(a) Source of Protein (fat free, low carbohydrates), fibers, minerals and vitamins (b) Improve soil fertility, physical and chemical texture (c) Fit well in different cropping systems - sustainability UN General Assembly adopted to observe 2016 as International Year of Pulses (IYOP 2016) Why ? To create awareness in public for usefulness of Pulses
CropArea (Lakh ha)Yield (Kg/ha)Production (Lakh Mt) IndiaM. S. (%to India’s area) IndiaM. S.IndiaM. S. (%to India’s prodn) Tur (28.44) (28.61) Mung (18.67) (16.64) Udid (13.82) I.86 (11.00) Highest grower and producer of Pigeon pea (Tur) in India Maximum interventions in Pulses as Mixed cropping, intercropping and cultivation on paddy bunds Export: 2,84,431 Mt(India: 3,45,553 Mt) worth Rs 1418 Cr (India: Rs 1749 Cr) Received Krishi Karman Award in & Commendation in for pulse productivity State’s share in India’s Pulse Production ( ) Export share: 82.34% of India’s Pulse export ( )
(Area Lakh ha, Production Lakh Mt, Yield in Kg/ha) CropAreaProductionYield Normal ( T ) Normal ( T ) Normal ( T ) Tur Mung Udid Source: Second advance estimates of
1. Soybean + Pigeon pea (Tur) (2:1) About 30% area of Soybean( ha) to be covered under intercropping i.e. about 10 lakh ha More Focus on Vidarbha and Marathwada regions Row Spacing: Soybean: cm and Tur: 135 cm Planting by BBF planter Expected yield: 8 Qt/ha IDENTIFIED CROPPING SYSTEMS
Tur+ Soybean in Osmanabad Yield : Tur -18Qtls/ha +Soybean -15Qtls/ha
2. Cotton + Green Gram (Moong)/ Black Gram(Udid) (1:1 betn two cotton 90 cm) About 10% area of cotton ( ha) to be covered under intercropping i.e. about 4 lakh ha One row of Mung between two rows of cotton with normal spacing of 90 cm Row Spacing: Moong/ Udid: 90cm &Cotton: 90cm Planting by BBF planter Expected yield: 2.5 Qtl/ha IDENTIFIED CROPPING SYSTEMS
Cotton + Green Gram (Mung) (1:1)
Cotton + Black Gram(Udid) (1:1)
State level orientation workshop involving all stakeholders Development of Package of Practices Identification of critical inputs & essential technologies Training of farmers/ FPOs/ FPCs & ext. functionaries Organisation of Cluster Demonstrations Organisation of Farmers- Scientists-Marketers/Processors interaction meets Assessment of yields from intercropped area Impact evaluation
Popularisation of improved/ hybrid varieties Use of Broad Bed Furrow (BBF) Planter Soil Health Card (SHC) based nutrition management Use of fungicide/ trichoderma for seed treatment Use of IPM technologies Support to setting up of mini Dal Mills for value addition Facilitation for establishment of market linkages