, CHEM), system alerts user. New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
HABIT v1.2: Demo A Import HABIT v1.1 Design Hypothetical railroad chlorine tank car rupture to demonstrate use of EXTRAN and CHEM New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
HABIT v1.2: Demo B Enter from Scratch Sample Problem #1 : Simple Release from NUREG/CR-6210 Sup. 1 (TACT5 Example) New GUI and Section 508 compliance Build-in User Manual and user friendly NRC/TRM certification – in progress
User-Need: NRO-2011-007 Work-in-Progress Add SI units Add ICRP 60/103 dose coefficients Add chemicals Preform HABIT V&V Add HABIT V1.2 User Manual Apply TRM
Future Enhancements Use REAL*8 in FORTRAN codes to increase the internal precision of computation from current 7 to 15 digits Improve visualization of FORTRAN output files in GUI and can be easily importable into Excel© Improve FPFP_2 Node Graphs Provide ability to create and modify Nuclide Databases (dose coefficients) directly in GUI Renew NUREG/CR-6210.